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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Tuesday, December 01, 2015



 featuring Marvin Gaye Wholy Holy

Only in America!

To live in this Nation where we have so many kind of Faith's I ponder

How many different cultures are walking by faith and not by sight.

Reacting to Buildings and Burning Holy Books &

Religion is taught and behavior is learned manipulated to gain a person loyalty and trust.  Walking by faith is like closing your eyes or being blind folded and trusting you can make it around a room and once you've made although nobody else is around to share the victory you feel a combustable amount of joy, well that's how I trust GOD. 

I didn't realize that for years he was moving me into position to develop a relationship with Him which means trusting my prayer life and being viligent for an answer.  Being patient when the desires of my heart don't manifest because I live under GOD's watchful eye and He promised to never forsake me.
This is described as being spiritual with GOD trusting in a Power much greater than myself and believing that Power does exist and Loves me.  And you too!

I could be a Baptist, AME, Pentecostal their All kinds Christians, muslims attend a Mosque, Jewish celebrate sabbath at a Temple; Mormon, Jehovah's Witnessess; Seven Day Adventist;  maybe some even attend Catholic Cathedral.

Some can be so hate filled but attend faithfully every Sunday, Saturday..
but given that-

All of these organized religions preach and teach their methods and interpretations of GOD's Plan, but if I'm not committed to what is being taught then what is my purpose for joining this organization? Just to be a part of a fellowship but do I fellowship alone with GOD. Do you believe you can go directly to GOD without any barriers or rituals?

However You Name Him.

Don't attend with intentions to meet a spouse or does GOD reside in my house a living temple.

I worship everyday not just on Sunday or Wednesday night


Spirtuality is felt from cultivating a friendship with Him, according to His Word once Jesus died on our behalf we became friends. I feel nothing but love, He walks with me and talks with me and tells me I am His own.....
You might laugh and say that's crazy L.


I beg you to try this out, once you knock, He'll invite you in then ask for what you want, seek and you shall find the answer to any trouble you're faced with or any thoughts that may cause you to worry.

Suggestion:  Be Patient Rome wasn't built in a day!

Remember if what you prayed for finally does manifest appreciate that moment of joy for that's 
Spirituality felt.

How am I applying these teachings into my life do I read the Bible, Koran to get a Word that relates to my life and how to develop a strong relationship with GOD enough that no man has to offer up prayers on my behalf or pray over my tithes and offerings as a pre-requiste to emploring GOD's favor?  I don't think so he isn't concerned with any material offerings, cause and effect provides for the material gain we seek.  How bad do you want to work to be blessed or to be a blessing to others.

For GOD is only interested in those who wish to serve not be served!
Be careful how you pray and what you pray for Life is full of trickery a Fools' Paradise.

GOD will sustain you but religion is just a lesson a blue print is what's taught.
It's hard to believe in what you cannot see, ask a blind man how does he see once you loose your sight.
All other senses become more profound.
Imagine your life now being blind close your eyes
and open them.

Hold on to that thought because that's how it feels to find true Spiritual freedom.

Attend Church to Praise Worship, fellowship but open up the notes you take down, study the Bible on Saturday's.

Mouth will say anything but behavior don't lie!

Learn to lean not to your own understanding know that which comes from the Spirit is inside only by trusting in GOD that's not taught by Mankind. 

 Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved  20100914 6:59 pm

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