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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Because of Loving A MAN - I found Faith & Courage

Let everyone understand that the real love of God does not consist in tear-shedding...but in serving God serving those around us, in justice, fortitude of soul, and humility.

Because of loving a MAN

Hurt and disappointed by those who say they love me; my lover, a handful of friends, not to mention my foes who all never cease to amaze me with their opinions of my life.

Because of loving a MAN? 
I stand accused.

Just because of loving a MAN….
They all point and laugh at me and say, she’s sad and blinded by loving Him and believing in Him and all that He does for me.

So I hurt, and I suffer much from loneliness at times 
because of loving this MAN.
 He’s the only one whom I place all my Faith and Trust. 
Right now He’s the all I need to depend upon.
 He who has the power to love so many besides me.

Because of loving this Man\

 He chose me!
It was all planned - for I have no shame 
Never being rejected, 
Or neglected 
My life hasn't been the same. 
Often feeling left alone My doubters can't conceive
my need for
  trusting in this MAN.

But, He has suffered for my transgrestion, stood accused then was hung on a cross 
they thought they killed Him and he would no longer be
He spoke and said " No one takes MY Life but I give it Freely"
 to pay a debt owed by many and to save someone's life.
Free from sins which was part of a bigger plan. 
After 3 days he woke up and rose again! 

Because of loving this MAN

Who came in the flesh trying to relate to a sad and desolate world, 
Save the Wretched and Defeat the enemy that's destined to die. 
at the appointed time.

For He tells me he loves me and I am his own.  Despite any disappointment
all the hurt and pain I suffered 
Count it all as Joy. 
Knowing I have by Faith and Courage in the name of Jesus Christ, 
My MAN the King of Kings. 
 I call him Counselor, Friend, LORD of Lords.

HE to whom I can say to GOD when I pray
intercedes for me 
Sits at the right-hand of His FATHER

 On God’s throne.

Because of loving this MAN

I'm Free eternally never, ever to feel alone.

@Lovleeannwise 2009 all rights reserved

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