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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label Compromise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compromise. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


"My power today lies in compromise. I am not alone. 

I offer and accept love, support, and happiness to connect with the pleasure and beauty of my hearts desire. There are two sides to everything and I don't always have to be right. I am empowered by expression and my gift is attraction."

Life offers us a freedom to choose, have our own opinions. Set up and achieve our own goals, but none of these would benefit the individual without a spirit of humility. Being able to walk in another one's shoes, even when you've never traveled along the same paths. 

Realizing that you' are on the same journey "Consolidating the Best Of" Brilliance, or the Pain of Suffering. The challenge is can you TRUST someone' elses vision? Is the ultimate sacrifice.

I have what it takes to achieve a successful journey Trusting GOD knows the way that I must take being able to rely on HIS Promises. I will only attract to myself those things akin to me, knowing who I am, trusting who I am, and humble enough to not have all the answers. Learning how to listen to others without envy, jealousy, or impatience. Finding common ground. Mutual Love
and Respect. We Balance Each Other Out....

No Weapons Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

@Lovleeannwise 2011 all rights reserved #SHOWSOMELOVE edited repost - 20191205