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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

The Godfather vs Urban School House Rock

The Godfather's of Republican Party Movement

 Last commandment ~ “The last Commandment of Jesus Christ was to "love one another as I have loved you." 
Jesus said, "My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." (John 15:12-14)

Urban School House Rock  

It is such a quandary watching the cable news analyst ; it dawns on me watching them arguing with advocates for each side. Past administrations in 20th Century didn’t have to contend with a 24/7 news cycle and syndicated radio personalities bought and paid for by Billionaires who love guns, worship money and hate the government with the poor.  John Kennedy would have been impeached for his behavior and we all forgot when Congress gave Earmarks for their congressional home states oh makes you appreciate the good ole days because they could get a vote YEA for an earmark.

LBJ and even Lincoln used bribes Congressional Leaders to get votes back in those days.  POTUS can’t use those tactics in the 21st Century.   It wasn’t a reality TV show back then it was Hardball Politics and it’s always been dirty and corrupt.  They are worse than the La Costa Nostra aka the Mafia Organized Crime.  Only they get titles and respectability to take no prisoners and all the money floats to the top.  Like a pyramid scheme of sorts. Statesman dressed up with a microphone.

Yes, they are Spinning wheels and everybody sounds good but truth is I get angry because they are arguing for the camera and we out here in the public are watching from the sidelines and observe how the Republican Party and all its separate factions bit by bit destroy OUR government.

Many of marketing executives and people who take polls gather information in order to create buzz words and catch phrases to lure in not uneducated but people whose attention span can only cling to without a lot of details.  Then you have the ones who are strategist they are deemed with how to disseminate the information to a certain audience they also like to “win” because winning is everything.

We live in a nation that promises every US citizen a chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/ prosperity “The American Way” but they don’t bother to tell you that it only applicable to a few and based on certain terms and conditions.  It’s unfortunate that most of the US Citizens who live by these promises and others who while CSPAN camera’s and prayers by the House Chaplin pledge allegiance to the Flag of our Nation go to work and never draft 1 Bill but take copy from Lobbyist who are backed up by Billionaire funded organizations like the Heritage Foundation Americans for Prosperity, and the newly anointed “Tea Party” actually did offered two retired US Senator a chance to become the head of their organization for lots of $$$. Freedom Works organized the Tea party movement who also did the same for another US Representative that retired  who served on a National level as Speaker of the House forced out with dividends from that non-profit organization, and last but not least Karl Rove who hails from the great state of Texas as do our Billionaire friends & poster boy Shutemdown himself Ted Cruz.  

   Okay; We won’t name call or call names but I will make  references to tax paid Elected officials who will not suffer any repercussions from this maneuver of an organized coo of our government which was sanctioned by the US Supreme Court when they ruled that Citizens United was able to gain unlimited funding for causes and candidates.  Many of these GOP leaders and caucus members heavily invested in what happens on Wall Street & K Street. 

 With One main cause point of order Destroy a President and suffocate his Administration and take back the one accomplishment that is sure to written in history “how he saved a nation from worst recession in history and signature legislation “The Affordable Care Act.” Eradicate him demean and belittle; They have handbooks NY Times exposed this Shutdown as a planned event which the right wing sees as a game of Chicken.

Realistically speaking, most average Americans cannot afford but a small donation for a Nationwide candidate or local candidate contributions are limited but most average American citizens who are financially challenged cannot afford to donate to these causes and concerns.

Our Nation is being dictated by a small conglomerate of individuals in Congress and in the Boardroom with conspiracy and plots to undermine the USA which began way back when George W. Bush ran for office in 2000 he was elected and the first order of business was to gut the Nations surplus you got $300 or $400 but wealthy America got TAX CUTS and became more rich and more powerful.  Next unfortunate tragedy was 911 and although politics were set aside.

  The Republican Majority ran all branches of Government in 2000 the House of Representatives, the Senate, and White House.  US Supreme court Justice was appointed by conservative right wing President which was also well laid out plan to overturn historical laws from past deliberated by US Supreme Court rulings from 50’s and 60’s one recent challenges overturned was to the Voting Rights Act ‘65.

Why?  Well many would say because it shocked the entire Nation when an African American bi-racial Male named Barack Hussein Obama appeared almost out of nowhere but, he was already a rising star but he stepped onto the national political stage and blazed a trail straight to the US Senate.  He went further when the Democratic Party nominated him for President in 2008.

No person believed that he the sitting 44th President of the United States of American would be named Barack Hussein Obama, yes he did.  Although it was a moment in time for most African Americans who families go back many, many generations who had born slavery, and segregation.  A lot of older people Baby Boomers have lived through the assassination of the first young President name Kennedy; then to see Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, JR then Robert F Kennedy men who genuinely cared about the condition of our Nation and our people the poorest.

They also believed we could rise above our differences to become an even greater and better nation.  We honor and celebrate their contributions stadiums, streets, highways, schools, and museums even a monument to MLKJ stands right is triangulated between of three great Presidents who cared about our Nation future George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.  All who faced odds but live on in infamy.

  America she has Wealth, Blessed & Highly Favored by GOD puts it on everything even her Money “In GOD WE Trust”

I said a long prayer tonight for a lot of people who I love, admire and care about mostly family.  Then I prayed a petition to GOD for the House of Representatives the Republican party

 I see this situation and relate it to liken the story of Moses when he had to go into Egypt and tell Pharaoh “Let my people Go” human suffering Hebrews were in bondage and had all the wealth and gifts from GOD but they were being held against their will.  Moses was a rare human being he had the privilege to live as a Prince of Egypt yet he was Hebrew born.  When he discovered that he was spiritually connected to these people it took him awhile to realize his purpose that GOD placed before him and even with a speech impediment he managed to face down the most powerful person in the world at that time Pharaoh.  It was said that the Egyptian leader was stubborn and refused to give in to Moses even though he told him GOD had sent him to free HIS people.

Well the moral of the story is that stubbornness is sometimes part of the plan; GOD is in control of this situation with our government.  I write blogs to express my 1st amendment at the same time it’s full of truth.

President Obama was raised in America not Kenya spent time in foreign lands so he could be able to relate to all humans not just a certain “group.”  There many in my own community who believe him illegitimate because he is 1st generation African American.  Yes, but 10 percent will get you in no matter who your mother is or was in the racial scheme of things so being raised in Kansas, then Hawaii doesn’t qualify you as authentically “Black” especially if your father is an African just coming to American in the 60’s.

He has shown his compassion for being an American he is proud to be whom he is and what he represents is what White America hates he is one of them.  Well, this brings me to a larger issue and back to my point.  The day President Obama & his First Lady Michelle were dancing to “At Last” there sat in a room men who upset about the notion of 1st African American living inside the White House and at this time the country had  in 2007 facing the worse financial crisis since 2005 ENRON you probably forgot that’s the first scandal saw a lot of average Americans who worked for them lost retirement savings, health care all of it gone.

Then Wall street, AIG and the rest of the JP Morgan Stanley’s were in a bigger crisis that almost devastated this country by 2008 right after the election.  Real Estate debacle most Americans who are upper middle class want to forget, but many lower middle families still suffering from the loss of 401K mutual funds and home mortgages that are tied up in Government bailout programs waiting for assistance or who have already lost their homes and are now living in smaller dwellings apartments are hard to find these days.  TARP was upon this President and his 1st administration before President Bush left office, and yet another TARP 2009 right after he took the oath of office.  Then the first standoff with the republican party 2011 these same men who plotted in a backroom had Billionaires on board to ensure they would not see this administration succeed at any turn. 

Well, the fruits of GOP’s labor has now come home to roost.  Tea Party House Republicans and their Leadership how would they react if this should happen today Wall street dives, and housing market crashes as in 2007 will these rabid group of Republicans vote to save our Country would they pass a TARP type bill to avoid our country downfall.

  The answer is NO.  They would rather see the American people suffer before they vote to save a Nation because they despise our President and the health care bill doesn’t offer “Free Insurance” it offers you choices and prevents the Insurance companies from denying you coverage because of age, illness, or ability to pay (bad credit).  Mandated by LAW passed in both houses and the Republicans fought for “individual mandate” it was a set up because now they’re fighting against what amendment they put in this bill, the Democrats wanted Public option which would have looked more like socialized medicine all of us would be on Medicaid based on your financial assets ability to pay.

  So here we are facing Government Shutdown and a threat not to pay national debt by raising spending cap.  It’s not going well for either branch of government right now.  But the sad ending to this story is that I and a lot of others are the carnage while the Billionaires ride it out because they can afford all of the things we struggle for each day and earn by showing up and being accountable at a workplace or as a Civil Servant.

  Being a Civil Servant is an honorable job and in the coming weeks America will come to appreciate them more once they realize more services are not available.  We just had an outbreak and CDC has to bring back scientist and researchers from furlough to prepare salmonila spreading to over 270 Americans just today.

  WAKE UP get ready to turn it around in 2014 we have to remain engaged in the political process “We the People” hire send to Washington our representatives we elect a President every 4 years and Senate.  I fought hard for this President to do what he said and the forces from right are determined to make I and others pay for that decision by taking away what little we do have from when Bush Administration cleaned out the National Treasury with two unpaid War theatre’s, Medicare prescription Bill, and No child left behind.  No budget appropriation was passed they CR the whole damn thing and a Vice President left office $99 million dollars richer then when he walked in 2000 and ruined our National reputation around the world.

  We are now hated in most countries, and we help everybody around the world they depend on USA us! 

  We have the means to end this now why not stop forcing your will on the people the little people who can’t fight Billionaires but they honestly believe that their vote as in FAITH counts for something.  To the Billionaire's and those Rich Brothers, FOX News, CBN, TBN ask WWJD.  Look in the mirror when you ask that question then Open up the Government and Compromise with your brethren.  We represent the Human Race.  GOD didn’t hate anyone nor does his Son Jesus Christ.  Remember Moses said it first “Let my people go.” 

May God Bless America

@Lovleeannwise 2013 all rights reserved

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