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Showing posts with label Affordable Care Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affordable Care Act. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018


Actually, I loved the video. She accomplished two things in my view; 1. She brought a message home to all of us how we can look directly at the truth and be in so much denial nobody noticed. 2. She probably sold over a million copies just from the release of her video. Brilliant!!! Spike Lee would always put a subliminal message in all his movies "MESSAGE" remember the Stop sign.

But truth is we don't always want to face the Naked Truth so we allow people like Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Sarah Palin send out battle cries throughout the nation for all white folks to deem our President as an anti-christ. Hold Gun rallies near the nation's capitol where they can walk around carrying guns with live ammonition. We laugh at it; dismiss it but if the same forces can band together to assassinate JFK, MLKJ, RFK, Malcolm X and blame it all on crazy lone assassins. WAKE UP DAMNIT, it's time for us to put a stop to this in 'Our Nation." They are at it again the same type of words during the period of civil rights, and hatred all focused on south and Midwest poorer class of white people who they manipulate because of their ignorance about other places around the country they believe lies. We also are guilty of listening to second hand information seek out the truth and stand for something or we'll fall again for same ole thing.

We are asleep it's time for all of us to pay attention to what's really going on here. Erykah did the right thing, she walked down Dealy Plaza stripping along the way not one person paid her any attention one guy ran to pick up a piece of clothing if you noticed the rest of them acted as if they saw nothing. Isn't that how we normally respond to everything. Turn away act as if and then it'll blow over or somebody will do something.. It's time to organize, get emails out to Congress to shut down this TEA PARTY and the folks who are inciting people to committ crimes then show up at the funeral blaming it all on crazy.

It's premediated and on the airwaves all day long, lets put a stop to this nonsense it's not 1960's anymore. We've got educated, wealthy, independent and well spoken. What will it take another National tragedy of one of our leaders before we wake up!

@Lovleeannwise Repost 06 2014

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

NEW JACK CITY - TRUMPISM Money, MONEY $ Politics = Autocracy

"Yeah, we takin' over the Carter. We gon' bum rush the whole damn thing. Now if the tenants cooperate, oh, it'll be lovely. They'll be loyal customers, if not, f*** it, it'll be like in Beirut, they'll be live-in hostages."  Nino Brown

Updated - Original Post 4/8/11, 8:45 AMEastern Standard Time

I feel as though my voice is being drowned out everyday I'm yelling at the top of my lungs but nobody's home, they can't hear me..... This economy is slowly building and the horrors of this world keep on raging against us collectively! Compromise is courageous way of doing business but hardliners know to remain rigid would amount to a level of stiffnecks being stubborn and watch us all be destroyed. All of the disasters in this world, why cut EPA now after the worse oil spill in the gulf, and Katrina. How does that make sense, and when Aids is highest our Nations' Capitol worst than in Africa, you wanna eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood?

Remember all you great religious warriors of the story that was told "The children of Israel roamed the desert for 40yrs, and the old generation never got to see the land of milk and honey..." Well, this is a moral issue now because those sanctimonius few whose main objective is money. Lets be frank the Tea Party members most consist of upper middle class americans or evangelicals whose belief in tithes and making it the good old fashioned way produces jobs and charity to the overall community. It's the Mayberry syndrome. Aunt Bee and Opy the lemonade stand hire Otis to bring the lemons.

Nino Brown as portrayed in the film New Jack City fictional but sometimes mirrors life when applied said it best - I'm not guilty. "You're the one that's guilty. The lawmakers, the politicians, the Colombian drug lords, all you who lobby against making drugs legal. Just like you did with alcohol during the prohibition. You're the one who's guilty. I mean, c'mon, let's kick the ballistics here: Ain't no Uzi's made in Harlem. Not one of us in here owns a poppy field. This thing is bigger than Nino Brown. This is big business. This is the American way."

They don't want to or care to know what it's like to depend on bi-weekly pay check that is taxed to death to pay mortgages back interest, car payments, student loans, then inflation on necessary items food, drinks, and gas. If the government shuts down these are the people who suffer the most because of their grand gestures. They exist in every state in the United States of America and we need government to help them when they are facing crisis right here at home. We can stand to cut our budgets in many areas and most of us feel lets start across the water in other foreign lands bring our troops back home from many distant shores where we have succeeded already in bringing democracy and peace. So they can help rebuild the country creating jobs for them when they come home to get us off of dependance on oil finding jobs that our servicemen can rely on to feel honored for their service not shuttin down so their families are left to struggle. Such Nonsense.

Lion Of Judah

 #SHOWSOMELOVE SMH Repost 2018  Donald Trump "A Celebrity" was Elected POTUS 2015 He did as I predicted 2011 #MAGA he woke up the "Ugly Baby" a BEAST they had put away Mother Earth named it Bigotry!

@Lovleeannwise 2011 all rights reserved

Tags: Business, GOD, life, love, obama, of, politics, the, women, Trump, Facisim, Autocracy

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What is Multiple Myeloma - TANCIT

There's a New Cancer (intiative) In Town

Multiple myeloma is a rare disease that represents about two percent of all cancers.1

Because it's rare, many patients haven't heard of it at diagnosis, which can make it even more overwhelming. Learning more about the disease can help you and your family know what to expect and feel more in control.2https://www.myelomaexplained.com/what-is-multiple-myeloma/

What is multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a rare, incurable blood cancer of the plasma cells, a type of white blood cell which originates in the bone marrow.3,4 Plasma cells produce antibodies that help fight infection.4
Cancerous plasma cells are known as multiple myeloma cells.4 They create abnormal antibodies, called M proteins, which offer no benefit to the body.5 As multiple myeloma cells multiply they crowd out normal plasma cells, which can lead to a number of signs and symptoms.5

For more information: https://50hoops.org and https://themmrf.org

@lovleeannwise 2018 all rights reserved

Sunday, December 25, 2016

How Soon We Forget - Let America Be America Again feat Langston Huges

Cause We Forgot

Let America be America Again


Originally published in Esquire and in the International Worker Order pamphlet A New Song (1938)

Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. (America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed-- Let it be that great strong land of love Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme That any man be crushed by one above.
(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe. (There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")

Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars. I am the red man driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek-- And finding only the same old stupid plan Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land! Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the pay! Of owning everything for one's own greed!

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil. I am the worker sold to the machine. I am the Negro, servant to you all. I am the people, humble, hungry, mean-- Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers! I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years.

Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream In the Old World while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true, That even yet its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned That's made America the land it has become. O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas In search of what I meant to be my home-- For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore, And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea, And torn from Black Africa's strand I came To build a "homeland of the free."

The free?

Who said the free? Not me? Surely not me? The millions on relief today? The millions shot down when we strike? The millions who have nothing for our pay? For all the dreams we've dreamed And all the songs we've sung And all the hopes we've held And all the flags we've hung, The millions who have nothing for our pay-- Except the dream that's almost dead today.

O, let America be America again-- The land that never has been yet-- And yet must be--the land where every man is free. The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME-- Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again.

Sure, call me any ugly name you choose-- The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people's lives, We must take back our land again, America!

O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath-- America will be!

Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies, We, the people, must redeem The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain-- All, all the stretch of these great green states-- And make America again!

"Make America Great Again" Campaign slogan - Donald Trump 2015

I'd like to begin this with a glance back in time 2008 when gas prices were at an
 all time high and jobs loss 800,000 a month and unemployment was at its highest since the great depression; and banks like Goldman Sachs, ENRON, AIG, JP Morgan, they all were selling junk bonds and the housing market all were on the brink of ruin. TARP bailouts, 2008-2009.

1/3rd of Americans didn't have access to health insurance, due to pre-existing conditions, there was no coverage for adult children at home or in college past age 21. 

The Republican Party 2001-2005 held both houses and voted for biggest tax cuts in history during war depleted the US Treasury and 2009 called the first African American President a liar out loud interrupting his speech during his first State of the Union Address because of his remarks about immigration, remember "You lie!" 

Why does America want to put them back at the realm;
After 6 years and 75 repeals, a government shutdown?  The Republican Majority in the House has no replacement plan for the Affordable Care Act better known as Obamacare.
They're defiance alone has staggered the economic recovery for many middle to low income Americans.  Have judges who advocate from the bench; 2014 Ebola was first unleashed because the state of Texas has no health care policies in place. Their delegates i.e., TX delegation Ted Cruz and Louie Gomer have trashed all bills coming to the house and senate floor.  Also, Ted Cruz was single handily responsible for the government shutdown.

Obstructing any and all olive branches that came from the Executive Branch.  In order to reclaim total power in all three branches of government.  The Supreme Court of the United States is party neutral yet you nobody called out the government officials of that state to be accountable for their policies which hurt women and other minorities due to gerrymandered districts, which was implemented by Former Congressman Tom Delay from Texas, who eventually served time in prison for some shady mismanagement of funds. 

Why does America not realize that the right leaning Supreme Court upheld Citizens United RIP Antonin Scalia advocated while on the bench for outlawing, affirmative action, voting rights act, Roe vs. Wade woman's right to choose, and protection of the gun lobbyist. These cases were already litigated and settled 48 and 50+years ago.

Governor Chris Christie hugged President Obama and said during Hurricane Sandy cleanup he would rebuild; where are the funds promised to those people in New Jersey who lost their businesses, homes and possessions?

Why does America forget about the disasters that have happened over the years yet Republicans fail to govern and send budget cuts to the Senate that hurt average Americans such as SNAP and the Farm bill.

A government shutdown 2010 that almost ruined our nation’s credit rating.

Despite the huge headwind, President Obama endured still managed to accomplished a lot through executive order; passed a major health care law while the Democrats briefly held both Houses;
1st: January 4, 2007 – December 19, 2007 2nd: January 3, 2008 – January 3, 2009,

In 2010 lost back House to Tea Party Republicans who rejected all bills sent from the Whitehouse, many were for infrastructure, help get the economy stimulated get middle class back to work but they died on the way those Jobs bills to Congress controlled by GOP leaders Speaker of the House who opposed any bills coming from the direction of the Executive Branch; Mitch McConnell and others spent Obama's Inauguration evening with 15 other strategist in 2009 while the newly elected President & First Lady were being serenaded by Beyoncé' singing rendition of Etta James "At Last"  famous song, meanwhile Newt Gingrich, and the other Strategist plotted a course to deny and delegitimize Obama's presidency and destroy his legacy. The Minority leader went so far that on the Senate floor he vowed that his main agenda was to see that
Barack Obama was a one term President and he hoped his Administration failed.

The media whose always fueling the dueling coroneted Hillary Clinton, and loyal Democrats rallied to get her the nomination; what' was her message, it was I'm next in line, I want to be the 1st woman elected as President regardless of the baggage her opponents set for her.  Yet she ran almost unopposed by the Democratic Party based upon loyal peers who often sought her and Bill Clinton's endorsement and support it was payback time.  What she accomplished during her tenure as Secretary of State besides promote issues that compliment her agenda, was destroyed by hearings on Benghazi, and a stand-alone server.  Previous Secretaries of Defense Robert Gates and Leon Panetta both publish memoirs to embarrass Obama administration. Yet both of them knew the President regarded their advice in handling most Middle East foreign affairs.  

How soon we forget, because it’s not good to remember the roughest times... but when Obama had to send stimulus packages to the House and Senate to bailout this country they bailed out all of the largest banks, even two mentioned above and the Federal Reserve kept their word to yield on interest rate lowest ever and buy government bonds.  How could they forget the working man, our infrastructure? Jobs were never created to put our working class people back to work.  No investment in fixing our middle economic structure, research and development programs cut funding for Education, Planned Parenthood, EPA, CDC, and VA, and many other government funded programs that would have stabilized the middle class of America just the same as Wall Street; yet due to the GOP shutdowns/stubbornness to made austerity cuts mandated due to stalemate. Instead of stimulating the middle of America they only stimulated the wealth or the 1% which saved wall street the DOW has hit two historical highs since President Obama was elected in 2012.Unemployment is at an all-time low since 2008 4.9% more Americans are back to work but at lower wages, which again the minimum wage bill is being blocked by the GOP (while the NRA is controlling the RNC Republican National Committee). Alongside of blocking confirmation of Supreme Court Nominee to replace Justice Scalia. Convincing constituency that Congress is upholding the constitution, I think not!

Since domestic terrorism began, experienced high body counts but the gun lobbyist refused to allow legislation for background checks to ensure that mentally unstable or any terrorist wouldn't get guns. They oppose any immigration legislation to legitimize undocumented, finally the Republicans want to eliminate any right to choose or contraception available to women, yet no mention of what Viagra has done to men who often die from heart disease.

We need to wake up and stop allowing the media to feed us what we should think or our pastors whether you are for either party, you have to wake up and realize that the scales of justice and equality are tilting to one side; that's to the privileged whose party affiliation is Money and Power!  (Let's end Citizens United)

2009- President Obama has done some amazing things for this Nation - we haven't had any terrorist attacks since 911, and he has tried to meet his counter parts half way but each time they only seek to bring him down and embarrass him as a world leader.  History will write his-story quite well.  How soon we forget he caught Bin laden, he responded to Ebola in Africa with troops building hospitals; he didn't go to war in Syria two reasons 1.) It’s a Civil War that will never end 2.) Who’s the enemy and who the rebels are, and all agreed 
Bashar al-Assad must go; so he formed a coalition of Nations to deal with the crisis.

 Now he's fighting his fellow countryman to prevent a ground War but establish the groundwork for limiting nuclear proliferation in Middle East.  Rejected outright by same individuals who rallied and fueled fear enraged the population to go to war in Iraq.  They were wrong had no strategy and the result same soldiers we trained ran away from the fight with ISIS.  Trillions on propping up a government unprepared 10 years later. 

 ISIS is Saddam Hussein's former Military that went underground,
Late in 2003, after the Americans had defeated and disbanded Saddam’s army, Baghdadi helped found Jaysh Ahl al-Sunna wa-l-Jamaah (Army of the People of the Sunna and Communal Solidarity), an insurgent group; that's what Dick Cheney and Fox News don't tell you.

This decision not to go into Syria has spared lives of our sons and daughters some veterans who still haven't received help from Congress after being wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.  George W. Bush and; Dick Cheney Administration started this mess when they went into a sovereign Country to westernize them for control of their minerals "OIL" black gold.

Now they're fighting to maintain the foot hole in that region.

President Eisenhower/General Eisenhower called it "The Industrial War complex he warned about these things we see in Foreign Affairs today which generates billions of dollars for DOD hires thousands of private contractors, training, feeding, and housing our troops, building internal infrastructure for IT in Green zone.  These jobs would have been given to civil service workers in 1958-1980.  Since the days of Ronald Regan, government has gotten more and more private. So whose surprised that they all are living in chaos 13 years later after the UN inspectors left without finding weapons of mass destruction and the US hasn't seen a "mushroom cloud" to date. Lastly, gas prices are down to the lowest in years because of President Obama energy policy that is working. Fracking has proved to cause a lot issues, Nebraska American Indians protested and won, but questions about the environment have not proven out but, the GOP say’s the Keystone pipeline is the key to economic growth; well if so how come it only creates 50,000 jobs?

They are banking on fear and hate to get their "base" out well; we do have to be cautious because middle America is about to end as we know it if they get control and a possible impeachment of this President for his promise to sign an executive order on immigration for he isn't like "Washington" and that's what we voted for he doesn't spend evenings drinking with Congressman or Senators but at home with his wife and children, no He's not like Washington those Ole pol's who do backroom deals like establishing Jim Crow laws after the emancipation.

How soon we forget the good old "Southern Strategy" and how LBJ's fight on poverty swiftly changed to WAR and became the fight in Vietnam. Over 500,000 lives lost...

I saved the best for last recent news one month before he leaves office these are the headlines 
"Israel summons US ambassador as Netanyahu lashes out at Obama" our friends.
 Benjamin Netanyahu is a friend with Adelson, Trump's son in law and others who tend to not get that there is an agreement they're not upholding to it. Since 1968. But they keep building settlements on the West Bank, and now the incoming President Elect Donald Trump nominated an Ambassador who’s his bankruptcy attorney who’s so pro-Israel he wants to move the Embassy to Jerusalem...
The world alliances are watching from a distance and will judge and condemn those who seek adversity over peace.

 Israel has powerful Billionaire Republicans friends, and a Democrat with power Chuck Schumer the new Minority Leader whose main objective is protect Prime Minister Netanyahu although feels justified to insult, besmirch the sitting President Obama's integrity. 

Since Donald Trump got elected his Administration will be in control of diplomacy in Middle East with peace talks; So far how he's handling peace between 2 tribes Palestine and Israel with one state solution. By taking sides with Israel of course!  Netanyahu was invited by former Speaker of the House Boehner with the audacity to give a speech to the 113th Congress House Republicans to undermine our 44th President. Netanyahu is considered a friend of who? After President Obama gave them 39 Billion dollars in aid that's no friend but a major FOE!

How soon we forget........... VOTE 2016 [2014] but make sure the person you cast the ballot for is working in your best interests and not their own. Listen to what they say don't react to what sounds good. It's time to stop the bickering and obstruction and invest in America's future before we all lose, EVERYTHING!

Trump Won! ....but then Judas thought he'd won too 30 pieces of silver.....

Gods plan don't always coincide with our earthly, carnal ways of rationalizing. God doesn't always show his hand, so it doesn't make sense to some or all.

"Keep your Head to the Sky~yyy".......... 

God Bless and Thanks for letting me share my own personal opinions.!

@Lovleeannwise 2014 all rights reserved 

11/2/2014 3:03PM original post

Thursday, November 06, 2014

What did I say! A C-SPAN Caller Calls President Obama A “N*gger” On Air

What did I say!

  •  A Racist - is a bigot who only likes his kind or tribe and doesn't mix with outside races other than work never socially.
  • Racism - when one race feels Superiority over all other races and impose their will and ways to repress others. 

 ERGO "NIGGERS" We've always been on the Top of the list, but never forget these important words... 

'Segregation Forever': A Fiery Pledge Forgiven, But Not Forgotten 

"Segregation Now, Segregation Forever"  hailed by the former Governor George Wallace from the great state of Alabama with Confederate Flags flown all around him.  They still fly that flag in the South today..

If you don't relate to any of these types of people way down in your soul, and that was repulsive to read and hear.
 I just have one question no matter who you are

 This Cspan Caller is part of a base of people called "Republicans" their color is "RED"
They deplore "BLACK" and darker races
and thier symol is "GREEN" the almighty Dollar
their motto "Be Afraid, Be very, very afraid"

Why do you keep voting against your own interest?
Not Voting at ALL!!!!

Both stagnate your growth in society &  limit any hope for real independence..

#Wake Up People - God Bless
note: Wallace reached out to civil rights activists and appeared in black churches to ask forgiveness. In his last election as governor of Alabama, in 1982, he won with more than 90 percent of the black vote. Wallace died in September 1998.

@Lovleeannwise  all rights reserved 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014


As I watched the Sunday morning variety shows talk analysts get bent out of shape about an New York Magazine Article Jonathan Chat forgive me if I mispelled the name wrote this week after the speeches and bickering that took place concerning Attorney General Eric Holder while on the hill also at the National Action Network Conference.  President Obama also touched again on this topic concerning Civil Rights as it pertains to Voting Rights etc.  Heres something to really discuss which gives more background to why as a race black americans are still staggering along it's an interesting experiment.  When are we going to realize our greatness and pull up those saggin pants understand if you don't know where you've been (not just from da hood) you don't know where you're going....

Well. I stumpled upon a great  video called "HIDDEN COLORS " if you can't view it here then by all means check Amazon, YouTube.com  or any African Book store, that sells video & reading materials might have a copy of the DVD on hand.

 I'm a Black Woman in America whose family tree dates back as far as the Emancipation probably before that, but I'm certain because of the geneology tree my maternal grandmother was born in 1902-2002 was raised in Virginia her mother was from Henrico County, VA.  My paternal grandmother was born somewhere around the same time few years later because of poor records in the South we can assume around 1910-1948..  Well, I could go back even further then that but for expediency of this article it's not about me or my family history perse' it's about Our History and important piece that should be shared within the African American population but all cultures can share this information with families, our children here in the 21st century.  It builds self esteem & dignity to know your history on this planet.   It also creates debate of how accuray but facts can be proven if you use all resources to research anybody's claims. As a matter of fact Blacks in America or universally have not always depicted  well as being intelligent academically or as a culture in modern society especially here in our Western world until recently past 20 years sports,and enterainment figures reflect prosperity even our prominent Bishops who lead us religiously now enjoy fame & fortune.

So much has been left unaccounted for the past 400 or more years, Alex Haley's Roots depicted a blue print in graphic details of a family that fought to maintain their culture and legacy pure which encouraged many of us to dig a little deeper ~ but not enough is said about the plight and evolution of millions of people who migrated here from different parts of Africa.  

Although history hasn't gone far enough in 12 years a Slave we were privileged to read about a free Negro whose sold into slavery and is torn away from his family but is able to reunite with them. America has never totally accepted the permanent damage Blacks still face.  We are like a child that was molested and then fell in love with her oppressor only to grew into adulthood with such low self esteem that they are drawn nearer to self-destructive habits or behaviours.  Which leaves them displaced within a society staggering the heart and mind it henders much and most are left with scar tissue we call consequences of life.  Hmmm those unfortunate ones?

 The issue is that so many others were not as fortunate we care to forget that the Blackness or foundation was literally ripped away from a people over many generations even after so much progress has been achieved the wounds from years of sufferage is taking it's toll on the Black race in America.  Another example in real life; After world war II GI bill passed which allowed many GI's returning from the war to purchase homes in middle class communities those homes value went up in value and was passed down to their children who invested or sold for double maybe even triple vs. certain neighborhoods because of housing segregation througout America Black GI's offered same veterans benefits homes didn't double in value in certain instances depreciated due crime & urban under-development. Where their peers were able to leave an estate most blacks die in debt leaving their loved ones responsible for clean up and the struggle goes on generation after generation not for all but for majority we never manage to plan ahead.  Well, me it's just me not you reading this article... We call this a genetic curse among my spiritual friends because nobody wants to be poor especially in America the land of opportunity and lots of money.

 My reason for sharing this video because a special person in my life who  was kind enough to share it with me.  I was very impressed because some of it I didn't know, but alot of it I had read about many years ago.  This information is not for sale or duplication you can enjoy this clip here.  

Please leave polite comments on how we can heal as a Nation my question did Civil Rights change the way we feel as America toward outside cultures other then your own or has it made you more polarized as a human being about the future society as a whole?

This video like so much history only sheds more light on why it so important to teach our children their history take them to museums and around the world if you have means to how mankind has evolved.  IF you are a christian remember Jesus words in his last commandment "that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself."  Without fear & prejudice we strive together.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

The Godfather vs Urban School House Rock

The Godfather's of Republican Party Movement

 Last commandment ~ “The last Commandment of Jesus Christ was to "love one another as I have loved you." 
Jesus said, "My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." (John 15:12-14)

Urban School House Rock  

It is such a quandary watching the cable news analyst ; it dawns on me watching them arguing with advocates for each side. Past administrations in 20th Century didn’t have to contend with a 24/7 news cycle and syndicated radio personalities bought and paid for by Billionaires who love guns, worship money and hate the government with the poor.  John Kennedy would have been impeached for his behavior and we all forgot when Congress gave Earmarks for their congressional home states oh makes you appreciate the good ole days because they could get a vote YEA for an earmark.

LBJ and even Lincoln used bribes Congressional Leaders to get votes back in those days.  POTUS can’t use those tactics in the 21st Century.   It wasn’t a reality TV show back then it was Hardball Politics and it’s always been dirty and corrupt.  They are worse than the La Costa Nostra aka the Mafia Organized Crime.  Only they get titles and respectability to take no prisoners and all the money floats to the top.  Like a pyramid scheme of sorts. Statesman dressed up with a microphone.

Yes, they are Spinning wheels and everybody sounds good but truth is I get angry because they are arguing for the camera and we out here in the public are watching from the sidelines and observe how the Republican Party and all its separate factions bit by bit destroy OUR government.

Many of marketing executives and people who take polls gather information in order to create buzz words and catch phrases to lure in not uneducated but people whose attention span can only cling to without a lot of details.  Then you have the ones who are strategist they are deemed with how to disseminate the information to a certain audience they also like to “win” because winning is everything.

We live in a nation that promises every US citizen a chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness/ prosperity “The American Way” but they don’t bother to tell you that it only applicable to a few and based on certain terms and conditions.  It’s unfortunate that most of the US Citizens who live by these promises and others who while CSPAN camera’s and prayers by the House Chaplin pledge allegiance to the Flag of our Nation go to work and never draft 1 Bill but take copy from Lobbyist who are backed up by Billionaire funded organizations like the Heritage Foundation Americans for Prosperity, and the newly anointed “Tea Party” actually did offered two retired US Senator a chance to become the head of their organization for lots of $$$. Freedom Works organized the Tea party movement who also did the same for another US Representative that retired  who served on a National level as Speaker of the House forced out with dividends from that non-profit organization, and last but not least Karl Rove who hails from the great state of Texas as do our Billionaire friends & poster boy Shutemdown himself Ted Cruz.  

   Okay; We won’t name call or call names but I will make  references to tax paid Elected officials who will not suffer any repercussions from this maneuver of an organized coo of our government which was sanctioned by the US Supreme Court when they ruled that Citizens United was able to gain unlimited funding for causes and candidates.  Many of these GOP leaders and caucus members heavily invested in what happens on Wall Street & K Street. 

 With One main cause point of order Destroy a President and suffocate his Administration and take back the one accomplishment that is sure to written in history “how he saved a nation from worst recession in history and signature legislation “The Affordable Care Act.” Eradicate him demean and belittle; They have handbooks NY Times exposed this Shutdown as a planned event which the right wing sees as a game of Chicken.

Realistically speaking, most average Americans cannot afford but a small donation for a Nationwide candidate or local candidate contributions are limited but most average American citizens who are financially challenged cannot afford to donate to these causes and concerns.

Our Nation is being dictated by a small conglomerate of individuals in Congress and in the Boardroom with conspiracy and plots to undermine the USA which began way back when George W. Bush ran for office in 2000 he was elected and the first order of business was to gut the Nations surplus you got $300 or $400 but wealthy America got TAX CUTS and became more rich and more powerful.  Next unfortunate tragedy was 911 and although politics were set aside.

  The Republican Majority ran all branches of Government in 2000 the House of Representatives, the Senate, and White House.  US Supreme court Justice was appointed by conservative right wing President which was also well laid out plan to overturn historical laws from past deliberated by US Supreme Court rulings from 50’s and 60’s one recent challenges overturned was to the Voting Rights Act ‘65.

Why?  Well many would say because it shocked the entire Nation when an African American bi-racial Male named Barack Hussein Obama appeared almost out of nowhere but, he was already a rising star but he stepped onto the national political stage and blazed a trail straight to the US Senate.  He went further when the Democratic Party nominated him for President in 2008.

No person believed that he the sitting 44th President of the United States of American would be named Barack Hussein Obama, yes he did.  Although it was a moment in time for most African Americans who families go back many, many generations who had born slavery, and segregation.  A lot of older people Baby Boomers have lived through the assassination of the first young President name Kennedy; then to see Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, JR then Robert F Kennedy men who genuinely cared about the condition of our Nation and our people the poorest.

They also believed we could rise above our differences to become an even greater and better nation.  We honor and celebrate their contributions stadiums, streets, highways, schools, and museums even a monument to MLKJ stands right is triangulated between of three great Presidents who cared about our Nation future George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln.  All who faced odds but live on in infamy.

  America she has Wealth, Blessed & Highly Favored by GOD puts it on everything even her Money “In GOD WE Trust”

I said a long prayer tonight for a lot of people who I love, admire and care about mostly family.  Then I prayed a petition to GOD for the House of Representatives the Republican party

 I see this situation and relate it to liken the story of Moses when he had to go into Egypt and tell Pharaoh “Let my people Go” human suffering Hebrews were in bondage and had all the wealth and gifts from GOD but they were being held against their will.  Moses was a rare human being he had the privilege to live as a Prince of Egypt yet he was Hebrew born.  When he discovered that he was spiritually connected to these people it took him awhile to realize his purpose that GOD placed before him and even with a speech impediment he managed to face down the most powerful person in the world at that time Pharaoh.  It was said that the Egyptian leader was stubborn and refused to give in to Moses even though he told him GOD had sent him to free HIS people.

Well the moral of the story is that stubbornness is sometimes part of the plan; GOD is in control of this situation with our government.  I write blogs to express my 1st amendment at the same time it’s full of truth.

President Obama was raised in America not Kenya spent time in foreign lands so he could be able to relate to all humans not just a certain “group.”  There many in my own community who believe him illegitimate because he is 1st generation African American.  Yes, but 10 percent will get you in no matter who your mother is or was in the racial scheme of things so being raised in Kansas, then Hawaii doesn’t qualify you as authentically “Black” especially if your father is an African just coming to American in the 60’s.

He has shown his compassion for being an American he is proud to be whom he is and what he represents is what White America hates he is one of them.  Well, this brings me to a larger issue and back to my point.  The day President Obama & his First Lady Michelle were dancing to “At Last” there sat in a room men who upset about the notion of 1st African American living inside the White House and at this time the country had  in 2007 facing the worse financial crisis since 2005 ENRON you probably forgot that’s the first scandal saw a lot of average Americans who worked for them lost retirement savings, health care all of it gone.

Then Wall street, AIG and the rest of the JP Morgan Stanley’s were in a bigger crisis that almost devastated this country by 2008 right after the election.  Real Estate debacle most Americans who are upper middle class want to forget, but many lower middle families still suffering from the loss of 401K mutual funds and home mortgages that are tied up in Government bailout programs waiting for assistance or who have already lost their homes and are now living in smaller dwellings apartments are hard to find these days.  TARP was upon this President and his 1st administration before President Bush left office, and yet another TARP 2009 right after he took the oath of office.  Then the first standoff with the republican party 2011 these same men who plotted in a backroom had Billionaires on board to ensure they would not see this administration succeed at any turn. 

Well, the fruits of GOP’s labor has now come home to roost.  Tea Party House Republicans and their Leadership how would they react if this should happen today Wall street dives, and housing market crashes as in 2007 will these rabid group of Republicans vote to save our Country would they pass a TARP type bill to avoid our country downfall.

  The answer is NO.  They would rather see the American people suffer before they vote to save a Nation because they despise our President and the health care bill doesn’t offer “Free Insurance” it offers you choices and prevents the Insurance companies from denying you coverage because of age, illness, or ability to pay (bad credit).  Mandated by LAW passed in both houses and the Republicans fought for “individual mandate” it was a set up because now they’re fighting against what amendment they put in this bill, the Democrats wanted Public option which would have looked more like socialized medicine all of us would be on Medicaid based on your financial assets ability to pay.

  So here we are facing Government Shutdown and a threat not to pay national debt by raising spending cap.  It’s not going well for either branch of government right now.  But the sad ending to this story is that I and a lot of others are the carnage while the Billionaires ride it out because they can afford all of the things we struggle for each day and earn by showing up and being accountable at a workplace or as a Civil Servant.

  Being a Civil Servant is an honorable job and in the coming weeks America will come to appreciate them more once they realize more services are not available.  We just had an outbreak and CDC has to bring back scientist and researchers from furlough to prepare salmonila spreading to over 270 Americans just today.

  WAKE UP get ready to turn it around in 2014 we have to remain engaged in the political process “We the People” hire send to Washington our representatives we elect a President every 4 years and Senate.  I fought hard for this President to do what he said and the forces from right are determined to make I and others pay for that decision by taking away what little we do have from when Bush Administration cleaned out the National Treasury with two unpaid War theatre’s, Medicare prescription Bill, and No child left behind.  No budget appropriation was passed they CR the whole damn thing and a Vice President left office $99 million dollars richer then when he walked in 2000 and ruined our National reputation around the world.

  We are now hated in most countries, and we help everybody around the world they depend on USA us! 

  We have the means to end this now why not stop forcing your will on the people the little people who can’t fight Billionaires but they honestly believe that their vote as in FAITH counts for something.  To the Billionaire's and those Rich Brothers, FOX News, CBN, TBN ask WWJD.  Look in the mirror when you ask that question then Open up the Government and Compromise with your brethren.  We represent the Human Race.  GOD didn’t hate anyone nor does his Son Jesus Christ.  Remember Moses said it first “Let my people go.” 

May God Bless America

@Lovleeannwise 2013 all rights reserved

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We the People Election 2008-2016 This is where I Stand

"One nation under GOD, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All"

If you just take a look at the Pledge of Allegiance you can see as a Nation we still fall short for we are very divisive according to race, gender, and religion. Technically speaking it's two (2) America's! One for the haves and the other well, is not the have nots but the have need of..........

Watching the debates from incumbents seeking to hold the job of CEO of USA is chilling and humorous at the same time. Listening to how they all would "change" the way Washington Politics are done. Getting more accomplished here in America. Even universal health care system that will potentially make us all sick. Just from the red tape it will bring and penalties for not having it. My take is nobody is sure how we will get out of this current recession. Spending tax rebates is there only solution to date.

But, lets go deeper...............

The mainstream media has declared John McCain the front runner for the Republican Party and their nominee although Huckabee and Mitt Romney both seem to have a better strategy of getting things done to save US economy. Huckabee is a strong candidate because in spite of them stuffing John McCain down the GOP constituency throats and convincing them that he's their man for the job he stated that in a democracy you must have opposing positions in order for "the people" to all feel that they have participated in the process.

The Democratic Party is pulling a totally different stunt in order to get their "establishment selection" a shot at winning the nomination. If McCain can barely win in South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the rest and be proclaimed the "Front runner", then WHY is the DNC afraid and mainstream media outlets to proclaim Barack Obama as Democratic as it's Front runner. It took 10 consecutive wins in Key states Potomac Primaries, South Carolina, Iowa, and the like if you look at the numbers statistically without Super Delegates he's still the in the lead for the nomination. But, loyalty to previous Administration "The Clinton's" has prevented this historical debut of what everyone is feeling. Barack Obama is the peoples choice overwhelmingly and he's winning the hearts and minds of ALL Americans not just the so called "Black vote," Obama managed to run a good campaign without any scandals or people being fired or resigning. He has managed his campaign funds which is a good indication of the kind of leadership he can bring to the US and abroad.

He has proven based on his qualifications alone the ability to lead, being mulatto gives him the ability to see the world from a whole different pair of eyes, uniquely he has what it takes to UNITE this country whose main theme is hung on "with liberty and Justice for ALL," and "O say does that star spangled banner yet wave?"

Not for the Middle class and Impoverished people. America is home for all Nations and Nationalities but we have not evolved as a people enough to stop hatred, hunger, and basic neglect of our country. Our children of the 21st Century also have different pair of eyes. We need a fresh and new approach to the way we do business here in our Nation. If we really are a land of Christians we need to ask ourselves are we Christ-like as a people. To often you see polls about women over 50, White men under 30, Black Men under 25 death toll, and Latino who are here illegally. We categorize and compartmentalize way too much and never do we research our information being feed to us via various media outlets, but now we have the Internet which allows the whole world to see. IF we are the example of what a Nations is supposed to be like, how it's suppose to look. We have failed we aren't looking so great.

We do have a chance to become a more powerful Nation if we can UNITE as it is written in biblical scripture, "a house divided against itself shall not stand." Our Nation has to put a end to bigotry against race, religion America is where you have the Freedom to believe and practice any religion. We need to have more open forums and town halls to discuss these issues and work on a solution collectively. White have to open up to the idea that all are supreme beings made by GOD as you see HIM and understand HIM to be. Stop being a silent racist open your circle of friends to include people other than your race. Don't let fear prevent you from being a blessing or receiving one.

Muslims are being stereotype and we fear or become skeptical about anyone whose religion is Muslim. WHY? 

Look, when you live in a glass house you can't throw no stones.
If a man can call himself a GOD fearing Christian blood washed holy and sanctified and believes in the right to life and has so much passion about it that they it moves them to go out in protest and blow up a clinic with expectant mothers in the name of GOD or a Tim McVeigh who blows up a building in broad daylight that housed a Daycare Center in the name of Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't make our friends abroad scared of those radical extremist Christians.

What if the world turned against Christianity?

Already you have people who want to change how we practice our faith at Christmas, and Pledge of Allegiance they want to take GOD out of everything. Gays and Lesbians now have the right to marry. 

We all get on our high horses and want to pass judgment on people who are different or look different from us. 

Bottom line, we are all guilty of silent bigotry. But, when you hear politicians say but their are some good Muslims who aren't radicals. Well, you can say that about any number of groups from all persuasions.

Why?  Or is the question; How do we learn from our past mistakes and embrace this change? My answer is simple we have got start with our thinking to become indivisible .

I have friends from different towns, cities, parts of the world who call themselves Americans and are good and decent individuals. As expected we do have different beliefs culturally speaking from mine but it makes our friendship that much richer because we are sharing experiences and growing up together.

Finally, too many people died for our right to Vote, people lets take up our places and UNITE. We are a family, you never get to choose family just gotta love em! But you can choose your friends and how you look at life think positively about embracing change. Remember no change comes without sacrifice and struggle.

Each one teach one!

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming ... - 2006 - 594 pages
Barack Obama in His Own Words - 2007 - 224 pages books.google.com - More book results »
See article below; "Divided America" Books by Barack Obama Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and ... - 2007 - 457 pages


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Books: 'Divided America'

Divided America» Links to this discussion
Earl BlackCo-Author, "Divided America" Thursday, February 21, 2008; 12:00 PM
Earl Black was online Thursday, Feb. 21 at noon ET to take your questions on his book "Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics" -- coming out in paperback March 25 -- and why no matter who wins the Democratic primary, the prospects of a general election landslide for either party are slim.

Black is a professor of political science at Rice University. He has written several books with his brother, Emory University government and politics professor Merle Black, about the transformation of Southern politics.
Earl Black: Good afternoon. This is Earl Black, co-author with my brother Merle Black of Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics. Simon & Schuster will publish the paperback edition of this book next month.
Harrisburg, Pa.: I understand and agree with you that politically Americans are very divided. What happens if the voters are divided even further, meaning that a "leftist" candidate (such as a Nader) and/or "rightist" candidate (such as a Ron Paul or a Tancredo) further divide this divided population? Who is more vulnerable to being divided further, the Democrats or the Republicans?
Earl Black: Divided America shows that the national party battle is the product of two competitive minority parties. Neither party can win national elections simply by uniting their partisans and turning them out. Many of the 50 states are generally safe for one of the major parties. Democrats rely on tremendous support in the Northeast and Pacific Coast, and Republicans rely on tremendous support in the South and Mountains/Plains. But these regional strongholds don't add up to national majorities. The Midwest is the nation's swing region, and Ohio would be the most important swing state in the Midwest.
Splinter candidacies (right or left) might be very important in a few states where the party balance is very competitive. Nader's campaign in Florida in 2000 might well have taken enough votes from the Democrats to affect the outcome. In most states, one party usually has a large enough advantage to win despite third parties.
Laurel, Md.: When I was growing up, the Senate included a few liberal Republicans like Charles Matthias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javitts, and some conservative Southern Democrats. In my opinion, this allowed a certain breadth to the political process because every issue wasn't necessarily both ideological and partisan. There was a measure of the spectrum a couple of years ago that determined that it has become almost one-dimensional. Robert Byrd (closest thing to an old-fashioned Southern Democrat anymore) and Lincoln Chaffee were the outliers that roughly defined the second dimension. Does the fact that the parties have little internal breadth make compromises more difficult?
Earl Black: As we show in Divided America, both parties today are much more ideologically pure than before. Conservative southern Democrats are a good example. That was the dominant pattern before the civil rights revolution and the Reagan realignment of the 1980. But no conservative southern Democrats could win a Democratic primary today. Similarly important shifts have made it very difficult to nominate moderate to liberal Republicans across the country. The consequence is very stark partisan and ideological differences in which many elected officials in national politics spend much time responding to the latest partisan outrage. As you point out, this ideological purity in Congress really does make compromises more difficult.
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@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved *2008