Welcome to Empowering Spirits - Freeing Your Mind A not for profit site about embracing one
race the Human Race living in the 21st Century offering articles tackling developing spiritual principles, ecomonics, politics. Dialog and Analysis about today's topics and history. Freedom of expression challenges us to reach higher to fufill a broader purpose. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Stay open to change and have the willingness to grow & evolve.
Because we are so visual and unless you can actually see it then you will believe, I'd thought for all my friends who enjoy "Empowering Spirits" blogger that is my great experiment would understand what I'm about to do. Since 2005 I've been contributing to this in an effort to enlighten people and offer many different perspectives about humanity, and politics. Spiritual poems and essays to express analysis and opinions about trending issues and topics. Well, this will be more of a visual experience photos all in good taste to depict "History in the United States as it relates to Race relations and Equality.. Justice has not prevailed for the Blacks in America who now identify themselves as African American. During the early 1800's the United States suffered alot due to Abraham Lincoln's decision to sign an Executive Order freeing or eliminating the slave trade. Aftermath of that was war, and death. But, after some policy changes post Civil War changes were made to prevent black men and women from being totally equal. A lot of men died fighting to preserve the ole south, but blacks being free who had skills crafts had no where to go, part of which spawned the forty acres and a mule. Immigration came in early 1900's when blacks migrated north for work and seeking freedom those jobs were given to the union members who were white. It was harder for blacks to get decent paying jobs in the south but despite those challenges we still evolved enough to enter into the middle class. Up until this day America still refuses to acknowledge how they made a entire race of people struggle, claw, and fight for their rights to be treated equally under law as a human being. Jim Crow laws were put into place and Homestead Act never materialized instead they offered share cropping which was just another trap to keep the help offering in return a shack and a few acres they had to borrow in order to get through rough winters and drought. Still being dominated by the white race all throughout the south until the civil rights movement in late 1950's.
I will comment and attempt to do this blog chronologically so that even my friends who aren't from my community may be able to understand why in my opinion the black man and woman has never had Justice in America, because every time they made a change the white people retaliated for every inch of progress we've made. Now in present day we still are faced with the same primary or root problem "white fear" racism in America. This needs to be understood before a collective "WE" can start or begin to heal. Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski, are fair and appear to be decent analyst I actually been watching him since Scarborough Country a very long time, and also Chris Matthews whose very open minded in his approach to politics and race can't understand why black people protest and some even get destructive.
It's not being a "scumbag" as Sir Charles Barkley has proclaimed it's about a culture of people who have been left behind without value or concern. Black people matter in all things American from our contributions in the design of our Nation's Capitol, Free Masons, all Wars fought on American soil and across the World we've fought to protect her. But, even with that much patriotism you are still treated like your life doesn't matter and the people of color are less than worthy... Okay take a journey with me and if you got the nerve drop me a comment it's time America owns up to the emotional and physical, and psychological damage caused to many of us through the generations that many of our elite "African Americans" are trying to run from whose families date back like mine before the emancipation because not all of us were poor or slaves! I say Bullshyt, your scars aren't covered either you have on some level experienced that slighted or being profiled just for being born of color.
Emancipation 1800 - early 1900's "FREE" but "NOT EQUAL"
1800 - 1950
1960 - 1999 Progress??
2000 - Present day