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Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Revelation vs. Reality

"They'll come a time, when the world won't be singing.  Flowers won't grow oh no; you know bells won't be ringing.  Who really cares? Whose willing to try to save a world that is destined to die............  Oh what a shame such a bad way to live who is to blame when we can't stop living.  Live your life, but let live everybody.  Live life for the Children for the children... Save the babies."

Marvin Gaye What's Goin On 1971

8/13/14, 12:52 AM
Eastern Standard Time

The significance of the lyrics are resounding today as they were when I first heard them back in the 70's for we have evolved from being colored, to negro, from negro to black, and now African American.  Through this evolution I've seen our community unravel bit by bit. 

I'll make my points chronologically; the 60's we were angry, "We shall overcome"; the 70's Black Power, the panthers, Power to the People; the 80's drugs & driveby's hiphop was born; 90's we became mainstream Def Comedy Jam, Tupac & Biggie died Neo-Soul was born; 20's we still angry and dissatisfied.  Our community has lost an important characteristic that we held prior to intergration.

Once upon a time we stood for something we actually believed in a cause and community fought for the right to vote people died for that to happen.  Fought for equal rights to co-exist in America as a human being and not as second class citizens.  So many of our younger generation has no concept of what it was like to live through a period where a dominant race ruled over how you even looked at them.  A black boy, or man could lose their life just looking or admiring a white woman and she could lure and conjole that man but he would be in danger if caught even entertaining the thought.  States like the commonwealth of Virginia prosecuted you if you married inter-racially.  Jobs were Driver, BusBoy, Dishwasher, Cook, Maid, Babysitter and Yardman.  If you could sing and dance you might be able to make it out in Hollywood or On or Off Broadway.  Sports weren't integrated until mid-60's fully so Negro leagues were formed prior to that that aren't even discussed among many of the great sports files.  Baseball gave us Jackie Robinson, Boxing gave us Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Sonny Liston, and Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali.  We evolved musically from Billie Holiday, Ella, and Dinah Washington ladies who made a name for themselves but have you ever heard of Ruth Brown?  

Motown paved the way for moguls like Russell Simmons & PDiddy to be able to make movies and videos and money, Rasin in the Sun portrayed a Negro family who wanted to buy in an all white neighborhood when in reality it happened and white flight was the reaction.  We have to separate the accomplishments from our failures over the years and recognize how we have changed toward one another since integration and equal rights were granted to us.  We are no longer concerned until a teen is killed or somebody makes a racial remark we get offended.  But not enough to get involved and contribute our time and consciousness to continuing onward in the battle for equality.

We as a people deserve reparations for all of the suffering endured by our ancestors but not in terms of money but land, establishing a foundation to lift us up out of the hovel we been in since the civil rights act was signed.  Vietnam was convienent and so was Regans Iran Contra because it saturated urban areas with drugs enought to stigmatize and paralyze our community.  Kept us in the pits of hell and if you didn't get caught up on the drugs then you got caught up on credit.  We have become the biggest consumers on earth spending billions on entertainment, food & services, and clothing and other durable goods far above what many of us can afford.  Teenage pregancies are normal and acceptable behavior across all cultures black, white, and hispanic.  Communities use to bond sure there were always beefs and bullies but and the end of the day we knew how to treat each other with self dignity and respect it meant something.

Let me end with this, 
  When we didn't have nothing we had wealth a rich culture who knew how to demonstrate self worth and valued one another;  stood together through bombs and lynchings, fed each other when one was down everyone chipped in to pull that brother or sister up by giving rent parties and selling dinners. All of us have skeletons hidden away but we have lost the connection of togetherness we don't hold each other accountable anymore.  Our children get rewarded for doing what they're supposed to do and still reflect a don't careish attitude and anger which proves that it isn't changing the situation either buying them lables & cars giving them mobile phones before they even get into middle school.  

  America will never own up to her role in destroying the African people who were enslaved and brought here mistreated, raped, killed, and traded.  Broken families we still haven't healed fully nobody seems to get that except for a few historians of the culture.  Our leaders who stood out in front were all cut down in their prime. Brother Malcom spoke of these things although nobody was listening then he predicted this would happen to our people if we integrated instead of giving us the resources needed to educate and teach the Urban and Southern communities about running and owning a business.  Establishing a financial institution to give us equal footing before equal rights.  We took door number two what you see today is the result of settling for less than what we deserved.  I look at the Jewish community whose people suffered and are suffering in some nations still under the hands of hatred and oppression they were given a fresh start and protection to rebuild as a people and still fighting to exist.  But that's not what we see here in America what has happened to our Black community can't be blamed on any one thing or one person.  We are held accountable should know better.  Men use to marry you if you had sex and got pregnant now it's passe' too many single women raising babies alone at an alarming rate.  Sons & daughters repeating the cycle generation after generation.  It's time to get involved do community service become more civic minded or don't get mad when someone gets shot or called the "N" word or profiled.  Why you ask shouldn't I get mad, my answer is because you don't put in nothing you get nothing out.  We are becoming extinct it's a major gap now between the rich and the poor.  The majority of our community lands on the poor side of the scale and only 1/4  of us are wealthy the 3/4 living way beyond their means on plastic credit cards.  Filing bankruptcy.  I could go on and on.  But bottom line is this when you pointing that forefinger four more are pointing back at you.  "Look in the mirror what do you see somebody pretending not to be me" 

Get Up, Get into it, and Get Involved!

Isaiah 41:22New King James Version (NKJV)


“Let them bring forth and show us what will happen;Let them show the former things, what they were,That we may consider them,And know the latter end of them;Or declare to us things to come.

@Lovleeannwise All rights reserved 2014

Friday, March 23, 2018



Because we are so visual and unless you can actually see it then you will believe, I'd thought for all my friends who enjoy "Empowering Spirits" blogger that is my great experiment would understand what I'm about to do.  Since 2005 I've been contributing to this in an effort to enlighten people and offer many different perspectives about humanity, and politics.  Spiritual poems and essays to express analysis and opinions about trending issues and topics.  Well, this will be more of a visual experience photos all in good taste to depict "History in the United States as it relates to Race relations and Equality.. Justice has not prevailed for the Blacks in America who now identify themselves as African American.   During the early 1800's the United States suffered alot due to Abraham Lincoln's decision to sign an Executive Order freeing or eliminating the slave trade.  Aftermath of that was war, and death.  But, after some policy changes post Civil War changes were made to prevent black men and women from being totally equal.  A lot of men died fighting to preserve the ole south, but blacks being free who had skills crafts had no where to go, part of which spawned the forty acres and a mule.  Immigration came in early 1900's when blacks migrated north for work and seeking freedom those jobs were given to the union members who were white.  It was harder for blacks to get decent paying jobs in the south but despite those challenges we still evolved enough to enter into the middle class. Up until this day America still refuses to acknowledge how they made a entire race of people struggle, claw, and fight for their rights to be treated equally under law as a human being.  Jim Crow laws were put into place and Homestead Act never materialized instead they offered share cropping which was just another trap to keep the help offering in return a shack and a few acres they had to borrow in order to get through rough winters and drought.  Still being dominated by the white race all throughout the south until the civil rights movement in late 1950's.

I will comment and attempt to do this blog chronologically so that even my friends who aren't from my community may be able to understand why in my opinion the black man and woman has never had Justice in America, because every time they made a change the white people retaliated for every inch of progress we've made.  Now in present day we still are faced with the same primary or root problem "white fear" racism in America.  This needs to be understood before a collective "WE" can start or begin to heal.  Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe and Mika Brzezinski, are fair and appear to be decent analyst I actually been watching him since Scarborough Country a very long time, and also Chris Matthews whose very open minded in his approach to politics and race can't understand why black people protest and some even get destructive.

It's not being a "scumbag" as Sir Charles Barkley has proclaimed it's about a culture of people who have been left behind without value or concern.  Black people matter in all things American from our contributions in the design of our Nation's Capitol, Free Masons, all Wars fought on American soil and across the World we've fought to protect her.  But, even with that much patriotism you are still treated like your life doesn't matter and the people of color are less than worthy... Okay take a journey with me and if you got the nerve drop me a comment it's time America owns up to the emotional and physical, and psychological damage caused to many of us through the generations that many of our elite "African Americans" are trying to run from whose families date back like mine before the emancipation because not all of us were poor or slaves!  I say Bullshyt, your scars aren't covered either you have on some level experienced that slighted or being profiled just for being born of color.

Emancipation 1800 - early 1900's 

 "FREE" but  "NOT EQUAL"                  

1800 - 1950

1960 - 1999 Progress??

2000 - Present day



@lovleeannwise  all rights reserved 2014