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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label Profiling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Profiling. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014


orig posted on 06-2005


Maurice white, charles stepney & philip bailey

Now,  I’m craving your body, Is this real Temperatures rising, I don’t want to feel I’m in the wrong place to be real
Woahh and I ; longing to love you Just for a night, Kissing and hugging and holding you tight Please let me love you With all my might

Reasons, the reasons that we hear,
The reasons that we fear Our feelings a-won’t disappear

and- after the love game has been played
All our illusions were just a charade
And all the reasons start to fade
laalahh~ ahh ah-ahhaa
After all our reasons why
All the reasons were a lie
After all the reasons lo-ove was ne’ver decide

I'm, longing to love you for one night
Please let me love you with all of my might,
baaaaby Ooohhh, baby!

Reasons, the reasons that we hear,
The reasons that we fearOur feelings a-won’t disappear
Oooh! and after the love games have been played
All our illusions were just a charade
And all the reasons start to fade
In the mornin when I rise no longer feelin hypnotized
find the reasons the reason have no pride......after allllllllllllllll the Reasons Why, all of the reasons were a lie love subside!

Can't find the reasons Why I love you baby
my dear, can't find the Reasons'

Lust of the Eyes can end in A Lifetime of Committment!
Marriage is a Committment not "A One Night Stand"


All my brothers share this with another brother who needs to be properly schooled

Any sister's you know for FYI purposes. 

Then Brother's you decide are you a man or a male and sister's you decide if you are attracted to a man or a male.

What is your definition of a Man? 
Article: By Kendall Ficklin

If you ask that question to a group of men you'll hear many different answers depending upon environment and upbringing.
Some may say he is a man when he has reached a certain age, some may say when he has moved out from under mom's roof and has his own car and apartment, and some believe that making a certain amount of money is attaining manhood. None of these things, however, are characteristics of a man. Manhood is a process, a transition from maleness.

The chart below states some of the differences between a male and a man.

Are You A Male Or A Man?
A Man
  • does not carry a grudge
  • looks to better himself; he invests in his success
  • gives to his community
  • is measured by his character
  • is a protector of women in general and committed to one woman in particular
  • word is his bond
  • A Real man is a leader
  • thinks with his big head
  • uses his intellect and emotions to make decisions
A Male
  • looks for ways to get even
  • complains that he has to stay where he is
  • takes from his community
  • is measured by his sex drive
  • views a woman as an object of pleasure, and isn't committed to anything!
  • has no word, he will tell you what you want to hear
  • is a follower
  • thinks with his little head
  • makes emotional decisions

Males Are Born But Men Are Made
As you can see there are some distinctions between males and men. Being a man is not easy, especially when you understand a man's roles and responsibilities. I was speaking with a brother one day, and he said to me, "Bro, this being a man thing is hard!" I knew exactly where he was coming from. Walking in manhood can be overwhelming because were going through the process of being reshaped, renewed, restored and completely retrained.
Most of us have been operating as males with sprinklings of manhood. For example, some of us may find a good woman, marry her, provide for her financially, sometimes emotionally, and do most things right. After about nine months to a year when she starts "trippin" because we're hanging out with the fellas, that's when we meet the other woman and revert to being a male. You see, a man has emotions but is not ruled by them. So when his wife starts "trippin", he doesn't allow her actions to dictate his reaction. A man understands that he is held accountable by God for the way he treats his wife regardless of the way she may be treating him.
The Making Of A ManGod created man to have dominion, to be a ruler, and to master his environment He created us in the beginning to be totally dependent on Him, He taught us directly. He instructed us and gave us our assignments. So, the making of a man was founded in and through Him. The only way this transition into manhood can take place is that we go back to Him.
1 Corinthians 13:11 states "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things".

Keys To Becoming A Real ManGod created man to be a Provider, Protector, Cultivator, Visionary, and Leader
Provider: In Genesis 2:15 God put His man, Adam in a garden and gave him his first assignment, to work. Work was given to him to advance the purpose of God. God wanted Adam to have fulfillment, and to enable him to provide for his own needs as well as those for whom he would eventually be responsible for.

Notice that before he gave the man a woman he gave him work. Therefore a man needs work before he takes on a wife. A provider finds a way to supply for his family's need. He plans ahead and anticipates needs before they arise.
Protector: When God put us in the garden to take care of it, not only did he want us to work in it and cultivate it, but he wanted us to also protect it, and all the animals, the plants, and the woman that he put there for us.

We are natural protectors, designed by God to protect everything we are responsible for.
Cultivator: To cultivate means to make something better than it was when you first received it. Look at your woman, how many of us are really cultivating our women?
Single Brothers: You should be cultivating every woman that comes into your circle. They should leave you a better person, NOT Pregnant, or emotionally abused after we've run so much game on them.

Married Men:
We have this picture in our minds of what we want our wives to be and when she doesn't measure up to that we blame her. Ask yourself, what have you put into her? What kind of deposits have you made into her spirit? Have you cultivated her to be what you envision? Or what she envisions for herself? Do you know what her goals and dreams are? How are you helping her achieve them? A woman is like a seed, and we are water and light for her. If we pour into her and shine our light on her, she will blossom into a beautiful, compassionate, nurturing, submissive, help mate. Then you can look at her proudly and say "look at what I have cultivated".

Visionary: Proverbs 29:18 says "Where there is no vision the people perish".
To have vision means to conceive something in your mind and then move toward bringing that vision into reality. Every man should have a vision for his life. If he is married, he should have a vision for his family. The vision should include but not limited to Faith, Family, and Finances. We should have short term and long term goals, and they should be attainable.

Most of us don't have a vision for our family and we wonder why our wives and children won't submit to us. Brothers, look at the word submission, the prefix "sub" means under, and mission simply means goal or vision. So submitting is coming under one's goals and vision. Well, brother she won't submit if you don't have a vision for her to submit under.
Leader: Every man is created by God to lead and a man should display leadership characteristics. Some men run away from the responsibility of leadership. They are selfish, only concerned about their own needs and not the needs of others.
Take a look at some leadership characteristics listed below:

  • A leader is disciplined
  • A leader is the first one up in the morning and the last one to go to bed
  • A leader sets the tone
  • A leader has integrity
  • A leader has character
  • A leader's word is his bond
  • A leader is a role model
  • A leader provides, protects, cultivates, and has vision
  • A leader leads by example
Men, you are on the way. The first step was reading this article. Now you know what a man is, God winks at ignorance but holds us all responsible for what we know.

Let's start the transition into manhood now!

Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.


Diamond Covered Mercedesof Prince Waleed:


Note from Editor: 20200618
About last night.... One Night Stand, and Half on a Baby Keep this up front before you lie down

Self-Worth Self-Love will allow you to Love another Human Life and Value that' person as much as yourself.              

 The Best Gift from GOD is LIFE w/a Free Will

Moments of Ectasy can result in a lifetime of Pain. Sex isn't for pleasure as much as it's an expression of how GOD connected two individuals to make One Body. A Vessel that produces Fruit from the Loins created from a sperm cell and a woman's egg "The Orgasm" of Pleasuremanifests into a living creature over the course of 9 months causes a woman to "Travailing through Labor in much Sorrow. 
She gives birth a new life becomes both of them.

Happy Fathers Day....

@Lovleeannwise 2008 all rights reserved  

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Woman at the Well spoken word by Bishop T.D. Jakes

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Elephant in the Room

An Elephant's in the Room

Dedicated to the memory of all who've died in America due to racial injustice

I recall finding an old jet magazine at my grandmothers house and they always reflect on Civil Rights movement tragedies that evolved into a movement.  Back in those days it was the "Negro Race", prior to that we we're Colored or Nigger.  Color in America defines a story of love, and hate but one country.

We' as a people were not easily surprised but often terrorized by the majority race White folk as my Grandmother would say, She raised my mother with manners in the South, yes ma'am, and thank you, please, yes sir because you couldn't disrespect or dishonor your family by appearing ignorant which was passed down.  So we were taught to not make direct eye contact with a white person, be mannerable always, never dispute them in public.

Then it changed, Emmett Till a young teenager whose being raised by a single parent goes to visit relatives for a summer vacation/work/education.  Those days the sent you to South to learn discipline how to become responsible enjoy different environment and just be a kid.  Well, he went to visit his uncle and go to get some candy with his cousins he was 14 years old when he broke a rule of the South.  He whistled at a white woman that night while the house was dark everyone asleep when two or more men came to his uncles house in Mississippi they threatened the entire family and abducted took the young man.  Beat him, mutilated his body tied a fan around his neck and dropped his body in the river.  When he was found his body bloated from mold & decay the put him in a box and sent him home to his mother she put the body on display and Jet magazine recalled that story.

Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi on August 24, 1955 when he reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidnapped Till, beat him, and shot him in the head. The men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury acquitted them. Till's murder and open casket funeral galvanized the emerging civil rights movement.


Emmett Louis Till was born on July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois, the only child of Louis and Mamie Till. Till never knew his father, a private in the United States Army during World War II. Mamie and Louis Till separated in 1942, and three years later, in 1945, the family received word from the army that the soldier had been executed for "willful misconduct" while serving in Italy.

  • NAME: Emmett Till
  • BIRTH DATE: July 251941
  • DEATH DATE: August 28, 1955
  • PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago, Illinois
  • PLACE OF DEATH: Money, Mississippi
  • FULL NAME: Emmett Louis Till

Not only were his killers acquitted by an all white jury his mother fought for years to find justice & peace with this verdict, (out of respect for the dead I will not post a picture of what I saw in Jet Magazine that day) you could feel her pain.  I thought he was a monster, because of my age not mature enough to fully grasp this hideous photograph why did she do that is what I thought. I was in total disbelief because I had no exposure to racism.  My community was tight knitted we had a few inter-racial families, I remember not seeing many white people only when I visited my grandmother in Virginia where she knew and had neighbors who were white and it was no open discrimination in Northern Virginia that I can recall.  So when I read this piece it shocked me almost to this day I'm still frightened by the photos of his dead mutilated body.  Racism is a sometimes passionate and divisive conversation because nobody wants to admit ill will especially when it comes to race.  We've learned how to tolerate sweeping it all under the rug shrug and say well that just the way it is... hmmm how sad.  The two men who tortured and murdered a fourteen year old boy on summer vacation getting candy from a store were able to sell their story to Look Magazine shortly after their aquittal and because of the times double jeopardy did not apply nor did our federal government have ANY Civil Rights Bills on the books.  We as a nation of Negros in the 50's just had to pray, and get over it.  Move on.  But it brought about a "Movement" shortly thereafter Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus, which propelled Martin Luther King, Jr into the spotlight the rest is history.
Since then we've seen amazing change in our nation but none of it ever addresses the real issue of our suffering in a nation who only gave us rights 50 years ago.  Most immigrants came of their own free will to America, well most of your 5th & 6th generation African Americans families whose ancestors have been here since the beginning through it all.  My family  is one of them.  So I can stand proudly and boldly and say my grandfather's served in WWI, my father served WWII, and my great, great last name is Turner.  You figure it out. It was a since of pride history we are entitled to respect, true equality, and to be treated justly.  Enough already 21st Century and this is still a silent issue.

 Through the generations our heritage has known much agony, much defeat, much pain & suffering.  Black man's life isn't worth a plug nickel today vs 450 yrs ago in this nation.  Once upon a time he was a commodity being auctioned on the block torn from his family often as a teenaged boy only to being profiled in a free society stopped and frisked and place in jail for misdemeanor crimes, that still profits off our labor the criminal justice system has been doing this since the 60's makes money for private owned prisons.  Then you have the sports, entertainment, well that has always been our only foot in the door being able to entertain our audience now our children earn millions of dollars promoting materialism.  The "Good Life" when really only 03 percent are among the upper 1 percent in America's wealthiest.  So we live vicariously through another mans wealth and they market knockoff attire to make us feel we are living larger than life.  Accruing debt and at times more crimes.  Drugs, porn, you name it more young women think that hair nails & make and a nice outfit will attract $ mo money.  We lost a sense of pride.  Times have changed depending on your view of it and perspective it has become a free for all.  Polarized Nation.  Right & Left, Wrong &Right, and Democrat vs. Republicans vs Tea Party vs Independents we all have opinions.

The Elephant in the room means when people ignore the issues and pretend nothings wrong all is well.

Well, Trayvon Martin trial and outcome brought all of those feelings back. That Jury found him guilty of being black, in the right place at the wrong time.  George Zimmerman profiled this teenager, stalked, and confronted him. then when young Mr. Martin fought for his life, stood his ground and was shot through the heart.

 How can a teenage boy on the phone talking with earplugs, a bag of skittles, and Arizona Tea in the rain coming home from 7Eleven get shot through the heart?  How is it that in 2013 an all white woman jury couldn't find any crime in a 27 year old man stalking, profiling on tape, then confront shoot to kill him not wound him use a stun gun so he could spare his life never identified himself as a Neighborhood Watch Captain.  My son would have fought him too.  Six people heard and saw a poorly presented argument by the State of Florida Prosecution team and were left to reasonable doubt poorly collected forensic evidence because this never was a murder investigation but a John Doe. They deliberate with and find a verdict of Not Guilty?  Boggles the mind even listening to the 911 calls I could hear my son's cry for the first time in my life I feel afraid.  If you can't get pass ideologs and Fox News spin on it they made this about Race spinning lies and division instead of reporting the facts.  George Zimmerman was found Not Guilty by a jury of his peers.  I have to accept that because it was America's due process, verdict was rendered.  Move on?  We will but our voices will be heard because here again is another example of fear and injustice proved out by Gun Violence against a person that was a victim of a crime.

  I like others will not accept that he's innocent, but his defense team did their job and gave him the best defense.    The State of Florida should be under investigation for how this entire crime was handled. They were reluctant to bring a case against him but public outrage brought about an arrest a trial and a verdict.

  I'm not a reporter but just a mom who loves everyone not against white, blacks, latino, asian, muslims, christians, hindu, whatever whoever I believe in God's last commandment "Love Thy Neighbor as you your Love Yourself".  It's the "Rules of Law"  Man didn't write that one and if I had to judge we'd all be convicted. Guilty as Charged and most of us believe in eternal life... So GOD will forgive but only he can judge a man for his deeds and Karma is infinite.  Bible also say's "You Reap what you Sow."  

So at the end of the day, America we need to work on healing the issues of race and false sense of white superiority and recognize that it still exists and many of my friends who aren't black know it still exist but at least we are friends despite their upbringing and outside family influences same goes for me.  I have family members who don't like or trust white people they see them as the enemy.  They think they're better than us, is how they regard them, well I have an open mind and a big heart I am a christian and don't like to brag about because folks turn around and wanna judge your habits instead of how you walk and treat others.  We need to hang out with each other more often and not be afraid to ask a intimate question about a person culture.  Slavery was bad, Ku Klux Klan traumatized a nation for years a lot of families where destroyed, we never had equal anything subculture, our education and resources are still substandard compared to thriving communities.  Let's be real minimum wage jobs can not get a women off welfare.  Just because Barack Obama is the President of the United States, he still get's treated with major disrespect from opposing party and their constituency.  People always finding a way to find a negative out of something we hold honorable and good.  He gives me a sense of pride as a Black America, African American, Colored, and Negro Woman.  So this is my tribute to Trayvon memory that just because the judicial system found him not guilty doesn't mean justice was served it failed Emmett Till update Mike Brown Ferguson, St. Louis MO; and Trayvon Martin almost 60 years later after his killers were acquitted.  

"If nothing changes, nuthin changes"
#‎BLACKLIVESMATTER‬ From Emmit in 1955 - 2015 "If nothing changes, nuthin changes" ‪#‎ENDRACISM‬ These are just a few of the people listed who've died at the hands of injustice heart emoticon ‪#‎SHOWSOMELOVE‬ heart emoticon
Samuel DuBose
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott 50
Bernard Moore 62
Lavall Hall 25
Jonathan Ryan Paul 42
Jamie Croom 31
Terry Garnett Jr. 37
Monique Jenee Deckard 43
Tony Terrell Robinson Jr. 19
Tyrone Ryerson Lawrence 45
Naeschylus Vinzant 37
Andrew Anthony Williams 48
Dewayne Deshawn Ward Jr. 29
Ledarius Williams 23
Yvette Henderson 38
Edward Donnell Bright, Sr. 56
Thomas Allen Jr. 34
Charley Leundeu Keunang, “Africa” 43
Fednel Rhinvil 25
Shaquille C. Barrow 20
Kendre Omari Alston 16
Brandon Jones 18
Darrell “Hubbard” Gatewood 47
Cornelius J. Parker 28
Ian Sherrod 40
Jermonte Fletcher 33
Darin Hutchins 26
Glenn C. Lewis 37
Calvon A. Reid 39
Tiano Meton 25
Demaris Turner 29
Isaac Holmes 19
A’Donte Washington 16
2014 Tamir Rice, 12, Cleveland, Ohio—Nov. 22, 2014; Michael Brown, 18, Ferguson, Mo.—August 9, 2014; John Crawford III, 22, Beavercreek, Ohio—August 5, 2014; Eric Garner, 43, New York, N.Y.—July 17, 2014; Yvette Smith, 47, Bastrop, Texas—February 16, 2014; McKenzie Cochran, 25, Southfield, Mich.—January 28, 2014; Andy Lopez, 13, Santa Rosa, Calif.—October 22, 2013;
— looking for hope.


@Lovleeannwise  all rights reserved 7/15/13, 8:26 PM