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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Trickle Down Economy defined The Prosperity of Recovery! JOBS FOR SALE FOR TAX CUTS.....

Trickle down like a stream into a flowing river where the reservoirs are waiting to gather. Jerry McGuire Cuba Gooding shouted....

  "Show me the Money! The Quan!"

[taken from previous blog written Jul. 2010]
They had 10 years of tax cuts to create a better Economic Structure in this country instead they created a mess a National Debt our Great, great grandchildren will inherit if we continue w/their tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans... Greenspan said 2010 on Meet the Press to David Gregory the government should [Tax cuts] "let them expire. So when will we realize the cupcake is all gone pudding cup is empty. Now you living through downgraded credit rating and major housing crisis; 2 wars for fuel oil, money created a terrible kind of greed.

It's time we started building something here in USA to Export to all countries similar to US Steel, or Lumber during the 20th century making a difference in the new 21st century global economy we've created, seem we wanna go back to old way of doing business but you gotta remember 10 years ago it was a difference between a car phone back then and what we now call a cell phone in this century. It replaced the old house phone and your desk top, laptops many are disposal and cheaper to get one now with a Data Plan competing for your business & services. 

 While the poorest people spend money trying to be rich. Rich hold on to money most millionaires rarely travel with large or great amounts of cash for that very reason. They sign their name. So, my point [It] the profits from tax cuts trickles down and runs out right about at their Mid level management... (maybe their Personal asst receives a bonus?)

No jobs are being offered to rebuild a 21st century infrastructure; a better rail system in effort to combat climate change and a cleaner more efficient energy.  Most small banks have been acquired by the largest banks no lenders sponsoring ideas anymore for the little guy; or small tiny corporations but the bigger corporations survive by shipping jobs offshore hiding their profits in Sweden or Cayman Islands lobbying Congress and writing their bills to pass in a Divided House of Cards!

Speaking to a crowd of constituents yelling
I'll Give more tax cuts for 4 more years and I'll let the vote pass more job creation Democrats fail to maintain the House in the fall elections.

*Stop the Politics*
Divided, we fall..

Debate is healthy when you debate facts surrounding problems in order to achieve a common goal that benefits all not just a few. America is a land full of immigrants and most of these people against immigration and President Obama neglect this fact now they're flaming more division by talking of repealing the 14th Amendment. GOD is all over our pledge of allegiance, Declaration of Independence; Constitution, and saved the best for last our Money "In GOD We Trust," So hateful speeches and puppet dolls dangling to disrespect our President and withholding a congressional vote in order to benefit only 1 group of individuals. I was listening to the figures of what the companies would have to pay based on profit level of small business $400 million pays $12k more in taxes once tax cuts expire so they rather see this country collapse instead of vote to give small businesses help which would help the really small businesses 1 man entrepreneurs hire helpers who take money directly to retailers for cars, clothes, this is the average worker the major consumer's. Sending jobs overseas is their policy in order to give away $millions in bonuses yet they upset about paying higher taxes, I'm struggling to get to work pay check to paycheck living in a small room. But I thank GOD for it as if it were a mansion and will continue to give Him all honor. I learned my lesson about being humble, and controlling the words the flow out of mouth, and better than that how I treat and approach others. That's not easy everyday. I still cuss... All kidding aside. So this might seem preachy, political, and OMG how dare she go there to those who know me but if you live long enough you pray hard enough GOD can and will change your life if you really seek to serve Him, I'm always praying for Him to keep me humble enough to be lead and taught by good leaders raised up by Him. That I have the strength to come under authority let somebody love me and take some risk by faith, speak life into your life and the lives of others stop being so hateful if you can't help a brother out as a hand up don't comment ~ and for those who feel pitiful or pity others stop that, speak life over that person, you too are highly favored and truly blessed even when you can't see it! Doesn't mean I trust every human being that crosses my path but I can be more patient and understanding while they are journeying onward and if I can assist in anyway be willing if GOD makes me able or given me enough to do the right by others. A hand up not a hand out.. theirs a difference.

Current Events dictates the day, were have we evolved as a country when a man like Glen Beck can get almost est. 500 thousand people at a rally to do what the Klan did for years hide behind Religion to rationalize their sick ass behavior and once again we're suppose to taste sugar but it's shit. Sorry no other way to put that I've heard worse. Anyway don't sleep on these people their are driven just like those irate terrorist overseas and they wanted the war with radical Islam fought in the Middle east but if they continue on this path the level of hatred will penetrate behind our Freedom. Perplexing isn't it how can a land of free people stoop so low. Somebody should say something because somethings terribly wrong with our family. This is the 21st century. the 50's and 60's, 70's~1999 was a 20th century world. Trickle down economics have only brought +1million dollar$ bonuses for the corporate middle executives who manage to trick the investor's whose money lost in deals gone bad. Wake up, the real small entrepreneur is suffering now hand to mouth basically, going under while the only people who've managed to receive the stimulus funds are large banks, and major corp who've bounced back even paid their debt, where's the real STIMULUS JOBS, small business men need that vote to pass today..,. Trickle down for 10 years lost more jobs in this USA economy then back in late 20 century post President Clinton era from surplus +++ to heavy debt burden over 10 year Bush Admin not to mention two wars we basically funded without any help from our allies minimal to see a VP leave office 99 million dollars richer due to his affiliations w/ corporations who profit from conflicts and resolution nation building.

Let's get real Katrina victims still living in FEMA homes and we still building 1 nation in ME and Republicans, and tea party drinkers it's Jim Jones juice made a comeback.. Seriously, they don't want to let the tax cuts for the rich expire so they're holding up the STIMULUS money already accounted for under the "Stimulus dollars" from 2009 for small business it's an election season people stand for something or fall hard I mean hard if those types get power of House.

Pray for one another and 

Think about somebody else whose condition is worse than yours in a place far and away or maybe even right next door, Praise GOD to be standing wherever you are.

BE Blessed.  GOD's eye's can see everything no man can hide from or get away free...                #SHOWSOMELOVE

@Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved 

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