War The World Is A Ghetto Lyrics
Songwriters: Oskar, L; Scott, H; Miller, C; Dickerson, M; Allen, S; Brown, H; Jordan, L;
Walkin' down the street, smoggy-eyed
Looking at the sky, starry-eyed
Searchin' for the place, weary-eyed
Crying in the night, teary-eyed
Don't you know that it's true
That for me and for you
The world is a ghetto
Don't you know that it's true
That for me and for you
The world is a ghetto
Wonder when I'll find paradise
Somewhere there's a home sweet and nice
Wonder if I'll find happiness
Never give it up now I guess
Don't you know that it's true
That for me and for you
The world is a ghetto
Don't you know that it's true
That for me and for you
The world is a ghetto
------ long instrumental break ------
There's no need to search anywhere
Happiness is here, have your share
If you know you're loved, be secure
Paradise is love to be sure
Don't you know that it's true
That for me and for you
The world is a ghetto
(The world is a ghetto)
{21 times and fade}
Suffering for Doing Good - 1 Peter 3 8-17

3:8 Finally, all of you be harmonious,sympathetic, affectionate, compassionate, and humble. 3:9 Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. 3:10 For the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering deceit.
3:11 And he must turn away from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.
3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer.
But the Lord’s face is against those who do evil.
3:13 For who is going to harm you if you are devoted to what is good? 3:14 But in fact, if you happen to suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed. But do not be terrified of them or be shaken. 3:15 But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. 3:16 Yet do it with courtesy and respect, keeping a good conscience, so that those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame when they accuse you. 3:17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if God wills it, than for doing evil.
3:18 Because Christ also suffered once for sins,
the just for the unjust,
to bring you to God,
by being put to death in the flesh
but by being made alive in the spirit.
I often pay attention and listen when I"m hearing a sermon or during my moment of meditation - prayer, and praise. It often happens around dawn or just before..
But moving forward I’m trying to get a clear word or sense of direction from the LORD so I’m cautious still when it pertains to whose feeding my soul. Discernment of the Spirit becomes more complex if you’re wounded. I find it hard to be vulnerable these days so prayer is important and listening to the Word of GOD becomes more prevalent to me no one else seems to be able to make sense of what has happened to me these past few months. While still seeking job opportunities and other major challenges unemployed more obstacles that would have devastated most who are accustomed to having some of the finer things.. Even if you stop and ponder about how I’ve been able to maintain communicate via Internet That’s simply GOD+AGAPE his Grace and Mercy. Nothing I’ve done haven’t gotten any help not soliciting either just sharing nobody is paying me to write. I’m not selling anything to anybody this is right where you can stop reading… The way GOD moves is a mystery just like soon as you think you know guess what time to go back to school again..
You have to be where I’m sitting to understand what I’m about to drop on you now. People can only do what they are able and have to accept when GOD’ places it on their heart to serve HIM to reach out to others that don't always make sense to those in your circle. But only to the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit…. Truth is hard to accept for many of us hard reality about ourselves but love is as Infinite as the Omnipotent it has dimensions like looking into a tri- mirrors seeing your reflection on all sides. Well, for you lay people think of it like good sex what’s next, like Joy and Pain, Agony & Ecstasy it parallels itself. Then to come through the storm and struggle with the same feelings you originally had for the person who might have hurt or harmed you with a good attitude, well not too many can claim that type of forgiveness, tolerance and love in this world.
For to see how GOD gives us plenty to meet our daily needs in spite of what we give back to HIM and each other. When we limit our ability to give either through guilt or complaining it becomes a wasted effort because it’s conditional – if it makes me feel good then I’ll reflect a giving spirit. If I give you this then you must repay me double! Some of us even say to GOD give me double for my trouble...Your expectations are of human instinct that we can’t overcome unless we actually enter into a relationship to commune with GOD, (notice I said WE as me too and I refer to GOD as but one person, one place, one thing), to rely on for counsel. Fellowship is mandatory to survive in a community helping each other achieve mutual goals, lending a helping hand up instead of a handout. Taking it to the LORD in prayer is one thing but allowing Him to teach us, guide, and direct us learning to Sacrifice something in order to really grow. Because no one can mess with what GOD has blessed even you - then HE'll convict your conscious (soul) to let go release - give up the things that would jeopardize you often times to stifle our growth but instant gratification in any form makes us feel good…but the effects can cause pain or discomfort. You know what I’m saying those things or person(s) that hurt you sometimes maybe all the time! Just start right there ask youself honestly. He will not do this until We become willing but GOD loves us so unconditionally the WORD spoke that He will never foresake or leave His sheep and it is impossible for GOD to lie!
Have you loved anything or anyone enough to let them go for a greater good that has nothing to do with how it left you feeling? Have you tried trusting GOD do you believe that He does love you in all ways exactly for who you are, and thus far has guided you into the place where you are in life right now?
What have I sacrificed lately, to experience true Joy because to let go of anything or someone we love causes much pain which often leaves us feeling vulnerable and therein is when Faith comes. Faith comes by hearing the word and believing in those things that are unseen (a plan, dream, vision), which will manifest (by doing the footwork), then it becomes reality.. speak Boldy! If you can conceive it believe it, then recieve this..........enjoy this one.
GOD gave us everyone of us FREE WILL and with that comes a responsibility that man has never fully been able to understand it’s powerful.
Free Will in itself allows you to speak into being what you call blessed or curse those that you call cursed the old saying is what comes around goes around simply put it's "KARMA";The tongue is the smallest member of the body but carries so much power and gives weight if you think I’m lying look at what just happened to America. Inspired by the words of one Man to do better become greater started a movement the result still has some people trying to figure out what just happened.
He was free to believe being President could happen, trusted GOD, and he walked humbly from the process into the promise.
GOD is living and believe what I’m saying this is getting edited for personal reasons what has been revealed in my life is due process. People make the mistake of putting GOD on their level and minimize his Omnipresence but HE is far greater than we all can imagine and nothing, no thing or no Man has ever really been able to understand or explain fully we believers just trust HIS WORD for me it's the Bible. Sometimes GOD does takes us into a strange place in order to elevate us even while we are bruised and hurting not just to get our attention but to move us out of the way to do something more significant to serve his purpose not our own foolish sense of want and needs. Then there are times family the closest loved ones not just your enemies enjoy observing while others are in pain, naked, and bleeding; but GOD knows no boundaries when it comes to divine healing. He'll use your situation to teach you and others HIS way is the only way! What HE has put in me is enough to survive anything even mankind and our limited ability to truly love on one another without conditions. Now, That's so priceless
HE is greater in me than he that is of this World....Then once you've walked through the fire as did Shad rock Me shac and Abendigo(sp) everybody wants some of that; what did you do; how did you do and blessings bestowed many upon you. For with that level of Ecstasy arrives Victory then comes the Agony of winning… Everybody wants some of you. So you see Love defined shows up in three dimensions. Human form, Soul’s realm, and Spirit realm. You need to be able to accept and embrace humbly all three. Study the Word; hear the word, and listen to the word of GOD no matter where you are in your walk in His Grace. He loves you exactly where you are at, and one last thing what GOD has called blessed in your life is meant for you so enjoy it;always give Him Glory because everything comes from El Elyon (the most high God); Adonai (our master). So when he moves you to give or serve your brother/sister remember how Cain messed up when he was faced with that question; his response “Am I my brothers keeper”…. my response to Cain woulda been, "Yes I AM." because He lives in ALL of us remember that GOD is always with you AGAPE.
Jesus said, "I am . .
the resurrection
the way
the truth
the life
the light of the world
the bread of life
the good shepherd
the door of the sheep
the true vine."
"Before Abraham was, I AM.
@Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved
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