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race the Human Race living in the 21st Century offering articles tackling developing spiritual principles, ecomonics, politics. Dialog and Analysis about today's topics and history. Freedom of expression challenges us to reach higher to fufill a broader purpose. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Stay open to change and have the willingness to grow & evolve.
Mother, mother There's too many of you crying Brother, brother, brother There's far too many of you dying You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today, eh eh
Father, father We don't need to escalate You see, war is not the answer For only love can conquer hate You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today, oh oh oh
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see Oh, what's going on What's going on Yeah, what's going on Ah, what's going on
In the mean time Right on, baby Right on brother Right on babe
Mother, mother, everybody thinks we're wrong Oh, but who are they to judge us Simply 'cause our hair is long Oh, you…
There’s an extra special treat coming Earth’s way – a Blue Moon on the night of Oct. 31 for Halloween.
What is a Blue Moon?
According to modern folklore, it is a phenomenon where a Full Moon appears twice in one calendar month. Typically, each month has only one, as Full Moons occur about 29 days apart.
Our first Full Moon of the month – known as a Harvest Moon – occurred on Oct. 1. This is a name given to the Full Moon happening closest to the autumnal equinox – the first day of fall. The Blue Moon coming up is respectively known as the Hunter’s Moon. Rising in the early evening, the Hunter’s Moon was given its name because it provided plenty of moonlight for hunters to gather meat for the long winter ahead.
One way to make a Blue Moon is by using a blue filter. That’s what a photographer did back in 2004 when he photographed this Full Moon rising over Brighton, Massachusetts. Credit: Kostian Iftica
While the informal phrase “once in a Blue Moon” refers to something that rarely happens, the same definition rings true for the skies this Halloween. These moons are of significance because they only come every two or three years. In fact, the last Blue Moon occurred on March 31, 2018.
Contrary to its name, a Blue Moon has nothing to do with the Moon having a blue hue. However, very rarely there are actual blue-tinted Moons due to particles thrown into the atmosphere by natural catastrophes. In 1883, an Indonesian volcano called Krakatoa had an eruption so large that it was compared by scientists to a 100-megaton nuclear bomb. Lots of ash from the Krakatoa explosion rose into the atmosphere. Many of these ash particles were about 1 micron in size, which could scatter red light and act as a blue filter. This resulted in the Moon appearing blue.
Blue-colored Moons appeared for years following the 1883 eruption. Many other volcanos and even wildfires throughout history have been known to affect the color of the moon. As a rule of thumb, in order to create a bluish Moon, dust or ash particles must be larger than ~0.6 microns, which is the wavelength of red light. Having said that, what we call a Blue Moon appears pale grey and white – just like the Moon on any other night. Having a second Full Moon in one given month does not change its color.
October’s Blue Moon, however, will be the first Blue Moon to appear on Halloween since 1944. This moon occurred one month following the introduction of the Aggregat 4, or the V-2 rocket. This rocket was the first vehicle capable of reaching the edge of space. In years following, the Apollo Saturn V became its direct descendant.
As we approach October 2020’s Blue Moon, the Artemis Generation prepares to explore the Moon’s surface from a lunar base. NASA’s Artemis program is named after the twin sister to Apollo, the Sun god in Greek mythology, and she is known as the goddess of the Moon. There hasn’t been this much momentum to return to the Moon’s surface since the Apollo missions.
@Lovleeannwise October 2020
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Sunday, February 22, 2015
FLOTUS Michelle Obama - ....and let her works praise her in the city gates. Proverbs 31
Michelleopposite of Michael meaning of names; Archangel which means the chief of the angels. Michael has an important meaning as well, it means: (one) who is like God.
The First African American President and First Black American First Lady & daughters Sasha and Malia during the first Presidential Inauguration 2009
This is on the heels of what was too magnificient for words but I'll give it my best. In honor of Our First Lady Michelle - to all the Michelle's wherever you are no matter who you are She represents all ....
Women as a shining example of a Virtuous Woman. I love appreciate history and anything Classic like music, the arts, antique cars and antiques they are so lovely to admire. Then we spend a small fortune on them to preserve and keep them nice for all to admire and say "wow you're classey, great taste," well growing up as a young girl I used to hear Big Mama say "only thoroughbreds win the race", and I would be bewildered. She meant as women the only success stories are the not the well read, but the well bred, what you're fed. (experience, strength, wisdom, and hope)
Women have alot of demands these days and because of our need to be all places and all things to others I' being one of the many "Classic Models still hangin around, check out some of the groups you'll find many Classic's in the tradition of "Big Mama" but snazzier than ever. We are built to last Ladies. So in order for us to remain strong we need to honor that which is inate in each of us the gift to do all things........when you know where you get your strength.
In my eyes she distinguishes herself among the most admired First Lady's in the country's history i.e., Jacqueline Kennedy, Nancy Regan, Hillary Clinton, and even Martha Washington. She equals her husbands strength with all the same elegance and grace. She's a woman with lots of titles; mother, corporate attorney, daughter, sister. Now First Lady Michelle Obama should be heralded among thee greatest women who the Prophets wrote about their contributions to family, society, and overall Charity(Love). We also have to pray for our new First Lady that she can be strength for her husband in ways we might not even be able to imagine.. Truly illustrating that she is his helpmate and backbone.
As I watched them on television dancing to At Last and Beyonce' serenade it was breathtaking and enchanting at the same time.
I salute you Mrs. Obama you are truly a lady. And your daughters were little ladies and reflected your influence on clearly a family that prays together grows together and can also represent a great nation. Whose purpose is as The Wife of Noble Character _ Virtuous Woman as defined in Proverbs? Can you identify.
Personally I admire the fact she has brought her Mother, Mrs. Robinson to assist keep her and the family grounded on levels we don't understand we all could use someone like (Naomi) advised Ruth for the kind of encouragement only we as woman know about. A mixture of tough love with tenderness and care. Not in unhealthy ways but like the mother eagle who often has to toss and save her young while teaching them how to use their own wings to fly solo. Indulge me sisters in spirit as I send compliments to all women who might be entrepreneur's, and homemakers who actually have to manage their family day to day operation for some do live in large family estates. They face challenges too even if they have means in other areas and are often women in leadership positions as First Lady's of Presidents of Nations or Huge Congregations, CEO's wives. Woman often take for granted they also have more demands, expectations of their time. To much is given, much is required... We embrace all women with/without stature our goal is to achieve success ultimately Give her credit for what she has accomplished, working with Dr. Jill Biden to serve Military Families all over this Nation. I will keep this nation and our First Family in my prayers and will be in service whenever I can. Women that Build Women-Up is a blueprint of many Great Women who to me stand up with wisdom like Ruth and as Naomi she incorporates strengh from outside her traditional family circle sharing and embracing another attitude towards sacrifice learns to be groomed by Naomi how to walk into her promise Boaz. Caring enough to reach out by offering our own experience and testimony.
PRAISES TO GOD for all of the "Virtuous Women"
Every RUTH should have a NAOMI 15 “Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.” 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.
The Virtuous Woman - Proverbs 31...And let her works praise her in the city gates.
31:10 Who can find a wife of noble character?
For her value is far more than rubies.
31:11 The heart of her husband has confidence in her,
and he has no lack of gain.
31:12 She brings him good and not evil
all the days of her life.
31:13 She obtains wool and flax,
and she is pleased to work with her hands.
31:14 She is like the merchant ships;
she brings her food from afar.
31:15 She also gets up while it is still night,
and provides food for her household and a portion to her female servants.
31:16 She considersa field and buys it;
from her own income she plants a vineyard.
31:17 She begins her work vigorously,
and she strengthens her arms.
31:18 She knows that her merchandise is good,
and her lamp does not go out in the night.
31:19 Her hands take hold of the distaff,
and her hands grasp the spindle.
31:20 She extends her hand to the poor,
and reaches out her hand to the needy.
31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household,
for all of her household are clothed with scarlet.
31:22 She makes for herself coverlets;
her clothing is fine linen and purple.
31:23 Her husband is well-known in the city gate
when he sits with the elders of the land.
31:24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
31:25 She is clothed with strength and honor,
and she can laugh at the time to come.
31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and loving instruction is on her tongue.
31:27 She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed,
her husband also praises her:
31:29 “Many daughters have done valiantly,
but you surpass them all!”
31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting,
but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.
31:31 Give her credit for what she has accomplished,
"They'll come a time, when the world won't be singing. Flowers won't grow oh no; you know bells won't be ringing. Who really cares? Whose willing to try to save a world that is destined to die............ Oh what a shame such a bad way to live who is to blame when we can't stop living. Live your life, but let live everybody. Live life for the Children for the children... Save the babies."
Marvin Gaye What's Goin On 1971
8/13/14, 12:52 AM
Eastern Standard Time
The significance of the lyrics are resounding today as they were when I first heard them back in the 70's for we have evolved from being colored, to negro, from negro to black, and now African American. Through this evolution I've seen our community unravel bit by bit.
I'll make my points chronologically; the 60's we were angry, "We shall overcome"; the 70's Black Power, the panthers, Power to the People; the 80's drugs & driveby's hiphop was born; 90's we became mainstream Def Comedy Jam, Tupac & Biggie died Neo-Soul was born; 20's we still angry and dissatisfied. Our community has lost an important characteristic that we held prior to intergration.
Once upon a time we stood for something we actually believed in a cause and community fought for the right to vote people died for that to happen. Fought for equal rights to co-exist in America as a human being and not as second class citizens. So many of our younger generation has no concept of what it was like to live through a period where a dominant race ruled over how you even looked at them. A black boy, or man could lose their life just looking or admiring a white woman and she could lure and conjole that man but he would be in danger if caught even entertaining the thought. States like the commonwealth of Virginia prosecuted you if you married inter-racially. Jobs were Driver, BusBoy, Dishwasher, Cook, Maid, Babysitter and Yardman. If you could sing and dance you might be able to make it out in Hollywood or On or Off Broadway. Sports weren't integrated until mid-60's fully so Negro leagues were formed prior to that that aren't even discussed among many of the great sports files. Baseball gave us Jackie Robinson, Boxing gave us Jack Johnson, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Sonny Liston, and Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali. We evolved musically from Billie Holiday, Ella, and Dinah Washington ladies who made a name for themselves but have you ever heard of Ruth Brown?
Motown paved the way for moguls like Russell Simmons & PDiddy to be able to make movies and videos and money, Rasin in the Sun portrayed a Negro family who wanted to buy in an all white neighborhood when in reality it happened and white flight was the reaction. We have to separate the accomplishments from our failures over the years and recognize how we have changed toward one another since integration and equal rights were granted to us. We are no longer concerned until a teen is killed or somebody makes a racial remark we get offended. But not enough to get involved and contribute our time and consciousness to continuing onward in the battle for equality.
We as a people deserve reparations for all of the suffering endured by our ancestors but not in terms of money but land, establishing a foundation to lift us up out of the hovel we been in since the civil rights act was signed. Vietnam was convienent and so was Regans Iran Contra because it saturated urban areas with drugs enought to stigmatize and paralyze our community. Kept us in the pits of hell and if you didn't get caught up on the drugs then you got caught up on credit. We have become the biggest consumers on earth spending billions on entertainment, food & services, and clothing and other durable goods far above what many of us can afford. Teenage pregancies are normal and acceptable behavior across all cultures black, white, and hispanic. Communities use to bond sure there were always beefs and bullies but and the end of the day we knew how to treat each other with self dignity and respect it meant something.
Let me end with this,
When we didn't have nothing we had wealth a rich culture who knew how to demonstrate self worth and valued one another; stood together through bombs and lynchings, fed each other when one was down everyone chipped in to pull that brother or sister up by giving rent parties and selling dinners. All of us have skeletons hidden away but we have lost the connection of togetherness we don't hold each other accountable anymore. Our children get rewarded for doing what they're supposed to do and still reflect a don't careish attitude and anger which proves that it isn't changing the situation either buying them lables & cars giving them mobile phones before they even get into middle school.
America will never own up to her role in destroying the African people who were enslaved and brought here mistreated, raped, killed, and traded. Broken families we still haven't healed fully nobody seems to get that except for a few historians of the culture. Our leaders who stood out in front were all cut down in their prime. Brother Malcom spoke of these things although nobody was listening then he predicted this would happen to our people if we integrated instead of giving us the resources needed to educate and teach the Urban and Southern communities about running and owning a business. Establishing a financial institution to give us equal footing before equal rights. We took door number two what you see today is the result of settling for less than what we deserved. I look at the Jewish community whose people suffered and are suffering in some nations still under the hands of hatred and oppression they were given a fresh start and protection to rebuild as a people and still fighting to exist. But that's not what we see here in America what has happened to our Black community can't be blamed on any one thing or one person. We are held accountable should know better. Men use to marry you if you had sex and got pregnant now it's passe' too many single women raising babies alone at an alarming rate. Sons & daughters repeating the cycle generation after generation. It's time to get involved do community service become more civic minded or don't get mad when someone gets shot or called the "N" word or profiled. Why you ask shouldn't I get mad, my answer is because you don't put in nothing you get nothing out. We are becoming extinct it's a major gap now between the rich and the poor. The majority of our community lands on the poor side of the scale and only 1/4 of us are wealthy the 3/4 living way beyond their means on plastic credit cards. Filing bankruptcy. I could go on and on. But bottom line is this when you pointing that forefinger four more are pointing back at you. "Look in the mirror what do you see somebody pretending not to be me"
“Let them bring forth and show us what will happen;Let them show the former things, what they were,That we may consider them,And know the latter end of them;Or declare to us things to come.
"Every time I think I'm out they pull me back in!"
Michael Corleone(scene from Godfather Part 3)
Notice that Money is called US Currency, the news is Current Events, Energy holds Currency. Liquid Natural Gas has become the new greatest thing start there then follow the money$$$... Russia's Putin wants in now, and that's what this new Crimea incident is all about forget what you heard! Money is not evil but it is the root cause of Evil it's being used to control your vote and your mind.
Read on...
Well, it seems once again we have reached another standoff with Senate blocking the vote for minimum wage increase. Supreme Courts recent ruling to reverse Affirmative Action policies in education. A few of our upstanding citizens regressed back in time to call Black Americans "Negros" now that was refreshing...but what got me to laugh at that was when he said so earnestly he wasn't a bigot I'm not a racist. He talked about the older ones sitting on the porch and the young folks don't have nothing to do! They never learned how to pick Cotton. Fast forward we get a Billionaire citizen who doesn't want to rent to minorities or likes how we smell interesting no comments out loud anyway. How does this all happen in less than 15 days. World stage is also being challenged and the Bible is a Blueprint more about how to live without repeating the same mistakes that destroyed Ancient Civilizations... But Man has fallen so low his eyes are wide shut. B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth clearly states:
Mark 13: 1 As he was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!" 2"Do you see all these great buildings?" replied Jesus. "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down."3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked him privately, 4"Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?" 5 Jesus said to them: "Watch out that no one deceives you.6Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many.7When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.8Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.9"You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.10And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.11Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.12"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.13All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.14"When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where itdoes not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.15Let no one on the roof of his house go down or enter the house to take anything out.16Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.17How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!18Pray that this will not take place in winter,19because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now--and never to be equaled again.20If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.21At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ !' or, 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it.22For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible.23So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.24"But in those days, following that distress, " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light;25the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'26"At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.27And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.28"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.29Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door.30I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Edited 04/23/20
Obama Adminstration handed over the Executive Branch 2017, although we had evolved to witness Our Nation elect the 1st sitting African American President. Many people were elated, overwhelmed with joy because some Americans couldn't even imagine that happening. Progress, most said that was the end of racism in America. Then there was a backroom meeting-plotted behind closed doors because others viewed his ascent to the Highest Office as "What is the WORLD Coming too.." A Black Man in the Whitehouse, Donald Trump Birtherism and Alex Jones Conspiracy of a "Deep State" Glen Beck, Laura Ingram, Dobbs, all of the fringe right T-Party who became Freedom Caucus! Deficit Hawks, SCOTUS anti-abortion, right leaning Judges were demanded. The best was Obama is coming to take your Gun rights away. He should have done that one.
Well, down the escalater came their "Savior" of the Superior Race Donald J Trump as he announced his candidacy he called Mexicans murderers, rapist, illegal immigrants. Not undocumented. He pledged to deliver them Anti-Abortion judges and Mitch McConnell obliged! He blocked every Judge, SCOTUS nomination of Merrick Garland was illegally denied by Senate Majority Leader, as this blog post edit he has confirmed 400 or more now we have a RIGHT WING take over of Bigotry, a Hateful Constituents who would kill people to have their Superiority preserved. Disguised as "Freedom" that's mind control.
Trump Crime Syndicate
America is losing her way She use to want to become a better nation but many of the laws Republicans are fighting to pass will hurt many millions of working class and minority groups which includes single Mothers and single Women that group is a powerful voting block consist of all minorities including white females these Americans are also earning but have low to middle class status and Women do make up about 2/3rds majority of low wage workers. Take a minute and then read this again. I'm not telling you to be afraid of the end of ages passage, but I am telling you that it's very coincidental that much of these things we read about has somehow become a reality. Just pull up the worse news in the last 13 years; what was that kid's name who killed his mother Adam then went to Sandy hook and killed innocent mostly children but people. I'm not making this up there is no conspiracy just facts; weather ice caps are melting and I had my first earthquake experience and it was in VA not LA! okay.. So all this technology has made us all relax we hardly even hold conversations anymore. So you are officially in the movie "The Matrix" if you like that sorta thang or Captain Kirk. Seriously though, art does imitate life in a bizarre kind of way. Remember Fantasy Island that's where most of us American citizens reside "the plane, the plane" it's almost funny but to sad to laugh about.
Why does our American military have to lead every fight? What's wrong with diplomacy if it will spare our economy from collapse and keep our children from dying to make 1% percent of the world even more richer? Captain America is a cartoon folks we are not really superheros neither is our current President or past Presidents who precede him; what profit is in war because the average citizen felt nothing but crisis after crisis here at home no jobs backlogs of veteran claims promises not kept from the last two war theatre's in Iraq and Afghanistan,anyway we are still suffering as a nation from those disasters with nothing to show for all the blood shed by our sons AND daughters who are now permanently wounded mentally and physically or they actually died for democracy unfulfilled because War is a business very profitable. Better then teaching them how to pick Cotton!
They come home to a tight fisted dysfunctional House of Representatives and a screwed up 24 hour media cycle blue against red, tea parties. SCOTUS decisions that read like a Pleasantville Hollywood movie script from the early or late 60s a ruling full of delusions about progress with race relations and the weigh that up against the relativity of impoverished people who once were held in bondage didn't immigrate but forced here to become slaves only to live in economic climate where they're were opportunity given and snatched back consistently for years. You hand us a stacked deck tell us to compete for jobs that you ship overseas to folks more hungry than my fellow citizens who work for $1 or $2 an hour without regulations to protect them. Fortune 500 using the "OffShore Banks where there exempt per regulation repatriate funds for Stock By Backs. Hedge Funds, and Major Stock holders increase their dividends... The decision ignores real facts of life about "Our Nation" and displays to the public especially black America feels regression instead of progression with the way we regard our poor and middle class citizens of all races. That reflects those of old empires, kingdoms or nations who crush their citizens in poverty but while they live in Castles. In real time while we beg for work, medicine, and a safety net in case the climate changes we've experienced or the economy fails.What happened to us, did we not learn anything from the last Century?
Five decades ago they passed a law after 200 years after Emancipation, Jim Crow, and means testing in order to qualify to vote Activists who put it all on the line died;Medgar Evers, MLKJ, Malcolm Shabazz,;in retaliation SNIC split Eldridge Clever, Assasta, Stokely Carmichael, all living as exiled from America Bobby Seale (Chairman) and Huey Newton (Minister of Defense) in October 1966 Black Panthers movement got destroyed under a Federal Bureau of Investigations "Cointel-Pro" to intentional surveille our leaders who were cut down by crazy asassins.voting rights now SCOTUS reversed;African American Community so PC now they get angry about comments being made about if a prostitute can't go out in public with black guys behind her rich NBA owner's bigoted billionaire's back. Get real grow up that fiasco don't resolve the real issues facing Black people who helped build this nation. Too much hatred not enough "Love thy Neighbor as you Love yourself." That's the gospel and the last commandment that matters research what I'm saying....it's also in the B.I.B.L.E New Testament. Our President is blocked on every side when he sends legislation to implement his policies they always seem to get staggered by the Republicans who've moved to the farthest right conservative ideology; well, in a minute they will reclaim Ku Klux Klan ideologies the sentiments lately appear to be making a comeback. I mean to say that train of thought is seeping out slowly into white culture to create resentment against blacks and Hispanics is being stoked by the wealthiest people who obviously don't mind "sleeping" with them but just don't be socializing openly with them. It appears to working in the Heartland and deep southern states 26 rejected the medicare expansion that could save alot of people all races once again! **The powerful Gun Control Lobbyist; blocked Sandy hook parents, Virginia College students, and today Oregon Community college. Terrorist are not a threat to the American citizen as much as the American Citizen's are a threat to themselves. What sensible terrorist would even dare to try us on our soil because USA has become the most violent Nation of people on the planet. How can they argue about illegal or undocumented migrants who are not responsible for the level of violence brought about in this nation nor is it totally at the feet of the mentally impaired. The problem is that in conjunction with not having a way to track Visa's given to foreigners after they've expired it's even worse to have a high volume of weapons some artillery equals what law enforcement and the National Guard even the US Military are owned by ordinary citizens hiding behind their 2nd Amendment rights. Has National Rifle Association protecting and promoting these violent tendencies.**
32"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels
in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.33Be on guard! Be alert ! You do not know when that time will come.34It's like a man going away: He leaves his
house and puts his servants in charge, each with his
assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.35"Therefore keep watch because you do not
know when the owner of the house will come back--whether in the evening, or at
midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn.36If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.37What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'
No we don't have to worry about an invasion from abroad or Middle East, because our citizens here in the homeland they've got it covered. But when are the people who want a peaceful world gonna wake up and stop all the blood shedding killing each other in major cities Chicago, Baltimore, Compton, Oakland, New York City, Washington DC now have gone into communities in New England, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin all around the Midwest it's time to stop blaming it on "crazy lone assassins and just blame ourselves. We accept that behavior now as a "Normal way of Life" in Tombstone Wyatt Earp confiscated all weapons upon arrival. So this NRA 2nd Amendment needs amending.
Times have changed but not that much and each time Black race (African Americans) moves one foot forward we get kicked back 10 paces. SMH, just think 1st time in over 238+ years since this country's Independence we now have a man of color in the White House but still he gets no respect and is judged by the far right as "other" "weak on foreign affairs," but he got Bin Laden?? Just Makes no sense to me how he's viewed as weak ...but money can buy you air time and pay broadcast media to repeat the same lie over and over and over again until you believe it's true. Now it's a commercial out focused on middle class working class people if you raise the minimum wage it'll cost millions of jobs I say that's some BULL~PUCKY as one of my favorite analysts always like to say. Jobs generate revenue & profit ( Economics 101 Supply and Demand. See your tax dollars weren't wasted)! A job that pays well allows people to work their way out of poverty. Voter ID laws for what they need to check the Koch Brothers pull their cards for tampering with US elections that's voter fraud backing people that go to Capital Hill to push their agendas obstructionist at best; and yet the Koch family isn't the only Billionaires out to control how you vote against your interest. NRA doesn't focus Gun's for sport anymore a hunting we will go left the building when Dick Cheney shot his friend but they tell you to combat authority turn on your government they're gonna take your guns away and you believe that nonsense. But when a tornado's and floods tear through an entire state or community who gonna call "Ghostbusters or Obama? FEMA to the rescue! Did you know that food stamps SNAP feeds alot of our military families not just surfers and young black women who like crab legs and shrimps. Paul Ryan budget proposal is a joke go to CSPAN and research what you paying those people to do and STOP listening to people Rush Limbaugh, Hannity the circus at FOX news, and Glen Beck who convince you to vote against your own interest.
WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME GOODSHIP "Lollipop" and it's about to make YOU the average hard working American work for less wages than what your truly worth. War = lives lost or wounded but profits only a few like Haliburton and all of the other Wealthy investors of industrial War complex and politics we talk en in the Trillions now. Eisenhower warned us about these clowns a very, very long time ago before I was born. JFK also knew these Men too, their mission in life MONEY = POWER if I ruled the world mentality these people are dangerous bedfellows who manipulate your mind through TV print media and too much information only causes confusion. Who likes confusion more then anything else GOD ever created in this Universe to confound your thoughts steal your soul????? We wrestle with powers and principalities of this World that's why you all should practice prayer and mediate or chant whatever you do try to channel your positive energy everyday. Currency is pulling us down.
Well, ponder on this for a few and read this article for its worth free speech nobody don't get a dime from this blog even when I do click on AdSense. nu thin, not even a plug nickel. I also have nothing to gain but for my soul to rest in peace and as Brother Martin said so eloquently in his "Drum Major Speech when it's all said and done just say that "I tried to help somebody". Read it the text version of the Drum Major speech posted here in archives it is more powerful then listening to the taped speech.
So just examine what people place before first before you allow who influences your decisions. Before you decide to hate on another person, group, or country; If the truth would be translated all around the world the reason folks done took to the streets to fight and complain about their perspective government is because no jobs, no money, and they are worse now then ever before.
Mr. Putin is aggressive, once Snowden sought assylum in Russia, Putin had a window into our secrets then gave interviews on their propaganda TV it's a ding dong shame to me because he is an well educated man ex- KGB but he like Trump said he's a great guy, Autocrats love each other cause they thirsty for power and more money. A Chess game America is in "Check Mate" Men who have huge balls don't break balls, Trump Crime Syndicate is living in the 19th or 20th century.
Peace not war, it's enough money in this world to feed the least of us most impoverished and elderly but wait and see how it all ends, not gonna be pretty for all who enjoy the "Fabulous Life" cause you can't take it with you when a disaster strikes ain't about race, creed, or color, class, religious beliefs there aren't enough weapons or bullets to stop the Almighty hand of GOD.
'You Shall Not Make For Yourself Any Graven Image'
The Ten Commandments
Idolatry is the worship of anything or anyone other than God. Think about this as we try to understand the enormous significance of God’s decree to Moses from the top of Mount Sinai.
To begin with, we must understand that God created us so that we might worship Him. This commandment is both an encouragement and a warning to us: “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me” (Exodus 20:4-5). When we worship, we place our complete confidence and trust in God’s ability to do for us what neither we, nor anyone else, nor anything else, can do for us. This is what God expects and demands of all who believe in His name.
Yet Donald Trump believes people should Worship profess "Loyalty" to him, and if you make any claims or prove he's a liar and a criminal. He's not Fit to run a Poodle Parlor. Trumps Supporters are confused, angry, most of bigoted.
Attorney General is at his beck and call wrote a love letter to him saying "Executive has Absolute Power" which is totally unconstitutional.
Coronavirus Pandemic isn't going away, nope TRUMP CAN"T FIX THIS with a stacked SCOTUS or by a Majority Vote in the Senate. Karma is catching up with him now.
Times up folks. We are here at the beginning of the End of Ages passing into the New Age if you think it's bad now - Climate Crisis Globally, Disease called Coronavirus Globally is killing the American Population rapidly. The most powerful Country in the World with the highest Death Toll.
White Evangelicals are waiting to witness a White guy coming in the clouds. False Prophets are gonna burn in HELL for distorting the Bible misinterpretation on purpose to make them FEAR GOD as a punisher, but in fact GOD is a LOVING SPIRIT not in any MANS or WOMANS image. Read the Ten Commandments
GOD is ALPHA and OMEGA..... not a Impeached mentally ill POTUS45 -
Don't put the keys to your salvation in any mans pocket. The road to HELL was paved with the best of intentions. Last time I will post this one.
Pray Always for enlightenment and GODS Will because Humanity is now Morally Bankrupt. That's worse than a weak economy. We forgot the most important commands JESUS Christ said were the most important and all the other commandments would be easy to follow.
The MotherShip has landed when this generation has passed away a new Generation will emerge and won't remember any of this. NEW WORLD new Humans - Clean Energy, GOD's claim to fame was destroying those who sought to replace HIM or created HIM in a Human Image of any RACE. You Better re-read Genesis - Book of Revelation.
Love GOD with all your HEART and MIND, and LOVE YOUR FELLOW MAN as YOU LOVE Yourself.
@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved - 4/ 2014 reposted 2015