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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label Self Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Love. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2022



It was during a phone conversation with a person who I 'd known for over 30 years that I considered to be "a  friend" during a debate we were having concerning a mutual friend, when he blurted out "Shelle I'm not your friend!!!  Granted... it had been awhile since we had talked or even seen one another but it was just me who over the years assumed that since we'd shared lots of secrets;early on had one chance encounter with sex, but the relationship remained platonic. Which led me to assume all these years it was safe to refer to him as "my friend."  It hurt me so bad that in the moment,  I just hung up the phone on him. Blocked him on social media, and deleted his number from my contacts.  To some that might seem extreme, but for me it was a shock!  How did I misjudge who I thought was friend, he wasn't an enemy I knew too much about his life to call him an acquaintance; or Was I just that lame? 

Definition of friend1aone attached to another by affection or esteemShe's my best friend.bACQUAINTANCE2aone that is not hostileIs he a friend or an enemy?bone that is of the same nation, party, or groupshowbiz friends3one that favors or promotes something (such as a charity)this trend has alarmed friends of the liberal arts— Raymond WaltersThe friends of the library will host a fund-raiser.4a favored companion5capitalized a member of a Christian sect that stresses Inner Light, rejects sacraments and an ordained ministry, and opposes war
 called also Quaker

 What's the difference between friends and acquaintances?

People often distinguish between an acquaintance and a friend, holding that the former should be used primarily to refer to someone with whom one is not especially close. Many of the earliest uses of acquaintance were in fact in reference to a person with whom one was very close, but the word is now generally reserved for those who are known only slightly.

Acquaintance is often found paired with nodding. Although nodding acquaintance sounds like it describes a person who is known just enough to nod at, it tends to be used instead to refer to a thing or field with which one has a small amount of knowledge or familiarity (and this is the meaning that the phrase has had since its introduction to the language in the early 19th century).

It  made me re-examine many of the folks in my circle of love maybe, my feelings were hurt because it was a hidden truth about me GOD was about to reveal. I remember another friend who told me many years ago that I looked at the world through rose colored glasses, chasing rainbows. That was in 1987, being young and fine I laughed at that notion because I always prided myself as being on top of everything and very well read on all subjects; topics, and all the latest fashions. It must be some truth to the saying "Ignorance is bliss," so I been told, but my firsthand knowledge is even one better.

Years, passed away since my friend spoke those words and that friend had long died too, so I never had the opportunity to tell them how right they were about my false perspective on life in general.  It took some years for me see clearer after being betrayed by both male and female friends, used, and verbally & emotionally abused with intimate friends to snap out of it and remove those rose colored lenses while going through the storms of life. I realized that  there was not just one individual but many who had watched me go through that journey, not many who stuck by me during those times. 

Long before the internet, social media networks, and contacts were a thing I use to surround myself with lots and lots of people I called them "friends" throwing wild birthday bashes at the club, cook outs spending lots of money on me and my female posse. We'd be glammed up and turn those parties out. Traveling. During those days, money was never an issue needless to say friends were plentiful with a few to spare, but when I got into trouble financially and had to go to my grandmother for counsel and support she asked me "where are all those friends at now?"  Good question, that I had no prepared answer.  Of course that's when she gave me the best advice ever to this day I still rely heavily on her words people will come and go but the one person, place or thing that's always consistence is GOD!

Grandma said simply..."TRUST GOD"...

John 15:12-15

12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

May God continue to bless you, #SHOWSOMELOVE
@Lovleeannwise 2022   all rights reserved

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Sunday, February 22, 2015

FLOTUS Michelle Obama - ....and let her works praise her in the city gates. Proverbs 31


Michelle opposite of Michael meaning of names; Archangel which means the chief of the angels. Michael has an important meaning as well, it means: (one) who is like God.

The First African American President and First Black American First Lady & daughters Sasha and Malia during the first Presidential Inauguration 2009

This is on the heels of what was too magnificient for words but I'll give it my best. 

In honor of Our First Lady Michelle - to all the Michelle's wherever you are no matter who you are She represents all ....

Women as a shining example of a Virtuous Woman. I love appreciate history and anything Classic like music, the arts, antique cars and antiques they are so lovely to admire. Then we spend a small fortune on them to preserve and keep them nice for all to admire and say "wow you're classey, great taste," well growing up as a young girl I used to hear Big Mama say "only thoroughbreds win the race", and I would be bewildered. She meant as women the only success stories are the not the well read, but the well bred, what you're fed. (experience, strength, wisdom, and hope)

Women have alot of demands these days and because of our need to be all places and all things to others I' being one of the many "Classic Models still hangin around, check out some of the groups you'll find many Classic's in the tradition of "Big Mama" but snazzier than ever. We are built to last Ladies. So in order for us to remain strong we need to honor that which is inate in each of us the gift to do all things........when you know where you get your strength.

In my eyes she distinguishes herself among the most admired First Lady's in the country's history i.e., Jacqueline Kennedy, Nancy Regan, Hillary Clinton, and even Martha Washington. She equals her husbands strength with all the same elegance and grace. She's a woman with lots of titles; mother,  corporate attorney, daughter, sister. Now First Lady Michelle Obama should be heralded among thee greatest women who the Prophets wrote about their contributions to family, society, and overall Charity(Love). We also have to pray for our new First Lady that she can be strength for her husband in ways we might not even be able to imagine.. Truly illustrating that she is his helpmate and backbone.

 As I watched them on television dancing to At Last and Beyonce' serenade it was breathtaking and enchanting at the same time.

I salute you Mrs. Obama you are truly a lady. And your daughters were little ladies and reflected your influence on clearly a family that prays together grows together and can also represent a great nation.

Whose purpose is as The Wife of Noble Character _ Virtuous Woman as defined in Proverbs? Can you identify. 

Personally I admire the fact she has brought her Mother, Mrs. Robinson to assist keep her and the family grounded on levels  we don't understand we all could use someone like (Naomi) advised Ruth for the kind of encouragement only we as woman know about.  A mixture of tough love with tenderness and care. Not in unhealthy ways but like the mother eagle who often has to toss and save her young while teaching them how to use their own wings to fly solo.

 Indulge me sisters in spirit as I send compliments to all women who might be entrepreneur's, and homemakers who actually have to manage their family day to day operation for some do live in large family estates. They face challenges too even if they have means in other areas and are often women in leadership positions as First Lady's of Presidents of Nations or Huge Congregations, CEO's wives. Woman often take for granted they also have more demands, expectations of their time. To much is given, much is required... We embrace all women with/without stature our goal is to achieve success ultimately

Give her credit for what she has accomplished, working with Dr. Jill Biden to serve Military Families all over this Nation.  

I will keep this nation and our First Family in my prayers and will be in service whenever I can. Women that Build Women-Up is a blueprint of many Great Women who to me stand up with wisdom like Ruth and as Naomi she incorporates strengh from outside her traditional family circle sharing and embracing another attitude towards sacrifice learns to be groomed by Naomi how to walk into her promise Boaz. Caring enough to reach out by offering our own experience and testimony. 

PRAISES TO GOD for  all of the "Virtuous Women"
Every RUTH should have a NAOMI
15 Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.” 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.

The Virtuous Woman - Proverbs 31...And let her works praise her in the city gates.

31:10 Who can find a wife of noble character?

For her value is far more than rubies.

31:11 The heart of her husband has confidence in her,

and he has no lack of gain.

31:12 She brings him good and not evil

all the days of her life.

31:13 She obtains wool and flax,

and she is pleased to work with her hands.

31:14 She is like the merchant ships;

she brings her food from afar.

31:15 She also gets up while it is still night,

and provides food for her household and a portion to her female servants.

31:16 She considersa field and buys it;

from her own income she plants a vineyard.

31:17 She begins her work vigorously,

and she strengthens her arms.

31:18 She knows that her merchandise is good,

and her lamp does not go out in the night.

31:19 Her hands take hold of the distaff,

and her hands grasp the spindle.

31:20 She extends her hand to the poor,

and reaches out her hand to the needy.

31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household,

for all of her household are clothed with scarlet.

31:22 She makes for herself coverlets;

her clothing is fine linen and purple.

31:23 Her husband is well-known in the city gate

when he sits with the elders of the land.

31:24 She makes linen garments and sells them,

and supplies the merchants with sashes.

31:25 She is clothed with strength and honor,

and she can laugh at the time to come.

31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom,

and loving instruction is on her tongue.

31:27 She watches over the ways of her household,

and does not eat the bread of idleness.

31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed,

her husband also praises her:

31:29 “Many daughters have done valiantly,

but you surpass them all!”

31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting,

but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

31:31 Give her credit for what she has accomplished,

and let her works praise her in the city gates.


@lovleeannwise 2015  all rights reserved

  (repost)  original post 2009 #lovelannwise www.onlythankgod.com  and minglecity.com 

Friday, February 14, 2020

1619 Project Birth of A Nation - The Israelites

The Israelites

(A Brief History of Blacks In America)

Gen 35:11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; KJV

"El Shaddai" 

El Shaddai (אל שׁדי) is most often translated as "God Almighty". El-Elyon na Adonai (אל עליון נא אדני) is a combination of two names for God, meaning "God Most High, please my Lord".

The Most Highest Deity, is the example of this. The Author and Finisher of all Men and Humankind, creatures that creep upon the earth....

There is much speculation among believers about the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” Who are these people? How did they get “lost”? To answer, I need to give a little bit of a history lesson—back to the time of Solomon…

  1. The scattering continued when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, carried Judah away into captivity (see 2 Kings 25:1, 7, 111 Nephi 10:3).
  2. Lehi and his descendants were a branch of Israel, broken off and scattered (see 1 Nephi 15:1219:242 Nephi 3:5).

Out of Darkness https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B083C6FDQ9/ref=cm_sw_tw_r_pv_wb_VBPfa78NzTeNt

Again, Where are the real Men? 

Barack Obama is a beautiful example of what real Kings are made of, and he lead with Dignity and Honor, Respect for his family as a role model but he could have changed his mind. He could have chosen to commit Adultery, temptation looming throughout put into drama with the beautiful women of the WORLD..... African, Asian, European, Latino indeed so many choices. 

Once, you've become a Father with responsibilities - A real Man just can't walk away from raising and being an example to that child.

*Check out your mind for a few and listen or don't, but you might learn about something new. #EmpoweringSpirits 

You have been conditioned to believe a False Narrative, it continues still to this very day. 

 Free Your Mind!

Traditions are akin to "Generational Curses" but its your fault to pretend it's Morally Correct. Reverse the Curse... Until you have dealt with the entire The dysphoria is all too real.

The ten lost tribes were the ten of the Twelve Tribes of Israel that were said to have been deported from the Kingdom of Israel after its conquest by the Neo-Assyrian Empire circa 722 BCE. These are the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, and Ephraim.

 There's just One Race created by GOD...... in HIS image  "Human".....this is why it is forbidden have any "Graven images of GOD" to Worship. 

It was Man in his quest for survival and imagination Created an image of Him to gain control over otherMen. (enslave your mind)
Tha'ts how racism began.... it will be our demise on this planet. 

Ungodly, to worship any human image even yourself.

Peace #StayFree

@Lovleeannwise 2016 all rights reserved  *edited for repost 2020.02.14

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

You Can't Hide Love - Inside or Out

LORD, Thank  you for Another Day!

For Your Grace and Mercy Abounds, Stirs up Inside of my Soul. Your Well of Living Water Overflows I finally know the depths of YOUR Divine (Agape) and Unconditional LOVE for Me.

Although I come up short each day, charge it to my carnal mind-my thoughts, but not my heart. For my Spirit and Soul rest in thy bosom. Safely tucked way out of the enemies grip, "Yeah Tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow Death." Without Fear, but Faith in the unknowing.

Each day I'm reminded that it wasn't anything I did or said, I'm both good and bad on my best days behavior doesn't lie... I'm covered by The Blood You shed, as a sacrifice you gave freely YOUR Life to save mine, before you departed you called me Friend. Then the real Miracle was on the 3rd day Risen from the Grave; so that you'd defend me at the Throne sitting at the Right hand of Our Father. You eloquently said "It is Finished" The price has been paid. The Victory has been won, the sting of death won't come near me. 

Living Water, it' quenches my thirst for Life and sustains my Salvation. The WORD said I can come before HIM with just a mention of my friend JESUS'CHRIST by name. With Gladness and Thanksgiving the words come from deep within way down inner me; the Soulish Realm. At anytime of the Day be it Prayer or Meditation.

Each dimension of Life reveals another level of Love and Growth for each Lesson Learned, as I aim for that Higher Ground, my living challenge is seeking an Eternal Existence a unrelenting state of Peace in the Ever After.  I remain,

Faithful in Love, and to myself I stay true. A child of the MOST HIGH GOD.... 

The Daughter of A King

Keep your eyes on the road ahead, don’t look in the rear mirror all the time.
Calm your mind, and your heart, and make it an at-peace day
Just For Today

When your down to Nothing GOD is always UP to SOMETHING".......

 Earth, Wind, and Fire - Elements of the Universe
Can't Hide Love

Thanks for letting me share, I offer them with Joy!  May God Blessings always be with you each step of everyday. 

All rights reserved November 2018

Friday, December 30, 2016

Innocence - feat Denise Willams 'Silly'


I thought what we had was real? NO ONE can explain the feelings that I feel....I was kiSSed, liCKed, and DISmiissed.

How can what i thought was love lead to this?

Baby my love was true. I never knew that hurt and pain’s definition would be you., and you say you was hurt 2?


I’m not as stupid as you think.
Did you ever think of me? while u were out doin what u do best?
Jumping into your ex’s bed?
I REALIZED I was too good for you.
Even though love tried to stop me,
I REALIZED I had to go.
I REALIZED we were through.

Dedicated to all the loves of my life.....

Shelle' Moderator, Peace

Race and Politics; visited upon the Black Church; Is First Amendment in question....

I posted the Drum Major Instinct speech on the Obama08Campaign after the Senator from Illinois made the remarkable speech on Race, only problem is that the Senator forgot to put more emphasis on what lead up to a decision to come to Christ, with the Shepard being Dr./Reverend Jeremiah Wright.


This not the focal point of this blogger, ah but it raises a question on two fronts.. How good is his judgment, if he can opine not to adhere the same doctrine, but come under the covering of this urban Minister of the Gospel. Raises the question, how far have we really come when this becomes the obsession of the mainstream media a 10.7 sec. soundbite of
Dr. Wright speaking about what his experience has been and the prophetic revelation of what has come upon us as a Nation. Not just black people or the black community, because we all have been desolate and focused on private issues to be bothered with this mess! We all caught up in paying high debt, work, family issues.. Stuff that hits us directly to even care about how serious this is. They actually want a black man to denounce all he believes about this man as a person in order to gain approval of the vast majority. Dismissing his call for unity from all races to whom he spoke, even the conservatives raved about how "Historic, Magnificent, even "Brilliant," not since, ever have we heard... and yet, the 1st Amendment attacked and mainstream media outlets have created Dr. Wright whose a hero in the black community and transformed his image into a Monster of sorts..

As a community we have;
Dismissed this incident as ignorance and misunderstanding, but GOD! I suggest we all keep up on current affairs of state here and abroad from now on out, crucial times in our economy. Oil is soaring and everything else is inflating like the ripple effect. If you are concerned as I, then get involved on a local level, or just do what I've done. Write send it to your friends, family, and help in some way to give back. Now is the time to make it plain about where you stand in the scheme of things.. Families have to unite if we can't as a nation to get facts on scholarships for our children, this proposed health care plan these candidates are putting forth. We need to mobilize and get involved in what ever side you fall on be it Independent, or the big Two! It's really our responsibilities to ensure that our children's future is not threatened by research cut out the waste and lets invest in stocks, bonds, Cd's.. not music!Kramer of CNBC's Kudlow and Kramer, recently commented around holiday's how we waste $$ as the average consumer (any race), that we should reconsider buying our children, sneakers [Nike], high priced toys like the X-boxes, and Play stations - but purchase the child a gift that pays dividends [in their name] by investing those $$ in the stock that produces those items - the parent company that produces those i.e., Mattel, Hasbro, etc.., whatever brand name gifts you purchase that cost hundreds of dollars it could pay for a few shares of stock or T Bonds trust account! By the time that stock matures, or TBonds you purchased for that child matures with interest until 17 or 18 years of age it shows dividends by the time college approaches; its a head start no loans needed.. Too many of our children walk across the stage into debt as soon as they graduate from college. It also has tax advantages, shelters...

I mean, we all have a role to play, anything worthwhile is definitely worth the struggle.. How else you gonna appreciate success. I'm tired of the black community not realizing why we

always caught up in these recessions or famines! (We never store up during the 7 years of plenty.... just, being sarcastic now!)
We're at a point in history where we all must wake up and pay attention to all that's going on, Marvin Gaye wrote in "What's Going On", a soulful opera melody in 1969 of a prophetic end we approach. I use to believe that "Save the Children" was directed at my generation from those wildly wonderful days of bliss and drugs; total ignorance during the 70's.... Well, I've lived long enough to understand that it was by no means directed at those times [70's], no it speaks to the right now.

More amazing to me was when I read Dr. King's sermon for the third time it struck me how prophetic he was, and probably why he died. For he had found God's purpose for his life and knew clearly what GOD wanted him to do, and all that was left was just to walk it out... His dream, vision has evolved 40 years later we have progressed, but at what cost? When we got here over 400 years ago most Black people were stripped of any acknowledgment of name, tribe, and native languages.

All was lost, most of my relatives don't
know what part of Africa we came from and really don't wanna know.. Although, I plan to visit the continent soon, my American family tree is over 200 years old.

Well, this candidate happens to be a man of color; multiracial but his dad is Kenyan not African American it's a difference. His American experience was in Kansas the state not Kansas City, MO.. [remember Dorothy, click your heels three times off to see the Wizard, Dorothy], well Senator Obama's was from a White middle class perspective, his maternal roots raised him. But, in order for him to get elected he is expected to denounce his church~family heritage in the African American Church, where many people have attended from all walks of life. Your church is supposed to be personal, but again... I'm using my blogger to express it put it out in cyberspace maybe somebody can explain how he can even relate to the experience of what Jeremiah Wright said?
Well, it was probably more entertaining listening to him rant if you couldn't relate to the experience, the black church has always been the focal point of the plight of all Africans during slavery up until this current 21st century. It's a refuge and a teacher, we as a community have felt hatred, and expressed it openly. But, we always open the dialog and accept the blow back, Dr. King died at 39 years old I was eight years old. Today, I'm 47 years old so I remember a time when it wasn't so nice and we didn't have our own beauty products in Grocery stores. Just Lilt.. and Clairol. C'mon we need to really visit this issue, it's important I personally can't say I object to all Dr. Wright had to say, hell, if you watched the Million Man March it's all about frustration not hate. A dismayed and disillusioned culture of children. The biggest consumers in the USA economy, and the most loyal voting block in the Nation no matter whose party you vote with.

Switching signals, the weather conditions across the Nation all over the Midwest Region of this country and Deep South, North, and West Coast fires have drastically caused harm to hundreds of thousands of families; economy issues, i.e., gas, food, even entertainment.. A world in distress, and we using plastic and payday loans to justify the means. We failing to see the direction we are heading, and money matters... They giving us money borrowed from Skiddish bank to Stim-ul-us, [stimulate us]. We not paying attention because we have all become victim to what Dr. King preached February 8, 1968 at Ebenezer, the Drum Major Instinct.......
Well, I'm included in that statistic, but the issue is who is fit to lead, are we really a nation who follows GOD. Do we trust Him?
My assessment is that mother nature is about the best evidence of a GOD, and if the current weather and climactic changes on Earth is any proof of God's will and his love for us. HIS Grace abounds, but disasters are really occurring more frequently here and other parts of the world. I've been watching this Primary Election08, seems as if every time there's been a Primary more Natural weather disasters' since all of this begun. I mean Jesus said his word that they would know HIM and thanks to satellite TV, all of the Earth, nation to nation.

The Gospel was discussed all around the world for the past 3 weeks if you been watching that same soundbite over, and over, and again. Listen to the words and read New Testament, Ephesians- Revelation, you got time. Read or google Dr. Kings speeches in those last few months of his life, he was very adamant about the war, and said some controversial things, about as scary as Jeremiah Wright but without all the anger... and, If you believe John was on the isle of Patmos when those things were revealed as he witnessed in the last Book of the New Testament. Even if you choose not to believe in the written word. Pay attention and research. the year 2012... http://www.viewzone.com/endtime.html

If I can help somebody as I pass along,If I can cheer somebody with a word or song,If I can show somebody he's traveling wrong,Then my living will not be in vain.If I can do my duty as a Christian ought,If I can bring salvation to a world once wrought,If I can spread the message as the master taught,Then my living will not be in vain.

We in some trying times, stay prayed up, loved up, and please do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Alot of Noise from the left!................................

This information below was posted in 2007-2008 some of these scholarships may not be available but try anyhow!

Hey this may come in handy for you

Subject: Scholarships
Please circulate!


Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does, and to anyone and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of companies and organizations that have donated money for scholarships to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned because of a lack of interest or awareness.No one is going to knock on our doors and ask if we can use a scholarship.Take the initiative to get your children involved.!

Money shouldn't be returned to donating companies because we fail to apply for it.Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful additional money can be.

(If clicking on the link doesn't work, then type in the Web site address manually.)

Blog will be published monthly all comments & opinions expressed are not to offend just to free ur mind.
Please make comments, suggestions, and submit article contributions [no cash] it' don't cost cha nothin!

God Bless, Thanks for stopping by Empowering Spirits - Freeing Your Mind, see links ~ support Minority Owned businesses in our communities.

@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved  orig3/20/08, 12:00 AM
Eastern Standard Time