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Showing posts with label #Trumpism #Trump GunViolence #GunControlLaws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Trumpism #Trump GunViolence #GunControlLaws. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018


Actually, I loved the video. She accomplished two things in my view; 1. She brought a message home to all of us how we can look directly at the truth and be in so much denial nobody noticed. 2. She probably sold over a million copies just from the release of her video. Brilliant!!! Spike Lee would always put a subliminal message in all his movies "MESSAGE" remember the Stop sign.

But truth is we don't always want to face the Naked Truth so we allow people like Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Sarah Palin send out battle cries throughout the nation for all white folks to deem our President as an anti-christ. Hold Gun rallies near the nation's capitol where they can walk around carrying guns with live ammonition. We laugh at it; dismiss it but if the same forces can band together to assassinate JFK, MLKJ, RFK, Malcolm X and blame it all on crazy lone assassins. WAKE UP DAMNIT, it's time for us to put a stop to this in 'Our Nation." They are at it again the same type of words during the period of civil rights, and hatred all focused on south and Midwest poorer class of white people who they manipulate because of their ignorance about other places around the country they believe lies. We also are guilty of listening to second hand information seek out the truth and stand for something or we'll fall again for same ole thing.

We are asleep it's time for all of us to pay attention to what's really going on here. Erykah did the right thing, she walked down Dealy Plaza stripping along the way not one person paid her any attention one guy ran to pick up a piece of clothing if you noticed the rest of them acted as if they saw nothing. Isn't that how we normally respond to everything. Turn away act as if and then it'll blow over or somebody will do something.. It's time to organize, get emails out to Congress to shut down this TEA PARTY and the folks who are inciting people to committ crimes then show up at the funeral blaming it all on crazy.

It's premediated and on the airwaves all day long, lets put a stop to this nonsense it's not 1960's anymore. We've got educated, wealthy, independent and well spoken. What will it take another National tragedy of one of our leaders before we wake up!

@Lovleeannwise Repost 06 2014