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Showing posts with label barack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barack. Show all posts

Thursday, November 08, 2018


Actually, I loved the video. She accomplished two things in my view; 1. She brought a message home to all of us how we can look directly at the truth and be in so much denial nobody noticed. 2. She probably sold over a million copies just from the release of her video. Brilliant!!! Spike Lee would always put a subliminal message in all his movies "MESSAGE" remember the Stop sign.

But truth is we don't always want to face the Naked Truth so we allow people like Rush Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Sarah Palin send out battle cries throughout the nation for all white folks to deem our President as an anti-christ. Hold Gun rallies near the nation's capitol where they can walk around carrying guns with live ammonition. We laugh at it; dismiss it but if the same forces can band together to assassinate JFK, MLKJ, RFK, Malcolm X and blame it all on crazy lone assassins. WAKE UP DAMNIT, it's time for us to put a stop to this in 'Our Nation." They are at it again the same type of words during the period of civil rights, and hatred all focused on south and Midwest poorer class of white people who they manipulate because of their ignorance about other places around the country they believe lies. We also are guilty of listening to second hand information seek out the truth and stand for something or we'll fall again for same ole thing.

We are asleep it's time for all of us to pay attention to what's really going on here. Erykah did the right thing, she walked down Dealy Plaza stripping along the way not one person paid her any attention one guy ran to pick up a piece of clothing if you noticed the rest of them acted as if they saw nothing. Isn't that how we normally respond to everything. Turn away act as if and then it'll blow over or somebody will do something.. It's time to organize, get emails out to Congress to shut down this TEA PARTY and the folks who are inciting people to committ crimes then show up at the funeral blaming it all on crazy.

It's premediated and on the airwaves all day long, lets put a stop to this nonsense it's not 1960's anymore. We've got educated, wealthy, independent and well spoken. What will it take another National tragedy of one of our leaders before we wake up!

@Lovleeannwise Repost 06 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014


As I watched the Sunday morning variety shows talk analysts get bent out of shape about an New York Magazine Article Jonathan Chat forgive me if I mispelled the name wrote this week after the speeches and bickering that took place concerning Attorney General Eric Holder while on the hill also at the National Action Network Conference.  President Obama also touched again on this topic concerning Civil Rights as it pertains to Voting Rights etc.  Heres something to really discuss which gives more background to why as a race black americans are still staggering along it's an interesting experiment.  When are we going to realize our greatness and pull up those saggin pants understand if you don't know where you've been (not just from da hood) you don't know where you're going....

Well. I stumpled upon a great  video called "HIDDEN COLORS " if you can't view it here then by all means check Amazon, YouTube.com  or any African Book store, that sells video & reading materials might have a copy of the DVD on hand.

 I'm a Black Woman in America whose family tree dates back as far as the Emancipation probably before that, but I'm certain because of the geneology tree my maternal grandmother was born in 1902-2002 was raised in Virginia her mother was from Henrico County, VA.  My paternal grandmother was born somewhere around the same time few years later because of poor records in the South we can assume around 1910-1948..  Well, I could go back even further then that but for expediency of this article it's not about me or my family history perse' it's about Our History and important piece that should be shared within the African American population but all cultures can share this information with families, our children here in the 21st century.  It builds self esteem & dignity to know your history on this planet.   It also creates debate of how accuray but facts can be proven if you use all resources to research anybody's claims. As a matter of fact Blacks in America or universally have not always depicted  well as being intelligent academically or as a culture in modern society especially here in our Western world until recently past 20 years sports,and enterainment figures reflect prosperity even our prominent Bishops who lead us religiously now enjoy fame & fortune.

So much has been left unaccounted for the past 400 or more years, Alex Haley's Roots depicted a blue print in graphic details of a family that fought to maintain their culture and legacy pure which encouraged many of us to dig a little deeper ~ but not enough is said about the plight and evolution of millions of people who migrated here from different parts of Africa.  

Although history hasn't gone far enough in 12 years a Slave we were privileged to read about a free Negro whose sold into slavery and is torn away from his family but is able to reunite with them. America has never totally accepted the permanent damage Blacks still face.  We are like a child that was molested and then fell in love with her oppressor only to grew into adulthood with such low self esteem that they are drawn nearer to self-destructive habits or behaviours.  Which leaves them displaced within a society staggering the heart and mind it henders much and most are left with scar tissue we call consequences of life.  Hmmm those unfortunate ones?

 The issue is that so many others were not as fortunate we care to forget that the Blackness or foundation was literally ripped away from a people over many generations even after so much progress has been achieved the wounds from years of sufferage is taking it's toll on the Black race in America.  Another example in real life; After world war II GI bill passed which allowed many GI's returning from the war to purchase homes in middle class communities those homes value went up in value and was passed down to their children who invested or sold for double maybe even triple vs. certain neighborhoods because of housing segregation througout America Black GI's offered same veterans benefits homes didn't double in value in certain instances depreciated due crime & urban under-development. Where their peers were able to leave an estate most blacks die in debt leaving their loved ones responsible for clean up and the struggle goes on generation after generation not for all but for majority we never manage to plan ahead.  Well, me it's just me not you reading this article... We call this a genetic curse among my spiritual friends because nobody wants to be poor especially in America the land of opportunity and lots of money.

 My reason for sharing this video because a special person in my life who  was kind enough to share it with me.  I was very impressed because some of it I didn't know, but alot of it I had read about many years ago.  This information is not for sale or duplication you can enjoy this clip here.  

Please leave polite comments on how we can heal as a Nation my question did Civil Rights change the way we feel as America toward outside cultures other then your own or has it made you more polarized as a human being about the future society as a whole?

This video like so much history only sheds more light on why it so important to teach our children their history take them to museums and around the world if you have means to how mankind has evolved.  IF you are a christian remember Jesus words in his last commandment "that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself."  Without fear & prejudice we strive together.