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Showing posts with label Nigger N*Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nigger N*Word. Show all posts

Thursday, November 06, 2014

What did I say! A C-SPAN Caller Calls President Obama A “N*gger” On Air

What did I say!

  •  A Racist - is a bigot who only likes his kind or tribe and doesn't mix with outside races other than work never socially.
  • Racism - when one race feels Superiority over all other races and impose their will and ways to repress others. 

 ERGO "NIGGERS" We've always been on the Top of the list, but never forget these important words... 

'Segregation Forever': A Fiery Pledge Forgiven, But Not Forgotten 

"Segregation Now, Segregation Forever"  hailed by the former Governor George Wallace from the great state of Alabama with Confederate Flags flown all around him.  They still fly that flag in the South today..

If you don't relate to any of these types of people way down in your soul, and that was repulsive to read and hear.
 I just have one question no matter who you are

 This Cspan Caller is part of a base of people called "Republicans" their color is "RED"
They deplore "BLACK" and darker races
and thier symol is "GREEN" the almighty Dollar
their motto "Be Afraid, Be very, very afraid"

Why do you keep voting against your own interest?
Not Voting at ALL!!!!

Both stagnate your growth in society &  limit any hope for real independence..

#Wake Up People - God Bless
note: Wallace reached out to civil rights activists and appeared in black churches to ask forgiveness. In his last election as governor of Alabama, in 1982, he won with more than 90 percent of the black vote. Wallace died in September 1998.

@Lovleeannwise  all rights reserved 2014