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Showing posts with label Democrates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrates. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2019


original post 07/16/2015

When I was a young girl it was a soap opera called "Search for Tomorrow"  which aired in the afternoon for about 30 minutes a lot of drama for a short amount of airtime but we kept on tuning in everyday.

Well, America's drama is that not enough of us are concerned about the things that matter but want to achieve approval from the status quo... Our National consciousness is in Search for Tomorrow, racism is like blue dye it stains. History reveals the truth which we often want to turn a blind eye. In order to be set free from our past mistakes we have to take ownership.....

I felt so proud of President Obama seeing him finally speak the truth about race relations and when he tried to sing "Amazing Grace" (off key), brought tears to my eyes and laughter too.  He's gonna go down in history as the one who saved America.  He reminded a lot of people about what it is to be an American.  Since he came on the scene I watched him evolve in his oratory, President Obama who said he would bring change has brought change. Whelp!  Buckle up I always like to say that these sentiments are inspired spiritually so for the past 5 or 6 months a nagging has been at me to write but my motivation was it's not time I don't know how to express all of this into words. 

Our people suffer from short term memory loss in USA, we also don't have enough citizens committed to being involved or know their own History, Civics, or about Government.  Students don't even read books or write essays anymore.  College professors teaching online courses and billing us in the thousands and most millennial's can't name or show you five states on a blank map or name all 44 presidents.  No Clue! watch some of the night shows Jimmy Kimmel highlights their ignorance all the time.  Why? Most of the population including Christians feel as though were entitled to everything all of the time and have no patience to wait for anything.  They even have drive thru Funerals now!  

Issue:  We often look to others to speak for us and do the footwork too.  Instead of getting involved outside of writing a check or casting a ballot every 4 years then expecting to find rainbow clouds everyday.  The Media makes profits from viewership and sponsors so they sensationalize the news now it's more for entertainment than information.  They're all chasing the money, we as citizens have become complacent accepting lies when we can see the truth.  We are losing globally with education, and coming soon the most powerful nation will produce the most uneducated people on the planet.. Anytime in 2015 politicians don't even read legislation or know the country's history and will twist and contort the truth to provide instant gratification to people who believe in them.  Would allow the President from Israel B. Netanyau dictate his policy to our Leader undermine our President shows that there is no loyalty amongst thieves.  Most of the American public doesn't realize these Congressmen and Women the majority of representatives from both parties are among the wealthiest Americans working for our states, municipalities, are often compelled  to cast a vote to protect their own interest on wall street, oil barons from TX the famous KOCH Bros. whose state gets more government aide and has thee highest number of uninsured people in the country but oil rich can live anywhere yet has the audacity to refuse a poor women the right to choose or terminate a pregnancy that be life threatning or just can't afford to feed another child.  Texas and all of the other gulf states Louisiana get a lot of funds from taxpayers and always first in line to gut government programs have Denied medicaid expansion because they hate President Obama.  People really want to support white collar criminals like this TX should throw all of them out the entire delegation out with the bathwater.  Chris Christie a tough talking sitting Governor and Presidential Candidate actually hugging the owner of a football team like a little boy hugs his daddy...and last but not least Bobby Jindal is a lunatic don't believe me just listen to what they say! 

Finally, If you are a UNITED STATES citizen then I have some VERY important news to share with you.  

YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT, WE THE PEOPLE means you and me.  If a politician says's those people in "Washington or the Government" keep in mind that they are running the government or to become an employee.  John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi are both government officials and you pay their salaries.  Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and his Daddy before him are all employed they are called GOVERNMENT officials add up a few hundred of em and they're all Washington!  They say things like this because uneducated people who don't know civics or government believe it.

It's been awhile since I actually sat down to write a essay about anything.  My most recent thoughts are scattered because there's so much going on. Lately, it appears that our Nation has embarked on a shift in direction.

Maybe you could say that it's a change of the guard in politics, religion, and everyday life.  How we can see the same thing hear it at the same time yet walk away with different reactions and our own versions of the truth.

Were at a threshold in America and the entire world is joining us.  Never since I was born have I heard so much hatred spouted out of the mouths of "intelligent" people. The Media is the biggest instigator of the drama 24/7 news cycle cable news is a beast..  Hate inflames and circulates has energy.  Blaming each other for all of the troubles in or around YOUR world. 

 Lets start with this how can a free nation of people; the wealthiest nation on earth produce so much skepticism and mistrust?  How can logic defy them when we all are a living witness to injustice and unequal treatment to so many citizens who do study hard and play by the rules.  After a few hundred years of disappointment when frustration and rejection become routine most of those same citizens and their ancestors find relief in living beyond their means, or a life of crime, and other dark places to make life feel normal. Church was a refuge now it's a network. 

The wealthiest people use corporate welfare they bought and paid our Federal and State Politicians who then cripple our big government and then blame it on too much regulations.   Who hurts from these legislative actions that starve the poorest and deceive the middle class? You, me, and the rest of America population 90 percent.  1 percent of them get richer and vow to protect a nation no bigger than the state of Virginia smaller than Texas; Israel a nation who refuses to make peace with their neighbors constant interference in the Gaza Strip building settlements against the will of UN Sanctions despite the 1968 peace treaty have no loyalties toward their fellow citizens or USA who supports them the most.  Like Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake" you'd think top 2 % would have some compassion after getting richer off the backs of the profits from wall street, wars, and feeding the beast.  The American dream buy a house own a car white picket fence then enjoy Drugs, alcohol, porn, illicit sex, nightlife here in America you too can aspire to have it all, same sex marriage, mixed marriage, women buying sperm, same sex adoptions.... whats your dream? Anything goes!

God done left the building seriously, a lot of the Republicans and some Democrats court evangelicals since they like to be led, or pastured actually want to believe that the US Government is coming to get them (during a military exercise). A sitting US Senator (from TX), said he had to call the Pentagon to verify that.... really!  

2nd example: Donald Trump who is not a politician but a savvy and wealthy businessman running for the highest office on the planet.  Yet is totally inept for the job, but because we like people leading us around some blindly mistake him for a world leader.  He might be great with real estate, let me say diplomacy goes a long way he has no real tact just money!  He insults our first sitting African American President said he had sources investigating about his birth place. Actually sued a comedian for saying his mother was a Baboon... he Accused the President's mother of falsifying an official document which she totally couldn't pull off. Gullible Americans do believe that story to this day. He's has numerous lawsuits against him and those he's filed 4 Bankruptcy cases where he walked away with his money.  Also has been sued for housing discrimination for not renting or leasing to minorities, courting Putin of Russia, and other fringe groups who see him as the "Great White Hope."  Since the original post he accepted the resignation of two campaign managers both who nefarious backgrounds.  he's hired 2 new staffers now,  a third campaign manager a female in the hopes to clean up declared rhetoric against women, muslim, mexican, and black american's.  Building a wall!  Now she's whitewashing the whole immigration stance because he's losing support amoung sensible people.

  The other one is to appease the "Alt-Right, Tparty movement whose claim to fame is opposing the establishment with hatefilled freedom of speech in the form of a website blog called "BrietBart."

 It seems to frustrate me alot to watch him mislead so many gullible folks that are really caught up on his celebrity who vicariously wish they had his life and mouth to say whatever the hell is on your mind at the time. It's not their fault, they believed in that the Republican Party would create jobs, and end the "ACA aka Obamacare.  So how many elections can you mislead the people before the revolt use their vote to promote a candidate like Donald Trump.

 You can't even tell he was educated in the best schools, he must've paid for folks to do his homework. Listen to what he says stop watching him as the celebrity, also Trump was never poor he's been wealthy all of his life.My point- how in the HELL can Donald J. Trump relate to me or anyone else whose grown up having to struggle with the plight of poverty.Working poor whose experienced family sacrifices that has paved the way for many of us average working Americans including our First Lady Michelle and President know what that feels like.  This is where we are right now... TODAY!


We never get away with anything usually life has a way of balancing it all out.  Which brings me to my feelings about the Confederate Flag.  For years since the civil war ended it's been a myth that somehow America made race relations right with regards to the Black Slaves who were brought to America against their will and forced to change birth names, stripped of their children, oh and talk about RAPE women of color have been degraded since we landed here off the boat!  Thomas Jefferson had a sick relationship with Sally Hemmings and hid it; then his white grandchildren even denied that President Jefferson had sex with his slave for years but DNA proved the lie to be truth.  So taking down a flag to me to console the public after 9 people died doesn't cut the mustard for me. 

 It's not making up for the hundreds of years of anguish and frustration as time evolved segregation didn't embolden the African race here in America it labeled the black community actually stigmatizing us as Welfare Queens, and Drug Dealing Thugs, all they want when they have money is buy Momma a big house, get some clothes, some bling,and have a nice ride. Our Artist portray in rented homes and cars shooting music videos, and at the end of the day owe thousands to the studio for promotion and distribution.

 Strip clubs making money hand over fist cause a lot of women (mostly of color) degrade themselves just to get money to live a decent lifestyle if their education can't take em where they trying to go; or for many to support them while they trying to get higher education. Player's Club not to far from reality for a few. 

It's about time we started getting concerned about many things, gun control, our planet, and the most urgent of all -loving each other just a little bit more it's a big world and one race rules this planet whether you want to admit it or not we all are Human, albeit from different places and many, many faces but we all serve one GOD.  Atheist and Agnostics serve themselves, so their excluded but still embraced by GOD and his loving Grace &Mercy covers this planet and all of its occupants.  Lions, Tigers, and Bears too. Oh My!

I want to put so much more into words but let me end it here 
to be continued... 


December 12th, 2019  - 45TH President of the United States 

Article #2 Obstruction of Congress

Since I posted this blog during the primaries 2015 alot more has been revealed. Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Prosecutor because Russia hacked the Democratic National Party, used Facebook and Twitter to set up fake accounts and also hacked a few State Election sites in Fla and other parts of America to manipulate the Presidential Election of Trump. Then, after being advised by his Trump Crime Syndicate Son n law Jared told him to fire the FBI Director Comey. Dumb suggestion and it would begin a Cover Up and Obstruction like never before. G7 - G20 Summits Trump has demanded money from Allies for continued military support in NATO. Stood alongside Vladimir Putin and prounounced DNI Coats had it wrong... denied US Intel on Russia Interference and right now as this blog is being edited is still being targeted by the Russians according to the same  17 Intelligence Agencies confirmed Russia was guilty of Attacking US. But, Trump said in Helsinki at a Summit " why would they do it" Putin said he favored the Republican candidate that's why after Associated Press Reporter posed the question. 

What a journey it's been up til now, Joe Biden is the frontrunner for the 2020 nomination Democratic Party and what does Trump do, he bribes Ukraine newly elected President to make a public statement accusing Joe Biden son Hunter Biden of being corrupt and forcing him to say it's an investigation. Why because the Polls predicted Biden as likely winner of the moderate and conservative Electorate who voted for Trump in 2016 and Obama 2 terms. It's total chaos in the world, Saudi Arabia killed a US Journalist, and recently Plantation FL a Saudi National killed 3 people while training at the Air Force Base. Hate crimes are up highest they've been in years. Trump incites division and demonizes American citizens. Intimidates Civil Servants and his own appointees, raises doubt and confusion has told over 13,000+ falsehoods according to the Washington Post.  So you see..... 

Vladimir Putin is now controlling the Republican Party since the Election of the 45th President of the United States, since then his Foreign Policies have alienated our Allies, Threatens Our Global National Security, he moved the US Embassay to Jerusalem to cause division in Middle East Peace for a two-State Solution Palestinians and Israel. He abandoned the Kurds in their fight against ISIS and people who want to racially cleanse them. Turkey has a Autocratic Dictator now, Kim Jong Un got a photo op with Donald Trump and still threatens S.Korea with Nuclear Weapons and the Homeland.

I always say you have to Trust GOD More. I have this Mime it goes like this.... 

I'm not worried about Tomorrow because GOD is Already There!

All we have to do is "Walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT"  Frederick Price


Peace and Blessings

@Lovleeannwise 2015 all rights reserved   - edited repost 12/12/2019

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We the People Election 2008-2016 This is where I Stand

"One nation under GOD, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All"

If you just take a look at the Pledge of Allegiance you can see as a Nation we still fall short for we are very divisive according to race, gender, and religion. Technically speaking it's two (2) America's! One for the haves and the other well, is not the have nots but the have need of..........

Watching the debates from incumbents seeking to hold the job of CEO of USA is chilling and humorous at the same time. Listening to how they all would "change" the way Washington Politics are done. Getting more accomplished here in America. Even universal health care system that will potentially make us all sick. Just from the red tape it will bring and penalties for not having it. My take is nobody is sure how we will get out of this current recession. Spending tax rebates is there only solution to date.

But, lets go deeper...............

The mainstream media has declared John McCain the front runner for the Republican Party and their nominee although Huckabee and Mitt Romney both seem to have a better strategy of getting things done to save US economy. Huckabee is a strong candidate because in spite of them stuffing John McCain down the GOP constituency throats and convincing them that he's their man for the job he stated that in a democracy you must have opposing positions in order for "the people" to all feel that they have participated in the process.

The Democratic Party is pulling a totally different stunt in order to get their "establishment selection" a shot at winning the nomination. If McCain can barely win in South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the rest and be proclaimed the "Front runner", then WHY is the DNC afraid and mainstream media outlets to proclaim Barack Obama as Democratic as it's Front runner. It took 10 consecutive wins in Key states Potomac Primaries, South Carolina, Iowa, and the like if you look at the numbers statistically without Super Delegates he's still the in the lead for the nomination. But, loyalty to previous Administration "The Clinton's" has prevented this historical debut of what everyone is feeling. Barack Obama is the peoples choice overwhelmingly and he's winning the hearts and minds of ALL Americans not just the so called "Black vote," Obama managed to run a good campaign without any scandals or people being fired or resigning. He has managed his campaign funds which is a good indication of the kind of leadership he can bring to the US and abroad.

He has proven based on his qualifications alone the ability to lead, being mulatto gives him the ability to see the world from a whole different pair of eyes, uniquely he has what it takes to UNITE this country whose main theme is hung on "with liberty and Justice for ALL," and "O say does that star spangled banner yet wave?"

Not for the Middle class and Impoverished people. America is home for all Nations and Nationalities but we have not evolved as a people enough to stop hatred, hunger, and basic neglect of our country. Our children of the 21st Century also have different pair of eyes. We need a fresh and new approach to the way we do business here in our Nation. If we really are a land of Christians we need to ask ourselves are we Christ-like as a people. To often you see polls about women over 50, White men under 30, Black Men under 25 death toll, and Latino who are here illegally. We categorize and compartmentalize way too much and never do we research our information being feed to us via various media outlets, but now we have the Internet which allows the whole world to see. IF we are the example of what a Nations is supposed to be like, how it's suppose to look. We have failed we aren't looking so great.

We do have a chance to become a more powerful Nation if we can UNITE as it is written in biblical scripture, "a house divided against itself shall not stand." Our Nation has to put a end to bigotry against race, religion America is where you have the Freedom to believe and practice any religion. We need to have more open forums and town halls to discuss these issues and work on a solution collectively. White have to open up to the idea that all are supreme beings made by GOD as you see HIM and understand HIM to be. Stop being a silent racist open your circle of friends to include people other than your race. Don't let fear prevent you from being a blessing or receiving one.

Muslims are being stereotype and we fear or become skeptical about anyone whose religion is Muslim. WHY? 

Look, when you live in a glass house you can't throw no stones.
If a man can call himself a GOD fearing Christian blood washed holy and sanctified and believes in the right to life and has so much passion about it that they it moves them to go out in protest and blow up a clinic with expectant mothers in the name of GOD or a Tim McVeigh who blows up a building in broad daylight that housed a Daycare Center in the name of Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't make our friends abroad scared of those radical extremist Christians.

What if the world turned against Christianity?

Already you have people who want to change how we practice our faith at Christmas, and Pledge of Allegiance they want to take GOD out of everything. Gays and Lesbians now have the right to marry. 

We all get on our high horses and want to pass judgment on people who are different or look different from us. 

Bottom line, we are all guilty of silent bigotry. But, when you hear politicians say but their are some good Muslims who aren't radicals. Well, you can say that about any number of groups from all persuasions.

Why?  Or is the question; How do we learn from our past mistakes and embrace this change? My answer is simple we have got start with our thinking to become indivisible .

I have friends from different towns, cities, parts of the world who call themselves Americans and are good and decent individuals. As expected we do have different beliefs culturally speaking from mine but it makes our friendship that much richer because we are sharing experiences and growing up together.

Finally, too many people died for our right to Vote, people lets take up our places and UNITE. We are a family, you never get to choose family just gotta love em! But you can choose your friends and how you look at life think positively about embracing change. Remember no change comes without sacrifice and struggle.

Each one teach one!

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming ... - 2006 - 594 pages
Barack Obama in His Own Words - 2007 - 224 pages books.google.com - More book results »
See article below; "Divided America" Books by Barack Obama Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and ... - 2007 - 457 pages


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Two Sides: Do you have to go to church to be a Good Christian?“Yes. The church remains a force for political and social change,” said Rev. Clarence L. James Sr., who is founder/president of Youth Leadership Development Programs and national evangelist of the Prince of Peace Sanctified Baptist Church in Chicago. “No. Organized Black religion is failing,” wrote Haki R. Madhubuti, poet, founder and publisher of Third World Press and University Distinguished Professor and director of the Master of Fine Arts Program at Chicago State University.
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Books: 'Divided America'

Divided America» Links to this discussion
Earl BlackCo-Author, "Divided America" Thursday, February 21, 2008; 12:00 PM
Earl Black was online Thursday, Feb. 21 at noon ET to take your questions on his book "Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics" -- coming out in paperback March 25 -- and why no matter who wins the Democratic primary, the prospects of a general election landslide for either party are slim.

Black is a professor of political science at Rice University. He has written several books with his brother, Emory University government and politics professor Merle Black, about the transformation of Southern politics.
Earl Black: Good afternoon. This is Earl Black, co-author with my brother Merle Black of Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics. Simon & Schuster will publish the paperback edition of this book next month.
Harrisburg, Pa.: I understand and agree with you that politically Americans are very divided. What happens if the voters are divided even further, meaning that a "leftist" candidate (such as a Nader) and/or "rightist" candidate (such as a Ron Paul or a Tancredo) further divide this divided population? Who is more vulnerable to being divided further, the Democrats or the Republicans?
Earl Black: Divided America shows that the national party battle is the product of two competitive minority parties. Neither party can win national elections simply by uniting their partisans and turning them out. Many of the 50 states are generally safe for one of the major parties. Democrats rely on tremendous support in the Northeast and Pacific Coast, and Republicans rely on tremendous support in the South and Mountains/Plains. But these regional strongholds don't add up to national majorities. The Midwest is the nation's swing region, and Ohio would be the most important swing state in the Midwest.
Splinter candidacies (right or left) might be very important in a few states where the party balance is very competitive. Nader's campaign in Florida in 2000 might well have taken enough votes from the Democrats to affect the outcome. In most states, one party usually has a large enough advantage to win despite third parties.
Laurel, Md.: When I was growing up, the Senate included a few liberal Republicans like Charles Matthias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javitts, and some conservative Southern Democrats. In my opinion, this allowed a certain breadth to the political process because every issue wasn't necessarily both ideological and partisan. There was a measure of the spectrum a couple of years ago that determined that it has become almost one-dimensional. Robert Byrd (closest thing to an old-fashioned Southern Democrat anymore) and Lincoln Chaffee were the outliers that roughly defined the second dimension. Does the fact that the parties have little internal breadth make compromises more difficult?
Earl Black: As we show in Divided America, both parties today are much more ideologically pure than before. Conservative southern Democrats are a good example. That was the dominant pattern before the civil rights revolution and the Reagan realignment of the 1980. But no conservative southern Democrats could win a Democratic primary today. Similarly important shifts have made it very difficult to nominate moderate to liberal Republicans across the country. The consequence is very stark partisan and ideological differences in which many elected officials in national politics spend much time responding to the latest partisan outrage. As you point out, this ideological purity in Congress really does make compromises more difficult.
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@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved *2008