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Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EJI's New Lynching Report Documents an Era of Racial Terrorism | Equal Justice Initiative

Knowledge is Power

EJI's New Lynching Report Documents an Era of Racial Terrorism | Equal Justice Initiative  Disclaimer: I am not permitted to reprint the articcle but visit the EJI site for more information and current reports.

In December 2014 I posted an essay in support of #BLACKLIVESMATTER....... to protest the blatant denial in America how little value has been considered for the lives of Black Americans and the affects of the trauma, how it's evolved into bad policing.

This is the original Document as posted by EJI.
If you really want to understand the History and scars which attributes to the black condition in America here's a great article. 

  It speaks to our history as Americans and the experience of both races and what was considered "socially acceptable" way of bringing justice from white race point of view, but it was terror and meant death to the black race utterly powerless in most cases this essay goes indepth to recall factual information and illustrations documenting this inhumane but legal practices here in our Nation.  Maybe this won't change hearts and minds but at least you can't say you didn't know how awful life could be for people of color.  

  To this date no person in power in these United States has ever apologized and offered assistance to the decendants of these people, many "African Americans" who I refer to as Black Americans have been taught to accept and live with many of the generational maladjustments suffered by many families even mine who struggled to identify in a society that loved to "HATE" them and saw them as less than a human being.  We've come a short distance but until we have real dialog such as this piece (just click on the title to the link above in red)  for a frank and open conversation "just the facts" without embelishment, I hold a hope for real brotherhood and healing before the end of the 21st Century.  

  My grandson is Black, Hispanic, Native American, and White.  I guess he's really an "ALL AMERICAN!!" 

That being said I refuse to be afraid anymore
 for him or my Black son whose mere existance to some in our country can be a reason to die......  It's time to heal scars are real.

So check out your mind read the article and you decide..

Show some empathy & be humble lets try that for a start.


GOD Bless#Peace&Love

@Lovleeannwise 2015 all rights are reserved  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Strange Fruit in the 21st Century

Nigerian Woman & Child 

Terrorists Killed 2,000 People in Nigeria Last Week. So Why Doesn’t the World Care?
Mikael Owunna's avatar image

The past week has been one of horror for France. After a three-day rampage in which terrorists killed 17 people both at the Charlie Hebdo offices and at a Jewish kosher supermarket, one fugitive still remains at large. An estimated 3.7 million French citizens took to the streets of Paris in a solidarity march as the attack and its aftermath continues to dominate international headlines. 

But thousands of miles away, another crisis went largely ignored. Boko Haram insurgents in Nigeria committed a massacre of unbelievable proportions in Borno State. Over the period of a few days, the terrorist group killed more than 2,000 people in the town of Baga, as well as 16 neighboring towns and villages, burning entire communities to the ground. Amnesty International described it as the terror group's "deadliest massacre" to date, and the Guardian reports that local defense groups said they gave up counting the bodies left lying on the streets.

By every objective measure, Boko Haram's vicious massacre in Nigeria dwarfs the tragedy in France, so far that the Nigeria bloodshed has been described as one of the worst terrorist attacks in modern history. There's only one problem: In all likelihood, you probably didn't hear about it until just now.

Source: Haruna Umar/AP

Where is the international outcry for these non-Western and predominantly Muslim victims of terrorism? The terrorist attacks in Borno State and Paris unfolded over the same time frame, but the story in France generated more than 50 times more news stories worldwide.

This silence is not accidental. There is a clear double standard when talking about Western vs. non-Western and Muslim vs. non-Muslim victims of terrorism. Terrorists attacks on the West, and against non-Muslims in particular, are sensationalized in the media while those afflicting non-Westerners and Muslims are normalized and treated as business as usual, generating limited public interest and, in turn, limited outcry from activists and institutions that could actually affect change.

This discrepancy in coverage raises important questions about the way the media talks about terrorism — and whether the Western news outlets that so fiercely dissected the brutal Charle Hebdo massacre will ever see non-Western and Muslim victims of terrorism as "mournable." And the result is telling: Reports about non-Western victims of terrorism are generally overlooked or ignored unless they fit particular narrative of freedom and civilization under assault from Islamic extremism.

Is the attention on Charlie Hebdo really about the assault on free speech? Not necessarily. One day after the 10 white journalists were tragically murdered at Charlie Hebdo and became martyrs for "free speech," two Tunisian journalists, Sofiene Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari, were beheaded by Islamic State militants in Libya and received almost no coverage for their sacrifice. 

Additionally, the Committee to Protect Journalists found that more than half of the journalists killed in 2014 were Muslim, even though the international media dialogue of the past year focused almost exclusively on the Islamic State's beheadings of white Americans James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well as the deaths of other white journalists like Camille Lepage

"More than half of 61 journalists killed in 2014 were Muslims, many working in conflict-affected countries such as Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Somalia," writes Rafia Zakaria for Al Jazeera America. "But few have received the recognition or commemoration accorded to Western journalists or a handful who worked for Western media outlets."If this were solely a question of who is fighting to defend "free speech," then international media would be honoring the sacrifices of the scores more non-Western and Muslim journalists who have died in the line of duty. 

Why it matters. Reports about non-Western victims of terrorism are typically restricted unless they can serve a particular agenda, and we saw that again this past week with the media's ominous silence around Boko Haram's massacre of thousands of victims in Borno State. There are no neat narratives surrounding this "Islamic war on women," and no Westerners were killed. It was simply terrorist violence on an unprecedented scale perpetrated against Nigerians, many of whom were Muslim.

We are still not sure of the full scale of the violence in Baga and neighboring towns just yet, but what we do know is staggering. Baga, a town of 10,000, is now "virtually non-existent" according to Musa Alhaji Bukar, a senior government official from the region. Hundreds of corpses are rotting and litter the streets. Entire towns and villages have been burnt down, and thousands of people have had to flee into Lake Chadwhere they face hunger, dehydration and attacks from wild animals while they await rescue on unstable sand bars. This is one of the worst terrorist attacks in history, and Boko Haram followed up on it by makinga 10-year-old girl blow herself up in a market in Maiduguri this Saturday, killing at least 10 more people. 

Thanks for checking out Empowering Spirits remember #BLACKLIVESMATTER its time to #WAKEUPEVERYBODY the problem and the solution is simple #LUVSN-NEEDOFLOVE2DAY!

If nothing changes... nothing changes.
GOD Bless

@Lovleeannwise 2014                  All rights reserved

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We the People Election 2008-2016 This is where I Stand

"One nation under GOD, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All"

If you just take a look at the Pledge of Allegiance you can see as a Nation we still fall short for we are very divisive according to race, gender, and religion. Technically speaking it's two (2) America's! One for the haves and the other well, is not the have nots but the have need of..........

Watching the debates from incumbents seeking to hold the job of CEO of USA is chilling and humorous at the same time. Listening to how they all would "change" the way Washington Politics are done. Getting more accomplished here in America. Even universal health care system that will potentially make us all sick. Just from the red tape it will bring and penalties for not having it. My take is nobody is sure how we will get out of this current recession. Spending tax rebates is there only solution to date.

But, lets go deeper...............

The mainstream media has declared John McCain the front runner for the Republican Party and their nominee although Huckabee and Mitt Romney both seem to have a better strategy of getting things done to save US economy. Huckabee is a strong candidate because in spite of them stuffing John McCain down the GOP constituency throats and convincing them that he's their man for the job he stated that in a democracy you must have opposing positions in order for "the people" to all feel that they have participated in the process.

The Democratic Party is pulling a totally different stunt in order to get their "establishment selection" a shot at winning the nomination. If McCain can barely win in South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the rest and be proclaimed the "Front runner", then WHY is the DNC afraid and mainstream media outlets to proclaim Barack Obama as Democratic as it's Front runner. It took 10 consecutive wins in Key states Potomac Primaries, South Carolina, Iowa, and the like if you look at the numbers statistically without Super Delegates he's still the in the lead for the nomination. But, loyalty to previous Administration "The Clinton's" has prevented this historical debut of what everyone is feeling. Barack Obama is the peoples choice overwhelmingly and he's winning the hearts and minds of ALL Americans not just the so called "Black vote," Obama managed to run a good campaign without any scandals or people being fired or resigning. He has managed his campaign funds which is a good indication of the kind of leadership he can bring to the US and abroad.

He has proven based on his qualifications alone the ability to lead, being mulatto gives him the ability to see the world from a whole different pair of eyes, uniquely he has what it takes to UNITE this country whose main theme is hung on "with liberty and Justice for ALL," and "O say does that star spangled banner yet wave?"

Not for the Middle class and Impoverished people. America is home for all Nations and Nationalities but we have not evolved as a people enough to stop hatred, hunger, and basic neglect of our country. Our children of the 21st Century also have different pair of eyes. We need a fresh and new approach to the way we do business here in our Nation. If we really are a land of Christians we need to ask ourselves are we Christ-like as a people. To often you see polls about women over 50, White men under 30, Black Men under 25 death toll, and Latino who are here illegally. We categorize and compartmentalize way too much and never do we research our information being feed to us via various media outlets, but now we have the Internet which allows the whole world to see. IF we are the example of what a Nations is supposed to be like, how it's suppose to look. We have failed we aren't looking so great.

We do have a chance to become a more powerful Nation if we can UNITE as it is written in biblical scripture, "a house divided against itself shall not stand." Our Nation has to put a end to bigotry against race, religion America is where you have the Freedom to believe and practice any religion. We need to have more open forums and town halls to discuss these issues and work on a solution collectively. White have to open up to the idea that all are supreme beings made by GOD as you see HIM and understand HIM to be. Stop being a silent racist open your circle of friends to include people other than your race. Don't let fear prevent you from being a blessing or receiving one.

Muslims are being stereotype and we fear or become skeptical about anyone whose religion is Muslim. WHY? 

Look, when you live in a glass house you can't throw no stones.
If a man can call himself a GOD fearing Christian blood washed holy and sanctified and believes in the right to life and has so much passion about it that they it moves them to go out in protest and blow up a clinic with expectant mothers in the name of GOD or a Tim McVeigh who blows up a building in broad daylight that housed a Daycare Center in the name of Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't make our friends abroad scared of those radical extremist Christians.

What if the world turned against Christianity?

Already you have people who want to change how we practice our faith at Christmas, and Pledge of Allegiance they want to take GOD out of everything. Gays and Lesbians now have the right to marry. 

We all get on our high horses and want to pass judgment on people who are different or look different from us. 

Bottom line, we are all guilty of silent bigotry. But, when you hear politicians say but their are some good Muslims who aren't radicals. Well, you can say that about any number of groups from all persuasions.

Why?  Or is the question; How do we learn from our past mistakes and embrace this change? My answer is simple we have got start with our thinking to become indivisible .

I have friends from different towns, cities, parts of the world who call themselves Americans and are good and decent individuals. As expected we do have different beliefs culturally speaking from mine but it makes our friendship that much richer because we are sharing experiences and growing up together.

Finally, too many people died for our right to Vote, people lets take up our places and UNITE. We are a family, you never get to choose family just gotta love em! But you can choose your friends and how you look at life think positively about embracing change. Remember no change comes without sacrifice and struggle.

Each one teach one!

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming ... - 2006 - 594 pages
Barack Obama in His Own Words - 2007 - 224 pages books.google.com - More book results »
See article below; "Divided America" Books by Barack Obama Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and ... - 2007 - 457 pages


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Two Sides: Do you have to go to church to be a Good Christian?“Yes. The church remains a force for political and social change,” said Rev. Clarence L. James Sr., who is founder/president of Youth Leadership Development Programs and national evangelist of the Prince of Peace Sanctified Baptist Church in Chicago. “No. Organized Black religion is failing,” wrote Haki R. Madhubuti, poet, founder and publisher of Third World Press and University Distinguished Professor and director of the Master of Fine Arts Program at Chicago State University.
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Books: 'Divided America'

Divided America» Links to this discussion
Earl BlackCo-Author, "Divided America" Thursday, February 21, 2008; 12:00 PM
Earl Black was online Thursday, Feb. 21 at noon ET to take your questions on his book "Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics" -- coming out in paperback March 25 -- and why no matter who wins the Democratic primary, the prospects of a general election landslide for either party are slim.

Black is a professor of political science at Rice University. He has written several books with his brother, Emory University government and politics professor Merle Black, about the transformation of Southern politics.
Earl Black: Good afternoon. This is Earl Black, co-author with my brother Merle Black of Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics. Simon & Schuster will publish the paperback edition of this book next month.
Harrisburg, Pa.: I understand and agree with you that politically Americans are very divided. What happens if the voters are divided even further, meaning that a "leftist" candidate (such as a Nader) and/or "rightist" candidate (such as a Ron Paul or a Tancredo) further divide this divided population? Who is more vulnerable to being divided further, the Democrats or the Republicans?
Earl Black: Divided America shows that the national party battle is the product of two competitive minority parties. Neither party can win national elections simply by uniting their partisans and turning them out. Many of the 50 states are generally safe for one of the major parties. Democrats rely on tremendous support in the Northeast and Pacific Coast, and Republicans rely on tremendous support in the South and Mountains/Plains. But these regional strongholds don't add up to national majorities. The Midwest is the nation's swing region, and Ohio would be the most important swing state in the Midwest.
Splinter candidacies (right or left) might be very important in a few states where the party balance is very competitive. Nader's campaign in Florida in 2000 might well have taken enough votes from the Democrats to affect the outcome. In most states, one party usually has a large enough advantage to win despite third parties.
Laurel, Md.: When I was growing up, the Senate included a few liberal Republicans like Charles Matthias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javitts, and some conservative Southern Democrats. In my opinion, this allowed a certain breadth to the political process because every issue wasn't necessarily both ideological and partisan. There was a measure of the spectrum a couple of years ago that determined that it has become almost one-dimensional. Robert Byrd (closest thing to an old-fashioned Southern Democrat anymore) and Lincoln Chaffee were the outliers that roughly defined the second dimension. Does the fact that the parties have little internal breadth make compromises more difficult?
Earl Black: As we show in Divided America, both parties today are much more ideologically pure than before. Conservative southern Democrats are a good example. That was the dominant pattern before the civil rights revolution and the Reagan realignment of the 1980. But no conservative southern Democrats could win a Democratic primary today. Similarly important shifts have made it very difficult to nominate moderate to liberal Republicans across the country. The consequence is very stark partisan and ideological differences in which many elected officials in national politics spend much time responding to the latest partisan outrage. As you point out, this ideological purity in Congress really does make compromises more difficult.
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@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved *2008