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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label for GOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label for GOD. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Fathers "To be Invisible" written by Curtis Mayfield

A role as father is a commitment.

The Most Highest Deity, is the best example of this. The Author and Finisher of all Men and Humankind, creatures that creep upon the earth....

Men, not just African American Males are born to believe it's okay to father children and not be committed to them. Commitment is lacking to our struggle, where are the real Fathers? I mean we are really caught up on the drive by love affairs, half on a baby R Kelly comes to mind.

We really do not have any true examples of, that type of commitment but, once you take on the role as a father even if you have legally adopted a child, once the marriage or relationship sank didn't mean no responsibility to the care for the child ... lets get real!

 Man Up and be that father, a "daddy" any two people can make a baby. Why should a child suffer because of  wrong decision or bad choice.  None of us can choose our parents, siblings, or relatives.  We come into this world innocent butt naked, with no consciousness of worldly belongings, we unconditionally love our parents, we have to trust them to do the right things.

Now let me kick the scripture as normal it's not me but GOD speaking through me, to me and I love to spread the Love.....

Gen 35:11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; KJV

We have some strong role models our first African American President, Barack is a beautiful example of what real Kings are made of, and he can't change his mind and walk or run, getting locked up and put into drama being distracted by so many beautiful women in the World..... African, Asian, European, Latino so many choices.

When you make a commitment to a partner or marry regardless of the challenges, growing pains is what makes any relationship stronger.  Once, you become a Father when the going gets rough, people fall short we become dismayed.  Often times looking for another mate on the side which complicates life even more.  Remember the  young people in your life the adolescent watch your every move and often emulate the same behavior once they've grown into a man or woman, a reflection of you.

Proverbs 22:6-8King James Version (KJV)

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail.

@Lovleeannwise 2016 all rights reserved

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Woman at the Well, with A Situation feat Bishop T.D. Jakes

A private matter; Woman to Woman on a whole new level.Whatever happened Barbara, this is Shirley…….. Women who creep OPP syndrome

Conversation With the Samaritan Woman

John 4:7-244:7 A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me some water to drink.” 4:8 A Situation

4:13 Jesus replied, “Everyone who drinks some of this water will be thirsty again. 4:14 But whoever drinks some of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.” 4:15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.” 4:16 He said to her, “Go call your husband and come back here.” 4:17 The woman replied, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “Right you are when you said, ‘I have no husband, 4:18 for you have had five husbands, and the man you are living with now is not your husband. This you said truthfully!”   A Situation....
4:21 Jesus said to her, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 4:22 You people worship what you do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews. 4:23 But a time is coming – and now is here – when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be his worshipers. 4:24 God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth
Many real women have had at least one indiscretion where she didn’t want to fall for or become somebody’s mistress, which often always results in a broken heart on all sides, and yes the family does suffer through the crisis. Yet as I was growing up the black women in my community handled these matters so indiscreetly that you still spoke with respect to an, Aunties, best girlfriend or Ms. Gotchaman from across the street whose always having lots of different guys around.. my childhood memories.. Another time I can remember another sister taking a wine bottle wrapped in her man’s boxer shorts and throwing it through the mistress patio door shattering the glass and then slashing tires…. He moved out it was over and only a few us knew what had happened loved her through the pain and humiliation. The woman knew who did it but never could identify anything but the drawers..

I recall my mother demonstrating what kiss my ass meant using sign language to Ms. Gotchaman.. no words were ever spoken, so you mean from my childhood trauma of watching mother bend over pull her panties down and tell another woman kiss her ass she thought was sleeping with my father, which still brings me to tears in laughter at this very moment. She or I could have sued Ms. Gotchaman for $$$.. It would have paid for a nice college tuition at best.

No I’m not feeling that lawsuit the NBA player’s spouse is claiming against Gabrielle Union even if it does stink to all hell. Gabby was wrong but who are we to judge, he/she who is without sin please cast the first stone and let GOD be all of their judge, its painful but why draw more pain by making it a public shame.

Does anybody come out the winner, nope I don’t think so and the kids continue to be humiliated privately about a public scandal. Celebrities are human beings who also wake up with the same requirements except they have exposure to more tangible things.. Feelings and desires are usually human they suffer too. Chris Brown still struggling back from a very public private matter.

Where do we draw the line between what is for public consumption vs. private enlightenment; why do we enjoy consuming other folks misery; scripture points to the fact that we ought to pray when any of us suffers this level of public humiliation all parties need encouragement and for folks to stop acting like you never been a “tramp” once or flirted hard with somebody else’s man.

Personally, I’ve been on either side if you check out this chick flick “It’s Complicated that is the perfect analogy. A wife who becomes the ex-husband’s mistress; once scorned then karma allows her to experience hoe dum and she loves it! We’ve all shared a moment and if you’ve haven’t chances do go around. For some Agony&Ectasy that some painful growth betrayal, then forgiveness.

The experts in the law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught committing adultery. They made her stand in front of them 8:4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of adultery. 8:5 In the law Moses commanded us to stone to death such women. What then do you say?” 8:6 (Now they were asking this in an attempt to trap him, so that they could bring charges against him.) Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground with his finger. 8:7 when they persisted in asking him, he stood up straight and replied, “Whoever among you is guiltless may be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8:8 then he bent over again and wrote on the ground.

8:9 Now when they heard this, they began to drift away one at a time, starting with the older ones, until Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 8:10 Jesus stood up straight and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 8:11 She replied, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.”

God Bless and Show some love for yourself be considerate of others


@Lovleeannwise  All rights reserved 2010

Lovleeannwise 2010May

Thursday, December 31, 2015



We are born and come into the world innocent naked hoping we get a great set of parents carnal being dealt a hand only to be met with a life uniquely designed for us aligned with a bigger plan in mind.

Momma seemed to understand set me on the right path during adolescence was a cakewalk, puberty I woke up misunderstood. Being the only girl, struggling to fit in outside their world.

So I grow, learning to communicate one word, then a thought, until I can stand alone with adulthood issues to problem solve without Mommas help.


Given the values of a Queen to run any “Kingdome”, coached by many mentors who taught the laws of the sacred Golden rules attended Sunday school; participated in Tom Thumb weddings being prepared to become a wife to fear and love the Lord seeing me as “The Bride” walking hand hand down the aisle. Disillusioned, I misunderstood the facts of life.

Barbe & Ken dolls, Doo Wop songs, Temptations, Ojays, Luther, and the like, Main Ingredient kept me Spinning around with high expectations compromised more than once or twice.

Surviving humiliations

With my head held high, seeking my guidance headed east pass Jupiter for the only one who truly does get me, truly loves me exactly as I am.

 He understands.

Before I began to compose this, suddenly, in my solitude I hear Smokey Norvel ministering from the radio then at once to my inner voice leaping inside to the song, “I Understand,”  it seemed appropriate cause you can’t choose your family, not even your lifetime partner or that handful of friends; maybe?

Who may never get who you really are that sometimes take you for granted as you evolve onward towards a magnificient journey that God has laid out just for you to follow no explanation given we struggle for answers rarely do we understand. We end up growing in truth and love as we learn how to serve our fellow Man in one-way shape or form. Whether life feels routine somewhat self righteous with little or no major ups and downs. Give him Honour, and honour those who teach you,

Just remember GOD Understands, in his word he Proclaims, I AM God the only one who changes not, day in and day out. I call on and rely on Him Jehovah Jireh my Provider, Jehovah Nissi my banner, and El Shaddai Almighty GOD, the strength giver..

Who never sleeps nor slumbers

For I can’t satisfy my own soul, my plight is solo some days I don’t fathom why God moves in his ways I end the day in prayer , getting through the mine fields each day achieving the Victory seems astounding“Thank You Lord Yeah tho I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death”! At times being persecuted by the world when it doesn’t matter if I’m minding my own business or just standing firm when controversy twists and distorts the direction of life that causes fingers to point, loud whispers, or even laughs life maybe hard but it's fair!

My mind remembering that what don’t kill you sometimes criticism hard as it seem can make you strong. Don’t be like Lot’s wife it symbol, Old Testament “she turned into a pilar of salt, New Testament describes it as being sifted as wheat”

Don't Look Back!

When people leave you or forsake you let them go. In the book, Acts of Faith remember what Iyanla proclaimed that your purpose, my purpose and other people’s purpose are but for, “A reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Walk on, through the wind, walk on thru the rain; Cry out to Him to please take my hand.

In time all things do pass away. And forgive yourself for letting go don’t hold on because moving forward is part of God’s bigger plan. He knows the prequel to the sequel better than you or I even the part about how much you are uniquely a blessing to others and often…

"Never Look Back" 
Live life on life terms with little or no regrets

Oh GOD Please don't let me be


@Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved  repost and edited 12/31/15

Sunday, November 01, 2015

ARE WE STILL ON? black poetry - featuring Nature Boy Tribute

Black Poetry


I wake each morning with the same thing on my mind, wondering about you and watching time fly. The dawn only reminds me of how I enjoyed watching you sleep and being captivated by the peacefulness of your face. Silently watching you breathe, feeling your heart beat, and the warm softness of your caramel coated skin gently touching up against mine.

Dragging myself up out of unconsciousness my mind wonders, are you secure, safe, and does he miss the softness of my kiss…. Are we still on and does the feelings of love still linger within. My desire for you only gets deeper as each day passes seems like I’ve caught something like a bad virus. Can’t seem to shake you holding on as hard as I can to what now seems to be somebody else’s man

I keep trying to convince myself of the love we hold as true telling myself, “Nothing and no other woman could ever replace you”, but the question still pops up again, Are we still on, or is this the bitter end.

God! I keep praying bring him home soon, don’t wanna lose this feeling. Our house is like one big empty room. No peace between us whenever we’re together, but being apart is worse than ever. Luther was right about a House is not a home, the end result when your man is left to roam. You wonder, Are we still on?

Dedicated to the love of my life.....
Shelle"Moderator, Peace


"Nature Boy"


There was a boy
A very strange, enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far, over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he

And then one day,
One magic day he passed my way
While we spoke of many things
Fools and Kings
This he said to me:

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".
The song writer – eden ahbez (he insisted that his name will not be capitalized),
A Brooklyn born, homeless by choice in Californiamystic and spiritual eccentric – was partially Jewish.  The tune was apparently an older Eastern European Jewish tune – Shvayg mayn harts (In Yidish – Be Still, My Heart) by Herman Yablokuff, who sued ahbez and won $25,000 in a one time settlement.  

Growing into God's Favor

Have you ever gone through a situation so bad that you thought no one in the world could possibly be in a more terrible fix than you? The experience was beyond comprehension and it seemed impossible that you ever get out of it but somehow you did? I know people who lost their jobs, and as a result, lost their homes, cars or went bankrupt. Now they're in a better job, making better money and experiencing success in other areas of life only to be challenged by scandalous criticism from so-called "friends" and even family.
Isn't it amazing how a person can go through extreme difficulties in life, but as soon as God delivers them out of that situation into His blessing, the people around them begin questioning their progress? They begin to prejudge the miracle God has performed by saying things like: "I don't know how she got that job; she was just a secretary before." "How can he live in a house like that; he must be selling drugs." "What are they grinning about; last year they were talking about getting a divorce." Can you relate to what I'm saying?
You may be surprised, but your best moment often provokes envy and jealousy in others. God's favor on your life becomes the source of their frustration. In fact, many believe your favor was at their expense. Unfortunately they never muster up the courage to celebrate the big break you've been waiting for all your life.

I am reminded of the story in the Bible where a man had been blind since birth. When Jesus and His disciples came up on the man, the disciples questioned Jesus saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him" (John 9:2-3).After Jesus healed the man, you would think that the people who knew him would have celebrated and been happy for him. Instead great controversy broke out and they began to question his healing. They questioned his parents to the point that they doubted that the man was who he said he was. Worse than that, they questioned the work of Jesus.

You may be wondering why things are as they are in your life right now, or why you had to go through what you went through to arrive at the place you are today. Quite honestly, some things have no explanation. And unfortunately bad things do happen to good people. But God has purpose in everything; and only He can bring you out. God wants to reveal His work in your life.
Whatever you're waiting for right now, consciously or subconsciously, hold on. Your help is on the way! As you wait, begin preparing yourself for the backlash of God's favor. Determine that you will walk in your miracle despite what anyone says or thinks. People may prejudge you, question God's blessing on your life and hate you for being chosen. Don't worry. Grow into His favor and enjoy the benefits of your miracle.

This article was taken from the series entitled The Favor Factor.
courtesy of:
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Submitted by Shelle'

Moderator's comments
Greetings to all
Thanks for visiting "Empowering Spirits - Freeing Your Mind" weblog

@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved "Are We Still On" 
 Published on
4/23/08, 3:03 PM Thanks for sharing 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Heaven Help Us

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”   Galatians 2:20

2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.4 Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.8 And the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.9 Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.10 Hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.11 To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.16 Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.21 How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.

Based upon the above text the Children of Israel were in alot of trouble, I always like that there is nothing new under the sun.  But to go a little deeper, "if nothing changes, Nothing Changes.  

Fast forward we are now living in 21st century dealing with zenith speed in technology and have evolved that if you were to read the above text you'd think the author Isaiah was describing this century.  I enjoy reviewing and posting archives of older posts from Empowering Spirits but lately its been a tug at my heart torn to deliver a word that's really not mine.  I'm not claiming vision or even that GOD whispered in my ear.  Can't even describe what this is exactly so I'll just give GOD the great IAM all the Glory take nothing for myself.
The politics, the people, the music, the movies and television seem to reflect a whole different world from the one I grew up in and alot of us "Boomers" I'm a late boomer born in the 60's are catching our breath just to keep up which brings me to my current condition my profession is now as contractor and previously a civil service government employee I've tried to reinvent myself as times changed so I've always been sort of nosey and tech savvy.  Always wanted to rise above my peers on my level not yours. See my journey has brought me closer due to circumstances all beyond my control to my inner spiritual being and connected me directly to the source.  I'm not a minister not really interested in that field but I am interested in what the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth has planted inside of me, a vision to interpret and see the world as it relates to that Book.

So I really was wrestling with this blog because I'm just gonna type and let it all flow, then when I read it for edit and my editing skills are very mediocre cause I'm not a journalist either I majored in Sociolgy with an eye on pre-med when I found out the math was involved and cadavers changed my whole life went in a direction opposite of that didn't finish college and had scholarships but I was very sharp in my thinking and Richard Nixon did more for our black community with the CETA programs backed by federal dollars gave alot of us a leg up even our community leaders who sponsored these summer/winter jobs programs for youth in the inner cities you could get a work permit at 14 and have enough summer pay to buy clothes and shoes for fall or you save it pay your parents cause my mother always made me give her something.  Contribute to the family.  We've lost that in our homes and here in our Nation.

America is great we have evolved over time but not atoned for there is so much harm that has been swept up under the Constitutional rug.  I just feel so compelled can't knock this nation either because I love my country and know no other, yet my curiosty caused me to do some research and what I discovered about myself, my family, and then overall community was from the time our ancestors got to this continent up til now, we never left most of us don't even know who we really are.  It struck me because alot of urban blacks can't afford the best of anything we have HMO's not private doctors once upon a time we did but not in the 21st century they use to come to your home and if your parents didn't have all the money it was okay RIP Dr. Robinson, and you trusted him he trusted you the family paid the bill.  But unless you were bleeding or couldn't breath like me I had ashthma you had the home remedies.  Things have changed but nothing changed let me dig deeper so you don't think I'm rambling.  If you compare our plight as a race with other immigrants who were invited to come and how well they weren't received America always made you work hard for your dreams but if you had some advantages it was somewhat easier vs. slaves who didn't migrate but were brought here from the distance in ships stacked upon one another it struck me that I can't smell my own underarms when I'm musty what must've been their experience yet 200+years later their children, children, children, children don't even know who they are.  

When you don't know who you are you tend to identify or adapt to the environment take on the languages accents and ways of the natives funny things I found out that Africans were coming here years before Columbus trading with the Native Americans and had settled here with them Cherokee tribe South and West Indians are proof of that.  Yet the slaves struggled to pioneer without any assistance from their masters after they were freed they opened up the boarder and allowed Europeans more access which disallowed the freemasons who were skilled and black from being hired and they couldn't earn a decent wage so it was easier to be a servant and get paid if you got paid.  Cause you have to understand they existed many, many years in the 18th and 19th Century without any human rights.  I am one of those children, and I don't know who I am what tribe and tongue colors that represent my family or Africans have family Crest and tribal dynasties yet I can't relate to any of that.  One of my friends who was from Liberia laughed at one day because I was wearing a afrocentric sweater it was beautiful she said "what tribe does those colors belong too", I said huh? She laughed out loud and said you black americans really don't know nothing about who you are then she told me those colors belong to a tribe in Africa she thought I knew.  In other words, she was testing me.

Now we read above about the Children of Israel well through time man has grossly lied about the true Children of Israel Hebrews but it's okay cause we still all related at the end of the day but I noticed that the darker children on this earth have always suffered at the hand of some regime or government do your research like I did if you feel something about this blog.  Because this is basically how I'm gonna pause cause it's always more to come, in 1938 Adolf Hitler who was a monster and beast killed alot of Jewish people the Holocaust was horriffic no words to describe it was unhuman to say the least and I believe each culture has suffered and GOD who loves us all seen all of that and put favor on America to as King David with a small but mighty we stood up against that monster and won but to atone for all they had suffered UN was established and settlement was built to repatriat them to Israel which is they're homeland except it's not, not really but they are converted and loyal to their faith as were the Children of Israel who were forced out Temple was destroyed all that's left now in 21st century is the waling wall where the Rabi's pray.  But accommodations were made alot of them from Germany had already come over to the "New World" and did movies and films, scientist, authors, philosophers like Dr. Freud.  We owe alot of the great things about our country to their creativity and vision of America but to save time I'll just make my point.  African Americans who were grossly mistreated and maybe not in the methods Adolf Hitler used but to be stripped of your heritage, your native tongue, not be allowed to read and write, eating scrapes pig feet chitterlings, neckbones and watching the master take liberties with a mans wife or even the master wife wanted the stud it happened did you see Roots and that was just one mans story.  12 years a slave was one mans story well it was millions of us here during 18 and 19th centuries who don't know who we are so our last names became whoever owned us.  Think about that and when jewish people came they changed their names so anglos wouldn't discriminate against them they happened to be one cut above us in regard to position in life here in America, they were disrespected and hated too but they had one option a right to duel citizenship and to go to Israel if they wanted Black people don't know where to go they never ever offered to get the Continent of Africa to even designate a piece of land for African Americans you have to spend thousands of dollars just to find out what tribe you belong too and even then it's inconclusive.  So all that being said why is it that we've ALL RACES become resentful and entitled?  Why 
Corinthians 13:4-7

This is a description of Agape Love. It is described as being patient, kind, truthful, unselfish, trusting, believing, hopeful, and enduring. It is not jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, or angry. True love never fails. The description perfectly fits God's love toward us, and should be the way we love each other and God. However, I have never met any person who perfectly fulfills this biblical definition of love. The Bible says that this unconditional love is more important than everything else (a partial list includes oratory ability, prophecy, knowledge, faith, philanthropy and hope). All of these things, which are "good" things, will pass away. Only love is eternal, since love will be the basis of eternal life. In fact, when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, He said, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND." (Matthew 22:37)10 He then added that the second most important law was "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." Jesus said that the entire law was dependent upon these two commandments
To be continued I love you all, #SHOWSOMELOVE

The most famous biblical chapter on love is from 1 Corinthians:

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

@Lovleeannwise 2015 all rights reserved.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Isley Brothers - (Prelude) Harvest For The World

Sunday, February 08, 2015



"I feel when you defend yourself against criticism, it makes me think your just a little bit guilty"
quoted Suzie Orman @Morning Joe MSNBC 1/9/09

Don't play to your critic’s  just smile in spite of it ALL and know who’s really in control. We don't have to explain OURSELVES why we care, share, and love one another. Just serve GOD be available to live as an example and give truthful testimony about HIS GRACEMERCY and how it's working in your life!  

There is no defense for the truth but a lie knows no boundaries.  Always on an endless road to living in self-destruction, or even death. Besides as prophesized most humans can't handle the truth because a lie is easier to believe.... Don't believe everything you hear, and half of what you see stop hating on each other take time out to be of service to somebody because your called blessed.

Be blessed in the LORD for HIS Mercy Endures forever!

Standing on the Promises of GOD.  Show some Love!

Living With Critcism

 PotterTouch 2013 all rights reserved TDJministries

@Lovleeannwise 2015  all rights reserved 

Friday, January 23, 2015

My Everything featuring The Temptations

written and produced* by Norman Whitfield* Cornelius Grant Roger Penzabene

You surely must know magic girl
Cause you changed my life
It was dull and ordinary
But you made it sunny and bright
Now, I was blessed the day I found you
Gonna build my whole world around you
You're everything good, girl
And you're all that matters to me
When my way was dark and troubles were near
Your love provided the light so I could see, girl
Just knowin' your love was near when times were bad
Kept the world from closin' in on me girl
I was blessed the day I found you
Gonna build my whole world around you
You're everything good girl
And you're all that matters to me
Baby, you're part of every thought I think each day
Your name is in every phrase my lips say
Every dream I dream is about you
Honey I can't live without you
Baby (baby), baby (baby), baby
You're my everything, you're my everything, yes you are
(Don't you know you're my everything)
You're the girl I sing about
In every love song I sing
(You're my everything)
You're my winter baby
My summer, my fall and spring
(You're my everything)
Now, now, I was blessed the day I found you
Gonna build my whole world around you
You're everything good girl and you're all that matters to me
You're my everything, you're my everything, yes you are
(Don't you know you're my everything)
You're my everything, you're my everything
(Don't you know you're my everything)
You're my everything, you're my everything
Don't you know you're my everything

GOD You're my Everything besides no human being living or dead no one has cared for me the way you have and still do til this very breath and keystroke.  I see you in moving all through my life, in songs like this makes me think only of you, working with my provisions, I've survived more than I suffered all of past sorrows & look ahead to different levels of success.  You nurtured me throughout my life protected when I ran through the RED Lights and STOP signs.  Still true.

All things work together for Good and to Glorify You 


Nothing in this world will ever be greater because of You're Eternal Love for me all of these things are made possible~Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit  Living by Faith for your Blessings Eternally - 
Your my Everything always near guiding my path and You're all that matters to me.
#Peace and Love - GOD Bless 

@Lovleeannwise 2014 all rights reserved

Thursday, February 21, 2008

We the People Election 2008-2016 This is where I Stand

"One nation under GOD, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All"

If you just take a look at the Pledge of Allegiance you can see as a Nation we still fall short for we are very divisive according to race, gender, and religion. Technically speaking it's two (2) America's! One for the haves and the other well, is not the have nots but the have need of..........

Watching the debates from incumbents seeking to hold the job of CEO of USA is chilling and humorous at the same time. Listening to how they all would "change" the way Washington Politics are done. Getting more accomplished here in America. Even universal health care system that will potentially make us all sick. Just from the red tape it will bring and penalties for not having it. My take is nobody is sure how we will get out of this current recession. Spending tax rebates is there only solution to date.

But, lets go deeper...............

The mainstream media has declared John McCain the front runner for the Republican Party and their nominee although Huckabee and Mitt Romney both seem to have a better strategy of getting things done to save US economy. Huckabee is a strong candidate because in spite of them stuffing John McCain down the GOP constituency throats and convincing them that he's their man for the job he stated that in a democracy you must have opposing positions in order for "the people" to all feel that they have participated in the process.

The Democratic Party is pulling a totally different stunt in order to get their "establishment selection" a shot at winning the nomination. If McCain can barely win in South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the rest and be proclaimed the "Front runner", then WHY is the DNC afraid and mainstream media outlets to proclaim Barack Obama as Democratic as it's Front runner. It took 10 consecutive wins in Key states Potomac Primaries, South Carolina, Iowa, and the like if you look at the numbers statistically without Super Delegates he's still the in the lead for the nomination. But, loyalty to previous Administration "The Clinton's" has prevented this historical debut of what everyone is feeling. Barack Obama is the peoples choice overwhelmingly and he's winning the hearts and minds of ALL Americans not just the so called "Black vote," Obama managed to run a good campaign without any scandals or people being fired or resigning. He has managed his campaign funds which is a good indication of the kind of leadership he can bring to the US and abroad.

He has proven based on his qualifications alone the ability to lead, being mulatto gives him the ability to see the world from a whole different pair of eyes, uniquely he has what it takes to UNITE this country whose main theme is hung on "with liberty and Justice for ALL," and "O say does that star spangled banner yet wave?"

Not for the Middle class and Impoverished people. America is home for all Nations and Nationalities but we have not evolved as a people enough to stop hatred, hunger, and basic neglect of our country. Our children of the 21st Century also have different pair of eyes. We need a fresh and new approach to the way we do business here in our Nation. If we really are a land of Christians we need to ask ourselves are we Christ-like as a people. To often you see polls about women over 50, White men under 30, Black Men under 25 death toll, and Latino who are here illegally. We categorize and compartmentalize way too much and never do we research our information being feed to us via various media outlets, but now we have the Internet which allows the whole world to see. IF we are the example of what a Nations is supposed to be like, how it's suppose to look. We have failed we aren't looking so great.

We do have a chance to become a more powerful Nation if we can UNITE as it is written in biblical scripture, "a house divided against itself shall not stand." Our Nation has to put a end to bigotry against race, religion America is where you have the Freedom to believe and practice any religion. We need to have more open forums and town halls to discuss these issues and work on a solution collectively. White have to open up to the idea that all are supreme beings made by GOD as you see HIM and understand HIM to be. Stop being a silent racist open your circle of friends to include people other than your race. Don't let fear prevent you from being a blessing or receiving one.

Muslims are being stereotype and we fear or become skeptical about anyone whose religion is Muslim. WHY? 

Look, when you live in a glass house you can't throw no stones.
If a man can call himself a GOD fearing Christian blood washed holy and sanctified and believes in the right to life and has so much passion about it that they it moves them to go out in protest and blow up a clinic with expectant mothers in the name of GOD or a Tim McVeigh who blows up a building in broad daylight that housed a Daycare Center in the name of Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't make our friends abroad scared of those radical extremist Christians.

What if the world turned against Christianity?

Already you have people who want to change how we practice our faith at Christmas, and Pledge of Allegiance they want to take GOD out of everything. Gays and Lesbians now have the right to marry. 

We all get on our high horses and want to pass judgment on people who are different or look different from us. 

Bottom line, we are all guilty of silent bigotry. But, when you hear politicians say but their are some good Muslims who aren't radicals. Well, you can say that about any number of groups from all persuasions.

Why?  Or is the question; How do we learn from our past mistakes and embrace this change? My answer is simple we have got start with our thinking to become indivisible .

I have friends from different towns, cities, parts of the world who call themselves Americans and are good and decent individuals. As expected we do have different beliefs culturally speaking from mine but it makes our friendship that much richer because we are sharing experiences and growing up together.

Finally, too many people died for our right to Vote, people lets take up our places and UNITE. We are a family, you never get to choose family just gotta love em! But you can choose your friends and how you look at life think positively about embracing change. Remember no change comes without sacrifice and struggle.

Each one teach one!

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming ... - 2006 - 594 pages
Barack Obama in His Own Words - 2007 - 224 pages books.google.com - More book results »
See article below; "Divided America" Books by Barack Obama Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and ... - 2007 - 457 pages


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Books: 'Divided America'

Divided America» Links to this discussion
Earl BlackCo-Author, "Divided America" Thursday, February 21, 2008; 12:00 PM
Earl Black was online Thursday, Feb. 21 at noon ET to take your questions on his book "Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics" -- coming out in paperback March 25 -- and why no matter who wins the Democratic primary, the prospects of a general election landslide for either party are slim.

Black is a professor of political science at Rice University. He has written several books with his brother, Emory University government and politics professor Merle Black, about the transformation of Southern politics.
Earl Black: Good afternoon. This is Earl Black, co-author with my brother Merle Black of Divided America: The Ferocious Power Struggle in American Politics. Simon & Schuster will publish the paperback edition of this book next month.
Harrisburg, Pa.: I understand and agree with you that politically Americans are very divided. What happens if the voters are divided even further, meaning that a "leftist" candidate (such as a Nader) and/or "rightist" candidate (such as a Ron Paul or a Tancredo) further divide this divided population? Who is more vulnerable to being divided further, the Democrats or the Republicans?
Earl Black: Divided America shows that the national party battle is the product of two competitive minority parties. Neither party can win national elections simply by uniting their partisans and turning them out. Many of the 50 states are generally safe for one of the major parties. Democrats rely on tremendous support in the Northeast and Pacific Coast, and Republicans rely on tremendous support in the South and Mountains/Plains. But these regional strongholds don't add up to national majorities. The Midwest is the nation's swing region, and Ohio would be the most important swing state in the Midwest.
Splinter candidacies (right or left) might be very important in a few states where the party balance is very competitive. Nader's campaign in Florida in 2000 might well have taken enough votes from the Democrats to affect the outcome. In most states, one party usually has a large enough advantage to win despite third parties.
Laurel, Md.: When I was growing up, the Senate included a few liberal Republicans like Charles Matthias, Lowell Weicker and Jacob Javitts, and some conservative Southern Democrats. In my opinion, this allowed a certain breadth to the political process because every issue wasn't necessarily both ideological and partisan. There was a measure of the spectrum a couple of years ago that determined that it has become almost one-dimensional. Robert Byrd (closest thing to an old-fashioned Southern Democrat anymore) and Lincoln Chaffee were the outliers that roughly defined the second dimension. Does the fact that the parties have little internal breadth make compromises more difficult?
Earl Black: As we show in Divided America, both parties today are much more ideologically pure than before. Conservative southern Democrats are a good example. That was the dominant pattern before the civil rights revolution and the Reagan realignment of the 1980. But no conservative southern Democrats could win a Democratic primary today. Similarly important shifts have made it very difficult to nominate moderate to liberal Republicans across the country. The consequence is very stark partisan and ideological differences in which many elected officials in national politics spend much time responding to the latest partisan outrage. As you point out, this ideological purity in Congress really does make compromises more difficult.
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@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved *2008