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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020

1619 Project Birth of A Nation - The Israelites

The Israelites

(A Brief History of Blacks In America)

Gen 35:11 And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins; KJV

"El Shaddai" 

El Shaddai (אל שׁדי) is most often translated as "God Almighty". El-Elyon na Adonai (אל עליון נא אדני) is a combination of two names for God, meaning "God Most High, please my Lord".

The Most Highest Deity, is the example of this. The Author and Finisher of all Men and Humankind, creatures that creep upon the earth....

There is much speculation among believers about the “Lost Tribes of Israel.” Who are these people? How did they get “lost”? To answer, I need to give a little bit of a history lesson—back to the time of Solomon…

  1. The scattering continued when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, carried Judah away into captivity (see 2 Kings 25:1, 7, 111 Nephi 10:3).
  2. Lehi and his descendants were a branch of Israel, broken off and scattered (see 1 Nephi 15:1219:242 Nephi 3:5).

Out of Darkness https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B083C6FDQ9/ref=cm_sw_tw_r_pv_wb_VBPfa78NzTeNt

Again, Where are the real Men? 

Barack Obama is a beautiful example of what real Kings are made of, and he lead with Dignity and Honor, Respect for his family as a role model but he could have changed his mind. He could have chosen to commit Adultery, temptation looming throughout put into drama with the beautiful women of the WORLD..... African, Asian, European, Latino indeed so many choices. 

Once, you've become a Father with responsibilities - A real Man just can't walk away from raising and being an example to that child.

*Check out your mind for a few and listen or don't, but you might learn about something new. #EmpoweringSpirits 

You have been conditioned to believe a False Narrative, it continues still to this very day. 

 Free Your Mind!

Traditions are akin to "Generational Curses" but its your fault to pretend it's Morally Correct. Reverse the Curse... Until you have dealt with the entire The dysphoria is all too real.

The ten lost tribes were the ten of the Twelve Tribes of Israel that were said to have been deported from the Kingdom of Israel after its conquest by the Neo-Assyrian Empire circa 722 BCE. These are the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, and Ephraim.

 There's just One Race created by GOD...... in HIS image  "Human".....this is why it is forbidden have any "Graven images of GOD" to Worship. 

It was Man in his quest for survival and imagination Created an image of Him to gain control over otherMen. (enslave your mind)
Tha'ts how racism began.... it will be our demise on this planet. 

Ungodly, to worship any human image even yourself.

Peace #StayFree

@Lovleeannwise 2016 all rights reserved  *edited for repost 2020.02.14

Friday, December 13, 2019

"JOY TO THE WORLD" And Wonders of His Love

Joy to the world, now we sing
Let the earth receive her king
Joy to the world, now we sing
Let the angel voices ring!

"Joy To The World!"

The Lord is come

Let Earth Receive Her King

Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing 
"Joy To The World!"
Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
He rules the World with Truth and Grace
And makes the nations prove
The light of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
"Joy To The World!", now we sing

Songwriters: G. F. Handel / Isaac Watts

Joy to the World lyrics © Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd., Universal Music Publishing Group

No matter what the weather, find Joy in the "Beauty of Life" celebrate its Fruits!
Love for Humanity is Peace
Value All Living things Peace on Earth.

For Terms & Conditions
Search inside your Soul. #StayFree

@Lovleeannwise Twitter

@LOVLEEANNWISE 2019.12All rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

You Can't Hide Love - Inside or Out

LORD, Thank  you for Another Day!

For Your Grace and Mercy Abounds, Stirs up Inside of my Soul. Your Well of Living Water Overflows I finally know the depths of YOUR Divine (Agape) and Unconditional LOVE for Me.

Although I come up short each day, charge it to my carnal mind-my thoughts, but not my heart. For my Spirit and Soul rest in thy bosom. Safely tucked way out of the enemies grip, "Yeah Tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow Death." Without Fear, but Faith in the unknowing.

Each day I'm reminded that it wasn't anything I did or said, I'm both good and bad on my best days behavior doesn't lie... I'm covered by The Blood You shed, as a sacrifice you gave freely YOUR Life to save mine, before you departed you called me Friend. Then the real Miracle was on the 3rd day Risen from the Grave; so that you'd defend me at the Throne sitting at the Right hand of Our Father. You eloquently said "It is Finished" The price has been paid. The Victory has been won, the sting of death won't come near me. 

Living Water, it' quenches my thirst for Life and sustains my Salvation. The WORD said I can come before HIM with just a mention of my friend JESUS'CHRIST by name. With Gladness and Thanksgiving the words come from deep within way down inner me; the Soulish Realm. At anytime of the Day be it Prayer or Meditation.

Each dimension of Life reveals another level of Love and Growth for each Lesson Learned, as I aim for that Higher Ground, my living challenge is seeking an Eternal Existence a unrelenting state of Peace in the Ever After.  I remain,

Faithful in Love, and to myself I stay true. A child of the MOST HIGH GOD.... 

The Daughter of A King

Keep your eyes on the road ahead, don’t look in the rear mirror all the time.
Calm your mind, and your heart, and make it an at-peace day
Just For Today

When your down to Nothing GOD is always UP to SOMETHING".......

 Earth, Wind, and Fire - Elements of the Universe
Can't Hide Love

Thanks for letting me share, I offer them with Joy!  May God Blessings always be with you each step of everyday. 

All rights reserved November 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

A Special Message for you - Teddy Pendergrass-Somebody Told Me

Don't Shoot the Messenger

I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:16-19)

"Our love is usually conditional and based upon how other people behave toward us. 

This kind of love is based upon familiarity and direct interaction. The Greek word "phileo" defines this kind of love, often translated "brotherly love." Phileo is a soulish (connected through our emotions) kind of love - something that can be experienced by both believers and non-believers. This is in contrast to Agape, which is love extended through the spirit. Agape love requires a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, since the non-regenerated soul is unable to love unconditionally. Agape love gives and sacrifices expecting nothing back in return.

'You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. "(Leviticus 19:18)

I'm writing this because of the climate of things in our country 
America the Beautiful
 to express my hurt as a Woman of Color

Hesitant to identify myself as African American because I'm not from Africa I've never been there!

My ancestors fought in all wars to defend this great nation.
So I'm just a Black American citizen, with a mixture of cultures running through my veins.

We take much for granted as a race - the Human RACE
Yes we might come in different shades and speak [culturally] with different tongues,

we are all charged with the same commandment ->you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. "(Leviticus 19:18)!

Now this applies across the board

Well, all of this is considered
I'm your next door neighbor, a co-worker, stranger sitting next to you on a subway train or bus.  I might be out dancing with you at the club.

Why can't love your neighbor as yourself?

So my point
We all share the same air, eat, sleep, and duffocate.

This entire earth belongs to GOD,
and the fullness thereof
no man has territorial rights here in America or in any other foreign land.

We gotta stop the wars and find way
to heal UNITE.

When you witness all the natural disasters in this world around the globe.
Each time people die from North, South, East and West!

The climate is changing, and rapidly it's not a hoax.

People suffering alot due to austerity cuts and a greedy financial "global" economy only the wealthiest can survive.

Fluctuating 401k mutal funds, gas, food prices - We all endure yet feel that pain..

Social unrest around the globe is for the same root cause as we struggle with here domestically...
Racism, Bigotry, religious bias with a total disregard for others
Monetary problems stagnic wages or no wages, while the middle class and poor around the globe are reacting in anger and protest because
 nobody is getting a pass no matter
what class, culture or religion.

 ALL of US are guilty no man is free from Sin.

Our race is dying everyday.

The Human Race

Let me close with this

When will we understand we all must give a little ourselves
stop coveting material or tangible things.  Plainly spoken a desire to have what you can't afford.

Stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine.

Fellowship with each other
spend time learning about the plight of another individual
stop chasing after and coveting material things.

Once you stop and realize...
you might be surprised how we are more alike than different!
Get to know someone that's not like you of a different creed, race, or religion who doesn't pray like you do,
without prejudging them 

Open your hearts and Minds
believe that they are just as intelligent
knowing right from wrong, a decent human being
our ultimate goal is to unconditionally.

Love your neighbor as yourself

May God continue to bless you, #SHOWSOMELOVE
@Lovleeannwise 2016   all rights reserved