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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Showing posts with label Earth Wind & Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Wind & Fire. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

You Can't Hide Love - Inside or Out

LORD, Thank  you for Another Day!

For Your Grace and Mercy Abounds, Stirs up Inside of my Soul. Your Well of Living Water Overflows I finally know the depths of YOUR Divine (Agape) and Unconditional LOVE for Me.

Although I come up short each day, charge it to my carnal mind-my thoughts, but not my heart. For my Spirit and Soul rest in thy bosom. Safely tucked way out of the enemies grip, "Yeah Tho I walk through the Valley of the Shadow Death." Without Fear, but Faith in the unknowing.

Each day I'm reminded that it wasn't anything I did or said, I'm both good and bad on my best days behavior doesn't lie... I'm covered by The Blood You shed, as a sacrifice you gave freely YOUR Life to save mine, before you departed you called me Friend. Then the real Miracle was on the 3rd day Risen from the Grave; so that you'd defend me at the Throne sitting at the Right hand of Our Father. You eloquently said "It is Finished" The price has been paid. The Victory has been won, the sting of death won't come near me. 

Living Water, it' quenches my thirst for Life and sustains my Salvation. The WORD said I can come before HIM with just a mention of my friend JESUS'CHRIST by name. With Gladness and Thanksgiving the words come from deep within way down inner me; the Soulish Realm. At anytime of the Day be it Prayer or Meditation.

Each dimension of Life reveals another level of Love and Growth for each Lesson Learned, as I aim for that Higher Ground, my living challenge is seeking an Eternal Existence a unrelenting state of Peace in the Ever After.  I remain,

Faithful in Love, and to myself I stay true. A child of the MOST HIGH GOD.... 

The Daughter of A King

Keep your eyes on the road ahead, don’t look in the rear mirror all the time.
Calm your mind, and your heart, and make it an at-peace day
Just For Today

When your down to Nothing GOD is always UP to SOMETHING".......

 Earth, Wind, and Fire - Elements of the Universe
Can't Hide Love

Thanks for letting me share, I offer them with Joy!  May God Blessings always be with you each step of everyday. 

All rights reserved November 2018

Thursday, December 31, 2015



We are born and come into the world innocent naked hoping we get a great set of parents carnal being dealt a hand only to be met with a life uniquely designed for us aligned with a bigger plan in mind.

Momma seemed to understand set me on the right path during adolescence was a cakewalk, puberty I woke up misunderstood. Being the only girl, struggling to fit in outside their world.

So I grow, learning to communicate one word, then a thought, until I can stand alone with adulthood issues to problem solve without Mommas help.


Given the values of a Queen to run any “Kingdome”, coached by many mentors who taught the laws of the sacred Golden rules attended Sunday school; participated in Tom Thumb weddings being prepared to become a wife to fear and love the Lord seeing me as “The Bride” walking hand hand down the aisle. Disillusioned, I misunderstood the facts of life.

Barbe & Ken dolls, Doo Wop songs, Temptations, Ojays, Luther, and the like, Main Ingredient kept me Spinning around with high expectations compromised more than once or twice.

Surviving humiliations

With my head held high, seeking my guidance headed east pass Jupiter for the only one who truly does get me, truly loves me exactly as I am.

 He understands.

Before I began to compose this, suddenly, in my solitude I hear Smokey Norvel ministering from the radio then at once to my inner voice leaping inside to the song, “I Understand,”  it seemed appropriate cause you can’t choose your family, not even your lifetime partner or that handful of friends; maybe?

Who may never get who you really are that sometimes take you for granted as you evolve onward towards a magnificient journey that God has laid out just for you to follow no explanation given we struggle for answers rarely do we understand. We end up growing in truth and love as we learn how to serve our fellow Man in one-way shape or form. Whether life feels routine somewhat self righteous with little or no major ups and downs. Give him Honour, and honour those who teach you,

Just remember GOD Understands, in his word he Proclaims, I AM God the only one who changes not, day in and day out. I call on and rely on Him Jehovah Jireh my Provider, Jehovah Nissi my banner, and El Shaddai Almighty GOD, the strength giver..

Who never sleeps nor slumbers

For I can’t satisfy my own soul, my plight is solo some days I don’t fathom why God moves in his ways I end the day in prayer , getting through the mine fields each day achieving the Victory seems astounding“Thank You Lord Yeah tho I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death”! At times being persecuted by the world when it doesn’t matter if I’m minding my own business or just standing firm when controversy twists and distorts the direction of life that causes fingers to point, loud whispers, or even laughs life maybe hard but it's fair!

My mind remembering that what don’t kill you sometimes criticism hard as it seem can make you strong. Don’t be like Lot’s wife it symbol, Old Testament “she turned into a pilar of salt, New Testament describes it as being sifted as wheat”

Don't Look Back!

When people leave you or forsake you let them go. In the book, Acts of Faith remember what Iyanla proclaimed that your purpose, my purpose and other people’s purpose are but for, “A reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Walk on, through the wind, walk on thru the rain; Cry out to Him to please take my hand.

In time all things do pass away. And forgive yourself for letting go don’t hold on because moving forward is part of God’s bigger plan. He knows the prequel to the sequel better than you or I even the part about how much you are uniquely a blessing to others and often…

"Never Look Back" 
Live life on life terms with little or no regrets

Oh GOD Please don't let me be


@Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved  repost and edited 12/31/15