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Showing posts with label and Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and Faith. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Coming from a Black Experience - feat EWF All about Love

Coming from a Black Experience
black poetry

 Being a Woman means strength, nurturing, desire, love, and beauty.  

But, as she evolves from a girl into a young woman, until she becomes mature her strength increases and when she becomes a mother and a wife her nurturing increases as well as her desire for her husband and the need to be encouraged, loved, and desired.

As time evolves the changes of life, illness, strife, financial strains, or separation tests her strength and her tenacity for baring and travailing.  All the while her beauty has changed from sexy her shape changes slightly, by the time she reaches her winter womanhood the glow if she’s blessed her inward beauty will meet her outer beauty like a butterfly released from a cocoon , she’s free and wise a matriarch that wears her beautiful crown proudly.

Men evolve from a boy, who loves playing the hero and seeking adventure by sewing his wild oats, and when he becomes a Man giving up those childish ways so he can become the leader a provider, protector, vigorous & strong, he demonstrates loyalty to those he trust, a hunter always on the hunt to improve his environment and protect his rights.  Males are visual from the time they are born observant they’re attraction always lean toward outward beauty, from cars to beautiful women, all shapes and sizes whose femininity is soft  yet vivaciously strong, then one day, the right one comes along able to serve as his backbone his Queen to be forever and ever.

 He’s now tasked as the leader and protector of his Kingdom always willing to go the extra mile no matter if he has to do it alone or with his partner.

 As they get older, they often fight to hold on to the vitality of their youth.  Always admiring beauty all around it often becomes a struggle not to be tempted into disloyalty they revert to days of their youth having lust of the eyes they often rationalize “well, I can window shop.”  But being a Father and a husband can be rewarding for a man because he has a high bar to fulfill, but if he blessed to have real back support, he’ll always be able to conquer those things he fights day in and day out. 

Seeking only one reward, the Grace of GOD

#RIPMAURICE - Somplace over Jupiter!


@Lovleeannwise 2016. all rights reserved 

Friday, January 08, 2016

TD Jakes Power Of a Thought featuring Black Poetry

The Power of A Thought - **Black Poetry

The Power of A thought is defined many ways it could be inside your head or used as many words conjugated into a sentence, a novel, or phrase. 

Put into action burst creativity, an imagination is the Power of A thought.

When a positive thought enters the mind it can bring a smile upon a face, even change an outlook on life to take on wings propelled into flight.

A negative thought enters it can torment a person and boggle up the mind. Contort itself into a frown, then chain reacts into low self esteem, ages the face, it has many bad dreams. Causing fatal reprecussions to others which can take a life

Realize the power of A thought which come from the mouth as a weapon of mass destruction. If applied correctly has power to inspire massive amounts of joy and peace to fulfill our happiness.

When the power of A thought becomes an idea enters into the mind broaden the scope to define since of purpose change lives, if acted upon has enough reach inspiring others to grow finding new directions. The power of a thought loudly spoken can become a permanent wound, will mame stunt the growth of an innocent child often festers discouragement as an adult who feels the sting for a lifetime.

Never discount any idea as stupid thoughts hesistant to ask afraid to reach forth. Stupidity is the question that is hidden away stuck in our mind we abandoned never released a powerful thought. 

A Powerful thought brought forth put into action could manifest something a magnificant beauty to be admired that no eyes can resist.

That God has given to each of us many fruitful gifts.  To Deveolp and nurture but not be disregarded. 

A powerful thought makes you pay close attention will reveal it's purpose. These thoughts on your mind are waiting to be born. Giving you permission just a utterance nudging you along.

It causes demons to trembal about the power you possess with just one thought they'll convince you to deny it's existance. Often disguised as a voice of resistance using outside influences to discourage you to give up and not pay any attention.  

Don't listen to those pessimistic put downs standing on two legs even the tiny voices whispering negative to you inside your brain.  A thought has power to stifle your growth make you feel scared.

Be willing to act upon it Be unafraid!

Bodaciously step outside of your comfort zone find the Faith.  Trust and believe in yourself just take a chance, but first of all Trust in GOD to guide your thinking take action making one footstep at a time.

The Power of a Thought can help you soar way above it'll stretch you farther to your highest potential. Be secure knowing who you are, one whose truly blessed.  

The Power of A thought.

Disclaimer: I have No rights to this video -  but do own a copy " Power if A Thought"  purchased  via  https://www.tdjakes.org/

@Lovleeannwise 2016 all rights reserved** Black Poetry The Power of a Thought

*The Power of A Thought Sermon available All rights reserved copyright @tphondemand 

Potters House - Has no affilation w/Empowering Spirits or @Lovleeannwise 

Disclaimer *I don't solicit any money because what I have is not sold in stores... or "As Seen On TV" 
GOD Bless my Bishop this is what the LORD has called him to do. " For We worship AlmighT GOD in Spirith and in TRUTH!"

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Because of Loving A MAN - I found Faith & Courage

Let everyone understand that the real love of God does not consist in tear-shedding...but in serving God serving those around us, in justice, fortitude of soul, and humility.

Because of loving a MAN

Hurt and disappointed by those who say they love me; my lover, a handful of friends, not to mention my foes who all never cease to amaze me with their opinions of my life.

Because of loving a MAN? 
I stand accused.

Just because of loving a MAN….
They all point and laugh at me and say, she’s sad and blinded by loving Him and believing in Him and all that He does for me.

So I hurt, and I suffer much from loneliness at times 
because of loving this MAN.
 He’s the only one whom I place all my Faith and Trust. 
Right now He’s the all I need to depend upon.
 He who has the power to love so many besides me.

Because of loving this Man\

 He chose me!
It was all planned - for I have no shame 
Never being rejected, 
Or neglected 
My life hasn't been the same. 
Often feeling left alone My doubters can't conceive
my need for
  trusting in this MAN.

But, He has suffered for my transgrestion, stood accused then was hung on a cross 
they thought they killed Him and he would no longer be
He spoke and said " No one takes MY Life but I give it Freely"
 to pay a debt owed by many and to save someone's life.
Free from sins which was part of a bigger plan. 
After 3 days he woke up and rose again! 

Because of loving this MAN

Who came in the flesh trying to relate to a sad and desolate world, 
Save the Wretched and Defeat the enemy that's destined to die. 
at the appointed time.

For He tells me he loves me and I am his own.  Despite any disappointment
all the hurt and pain I suffered 
Count it all as Joy. 
Knowing I have by Faith and Courage in the name of Jesus Christ, 
My MAN the King of Kings. 
 I call him Counselor, Friend, LORD of Lords.

HE to whom I can say to GOD when I pray
intercedes for me 
Sits at the right-hand of His FATHER

 On God’s throne.

Because of loving this MAN

I'm Free eternally never, ever to feel alone.

@Lovleeannwise 2009 all rights reserved

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Empowering Spirits - Freeing Your Mind: Marvelous

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EJI's New Lynching Report Documents an Era of Racial Terrorism | Equal Justice Initiative

Knowledge is Power

EJI's New Lynching Report Documents an Era of Racial Terrorism | Equal Justice Initiative  Disclaimer: I am not permitted to reprint the articcle but visit the EJI site for more information and current reports.

In December 2014 I posted an essay in support of #BLACKLIVESMATTER....... to protest the blatant denial in America how little value has been considered for the lives of Black Americans and the affects of the trauma, how it's evolved into bad policing.

This is the original Document as posted by EJI.
If you really want to understand the History and scars which attributes to the black condition in America here's a great article. 

  It speaks to our history as Americans and the experience of both races and what was considered "socially acceptable" way of bringing justice from white race point of view, but it was terror and meant death to the black race utterly powerless in most cases this essay goes indepth to recall factual information and illustrations documenting this inhumane but legal practices here in our Nation.  Maybe this won't change hearts and minds but at least you can't say you didn't know how awful life could be for people of color.  

  To this date no person in power in these United States has ever apologized and offered assistance to the decendants of these people, many "African Americans" who I refer to as Black Americans have been taught to accept and live with many of the generational maladjustments suffered by many families even mine who struggled to identify in a society that loved to "HATE" them and saw them as less than a human being.  We've come a short distance but until we have real dialog such as this piece (just click on the title to the link above in red)  for a frank and open conversation "just the facts" without embelishment, I hold a hope for real brotherhood and healing before the end of the 21st Century.  

  My grandson is Black, Hispanic, Native American, and White.  I guess he's really an "ALL AMERICAN!!" 

That being said I refuse to be afraid anymore
 for him or my Black son whose mere existance to some in our country can be a reason to die......  It's time to heal scars are real.

So check out your mind read the article and you decide..

Show some empathy & be humble lets try that for a start.


GOD Bless#Peace&Love

@Lovleeannwise 2015 all rights are reserved  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Strange Fruit By Billie Holiday W/ Lyrics

@Lovleeannwise 2014 all rights reserved

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Party Dont Cry

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


"My power today lies in compromise. I am not alone. 

I offer and accept love, support, and happiness to connect with the pleasure and beauty of my hearts desire. There are two sides to everything and I don't always have to be right. I am empowered by expression and my gift is attraction."

Life offers us a freedom to choose, have our own opinions. Set up and achieve our own goals, but none of these would benefit the individual without a spirit of humility. Being able to walk in another one's shoes, even when you've never traveled along the same paths. 

Realizing that you' are on the same journey "Consolidating the Best Of" Brilliance, or the Pain of Suffering. The challenge is can you TRUST someone' elses vision? Is the ultimate sacrifice.

I have what it takes to achieve a successful journey Trusting GOD knows the way that I must take being able to rely on HIS Promises. I will only attract to myself those things akin to me, knowing who I am, trusting who I am, and humble enough to not have all the answers. Learning how to listen to others without envy, jealousy, or impatience. Finding common ground. Mutual Love
and Respect. We Balance Each Other Out....

No Weapons Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

@Lovleeannwise 2011 all rights reserved #SHOWSOMELOVE edited repost - 20191205 

Sunday, November 13, 2005


I'm Better Than This

Date: Monday, September 19, 2005
By: Bishop T. D. Jakes, Special to BlackAmericaWeb.com

There are some people who go through a complete metamorphosis in life. They change from the old sinful, nasty talking, whoremongering, pornography internet surfing, crack smoking, lying, thieving person they used to be into an entirely new person.
In fact some of the people you work with, go to church with or live in your neighborhood have come out of a past that you would not believe! Fortunately for us, there is nothing too extreme for God to erase from our past. He can take the gutter-most to the uttermost at anytime and anywhere.
The Apostle Paul came out of a troubled past. I mean he had major issues. He was a controversial misfit, a terrorist murderer and a God hater. Yet he is the most prolific writer of the New Testament. Without his input, we would not know how to truly relate to God and enjoy the benefits of having a relationship with Him.

After the Damascus Road experience, Paul turned his entire life over to Christ. God saved him, but no one wanted anything to do with him. Isn’t it amazing how you can make a complete turnaround in your life and people will still treat you like you’re nothing?

Some of the most inspiring messages you will ever hear from people who have been through anything, came as a result of their greatest messes. Paul was once the “chief” of sinners, but he excelled in ministry because he was confident in who he was in Christ.

Once you accept Jesus, your identification changes and so does your position in life. All the old stuff is erased through forgiveness and you become a new creature in Christ. He paid the price for every sin you will ever commit when He gave up His life on the cross. In other words, He’s already paid the debt you would otherwise owe.

Look at it this way, if I paid off your mortgage, the mortgage company would have no right to call you about a bill ever again. It’s paid for! That’s what the enemy tries to do when he uses other people to bring up your past. He tries to convince you that you’re the same person you used to be. However, once you realize who you are in Christ, you can look your accusers straight in the eye and tell them, “I’m better than this!”

You may be working through some things right now – we all are – but you can change your condition by aligning yourself with your position. As God’s child, you have a right to the best life has to offer.

It’s time to live. People may be used to seeing you live with a defeated mentality, fear or insecurity, but you’re better than that now. Start acting like it and begin pursuing the things God is showing you in your dreams. Believe me; the things you see in your dreams are more real than the things you see with your eyes. It’s time to step out into new territory and like Paul, forget those things that are behind and press toward the great things that lie ahead. Now pursue!

This excerpt was taken from the series entitled I’m Better Than This.
Author Bishop T.D. Jakes

@Lovleeannwise   all rights reserved 2014 original post 11/13/05, 2:09 PM
Eastern Standard Time