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GOD BLESS THE CHILD THAT'S GOT IT'S OWN  (LOVE) Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arr...

Thursday, December 31, 2015



We are born and come into the world innocent naked hoping we get a great set of parents carnal being dealt a hand only to be met with a life uniquely designed for us aligned with a bigger plan in mind.

Momma seemed to understand set me on the right path during adolescence was a cakewalk, puberty I woke up misunderstood. Being the only girl, struggling to fit in outside their world.

So I grow, learning to communicate one word, then a thought, until I can stand alone with adulthood issues to problem solve without Mommas help.


Given the values of a Queen to run any “Kingdome”, coached by many mentors who taught the laws of the sacred Golden rules attended Sunday school; participated in Tom Thumb weddings being prepared to become a wife to fear and love the Lord seeing me as “The Bride” walking hand hand down the aisle. Disillusioned, I misunderstood the facts of life.

Barbe & Ken dolls, Doo Wop songs, Temptations, Ojays, Luther, and the like, Main Ingredient kept me Spinning around with high expectations compromised more than once or twice.

Surviving humiliations

With my head held high, seeking my guidance headed east pass Jupiter for the only one who truly does get me, truly loves me exactly as I am.

 He understands.

Before I began to compose this, suddenly, in my solitude I hear Smokey Norvel ministering from the radio then at once to my inner voice leaping inside to the song, “I Understand,”  it seemed appropriate cause you can’t choose your family, not even your lifetime partner or that handful of friends; maybe?

Who may never get who you really are that sometimes take you for granted as you evolve onward towards a magnificient journey that God has laid out just for you to follow no explanation given we struggle for answers rarely do we understand. We end up growing in truth and love as we learn how to serve our fellow Man in one-way shape or form. Whether life feels routine somewhat self righteous with little or no major ups and downs. Give him Honour, and honour those who teach you,

Just remember GOD Understands, in his word he Proclaims, I AM God the only one who changes not, day in and day out. I call on and rely on Him Jehovah Jireh my Provider, Jehovah Nissi my banner, and El Shaddai Almighty GOD, the strength giver..

Who never sleeps nor slumbers

For I can’t satisfy my own soul, my plight is solo some days I don’t fathom why God moves in his ways I end the day in prayer , getting through the mine fields each day achieving the Victory seems astounding“Thank You Lord Yeah tho I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death”! At times being persecuted by the world when it doesn’t matter if I’m minding my own business or just standing firm when controversy twists and distorts the direction of life that causes fingers to point, loud whispers, or even laughs life maybe hard but it's fair!

My mind remembering that what don’t kill you sometimes criticism hard as it seem can make you strong. Don’t be like Lot’s wife it symbol, Old Testament “she turned into a pilar of salt, New Testament describes it as being sifted as wheat”

Don't Look Back!

When people leave you or forsake you let them go. In the book, Acts of Faith remember what Iyanla proclaimed that your purpose, my purpose and other people’s purpose are but for, “A reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Walk on, through the wind, walk on thru the rain; Cry out to Him to please take my hand.

In time all things do pass away. And forgive yourself for letting go don’t hold on because moving forward is part of God’s bigger plan. He knows the prequel to the sequel better than you or I even the part about how much you are uniquely a blessing to others and often…

"Never Look Back" 
Live life on life terms with little or no regrets

Oh GOD Please don't let me be


@Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved  repost and edited 12/31/15

Tuesday, December 01, 2015



 featuring Marvin Gaye Wholy Holy

Only in America!

To live in this Nation where we have so many kind of Faith's I ponder

How many different cultures are walking by faith and not by sight.

Reacting to Buildings and Burning Holy Books &

Religion is taught and behavior is learned manipulated to gain a person loyalty and trust.  Walking by faith is like closing your eyes or being blind folded and trusting you can make it around a room and once you've made although nobody else is around to share the victory you feel a combustable amount of joy, well that's how I trust GOD. 

I didn't realize that for years he was moving me into position to develop a relationship with Him which means trusting my prayer life and being viligent for an answer.  Being patient when the desires of my heart don't manifest because I live under GOD's watchful eye and He promised to never forsake me.
This is described as being spiritual with GOD trusting in a Power much greater than myself and believing that Power does exist and Loves me.  And you too!

I could be a Baptist, AME, Pentecostal their All kinds Christians, muslims attend a Mosque, Jewish celebrate sabbath at a Temple; Mormon, Jehovah's Witnessess; Seven Day Adventist;  maybe some even attend Catholic Cathedral.

Some can be so hate filled but attend faithfully every Sunday, Saturday..
but given that-

All of these organized religions preach and teach their methods and interpretations of GOD's Plan, but if I'm not committed to what is being taught then what is my purpose for joining this organization? Just to be a part of a fellowship but do I fellowship alone with GOD. Do you believe you can go directly to GOD without any barriers or rituals?

However You Name Him.

Don't attend with intentions to meet a spouse or does GOD reside in my house a living temple.

I worship everyday not just on Sunday or Wednesday night


Spirtuality is felt from cultivating a friendship with Him, according to His Word once Jesus died on our behalf we became friends. I feel nothing but love, He walks with me and talks with me and tells me I am His own.....
You might laugh and say that's crazy L.


I beg you to try this out, once you knock, He'll invite you in then ask for what you want, seek and you shall find the answer to any trouble you're faced with or any thoughts that may cause you to worry.

Suggestion:  Be Patient Rome wasn't built in a day!

Remember if what you prayed for finally does manifest appreciate that moment of joy for that's 
Spirituality felt.

How am I applying these teachings into my life do I read the Bible, Koran to get a Word that relates to my life and how to develop a strong relationship with GOD enough that no man has to offer up prayers on my behalf or pray over my tithes and offerings as a pre-requiste to emploring GOD's favor?  I don't think so he isn't concerned with any material offerings, cause and effect provides for the material gain we seek.  How bad do you want to work to be blessed or to be a blessing to others.

For GOD is only interested in those who wish to serve not be served!
Be careful how you pray and what you pray for Life is full of trickery a Fools' Paradise.

GOD will sustain you but religion is just a lesson a blue print is what's taught.
It's hard to believe in what you cannot see, ask a blind man how does he see once you loose your sight.
All other senses become more profound.
Imagine your life now being blind close your eyes
and open them.

Hold on to that thought because that's how it feels to find true Spiritual freedom.

Attend Church to Praise Worship, fellowship but open up the notes you take down, study the Bible on Saturday's.

Mouth will say anything but behavior don't lie!

Learn to lean not to your own understanding know that which comes from the Spirit is inside only by trusting in GOD that's not taught by Mankind. 

 Lovleeannwise 2010 all rights reserved  20100914 6:59 pm

Sunday, November 01, 2015

ARE WE STILL ON? black poetry - featuring Nature Boy Tribute

Black Poetry


I wake each morning with the same thing on my mind, wondering about you and watching time fly. The dawn only reminds me of how I enjoyed watching you sleep and being captivated by the peacefulness of your face. Silently watching you breathe, feeling your heart beat, and the warm softness of your caramel coated skin gently touching up against mine.

Dragging myself up out of unconsciousness my mind wonders, are you secure, safe, and does he miss the softness of my kiss…. Are we still on and does the feelings of love still linger within. My desire for you only gets deeper as each day passes seems like I’ve caught something like a bad virus. Can’t seem to shake you holding on as hard as I can to what now seems to be somebody else’s man

I keep trying to convince myself of the love we hold as true telling myself, “Nothing and no other woman could ever replace you”, but the question still pops up again, Are we still on, or is this the bitter end.

God! I keep praying bring him home soon, don’t wanna lose this feeling. Our house is like one big empty room. No peace between us whenever we’re together, but being apart is worse than ever. Luther was right about a House is not a home, the end result when your man is left to roam. You wonder, Are we still on?

Dedicated to the love of my life.....
Shelle"Moderator, Peace


"Nature Boy"


There was a boy
A very strange, enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far, over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he

And then one day,
One magic day he passed my way
While we spoke of many things
Fools and Kings
This he said to me:

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return".
The song writer – eden ahbez (he insisted that his name will not be capitalized),
A Brooklyn born, homeless by choice in Californiamystic and spiritual eccentric – was partially Jewish.  The tune was apparently an older Eastern European Jewish tune – Shvayg mayn harts (In Yidish – Be Still, My Heart) by Herman Yablokuff, who sued ahbez and won $25,000 in a one time settlement.  

Growing into God's Favor

Have you ever gone through a situation so bad that you thought no one in the world could possibly be in a more terrible fix than you? The experience was beyond comprehension and it seemed impossible that you ever get out of it but somehow you did? I know people who lost their jobs, and as a result, lost their homes, cars or went bankrupt. Now they're in a better job, making better money and experiencing success in other areas of life only to be challenged by scandalous criticism from so-called "friends" and even family.
Isn't it amazing how a person can go through extreme difficulties in life, but as soon as God delivers them out of that situation into His blessing, the people around them begin questioning their progress? They begin to prejudge the miracle God has performed by saying things like: "I don't know how she got that job; she was just a secretary before." "How can he live in a house like that; he must be selling drugs." "What are they grinning about; last year they were talking about getting a divorce." Can you relate to what I'm saying?
You may be surprised, but your best moment often provokes envy and jealousy in others. God's favor on your life becomes the source of their frustration. In fact, many believe your favor was at their expense. Unfortunately they never muster up the courage to celebrate the big break you've been waiting for all your life.

I am reminded of the story in the Bible where a man had been blind since birth. When Jesus and His disciples came up on the man, the disciples questioned Jesus saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him" (John 9:2-3).After Jesus healed the man, you would think that the people who knew him would have celebrated and been happy for him. Instead great controversy broke out and they began to question his healing. They questioned his parents to the point that they doubted that the man was who he said he was. Worse than that, they questioned the work of Jesus.

You may be wondering why things are as they are in your life right now, or why you had to go through what you went through to arrive at the place you are today. Quite honestly, some things have no explanation. And unfortunately bad things do happen to good people. But God has purpose in everything; and only He can bring you out. God wants to reveal His work in your life.
Whatever you're waiting for right now, consciously or subconsciously, hold on. Your help is on the way! As you wait, begin preparing yourself for the backlash of God's favor. Determine that you will walk in your miracle despite what anyone says or thinks. People may prejudge you, question God's blessing on your life and hate you for being chosen. Don't worry. Grow into His favor and enjoy the benefits of your miracle.

This article was taken from the series entitled The Favor Factor.
courtesy of:
more sources visit:
Submitted by Shelle'

Moderator's comments
Greetings to all
Thanks for visiting "Empowering Spirits - Freeing Your Mind" weblog

@Lovleeannwise all rights reserved "Are We Still On" 
 Published on
4/23/08, 3:03 PM Thanks for sharing 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Because of Loving A MAN - I found Faith & Courage

Let everyone understand that the real love of God does not consist in tear-shedding...but in serving God serving those around us, in justice, fortitude of soul, and humility.

Because of loving a MAN

Hurt and disappointed by those who say they love me; my lover, a handful of friends, not to mention my foes who all never cease to amaze me with their opinions of my life.

Because of loving a MAN? 
I stand accused.

Just because of loving a MAN….
They all point and laugh at me and say, she’s sad and blinded by loving Him and believing in Him and all that He does for me.

So I hurt, and I suffer much from loneliness at times 
because of loving this MAN.
 He’s the only one whom I place all my Faith and Trust. 
Right now He’s the all I need to depend upon.
 He who has the power to love so many besides me.

Because of loving this Man\

 He chose me!
It was all planned - for I have no shame 
Never being rejected, 
Or neglected 
My life hasn't been the same. 
Often feeling left alone My doubters can't conceive
my need for
  trusting in this MAN.

But, He has suffered for my transgrestion, stood accused then was hung on a cross 
they thought they killed Him and he would no longer be
He spoke and said " No one takes MY Life but I give it Freely"
 to pay a debt owed by many and to save someone's life.
Free from sins which was part of a bigger plan. 
After 3 days he woke up and rose again! 

Because of loving this MAN

Who came in the flesh trying to relate to a sad and desolate world, 
Save the Wretched and Defeat the enemy that's destined to die. 
at the appointed time.

For He tells me he loves me and I am his own.  Despite any disappointment
all the hurt and pain I suffered 
Count it all as Joy. 
Knowing I have by Faith and Courage in the name of Jesus Christ, 
My MAN the King of Kings. 
 I call him Counselor, Friend, LORD of Lords.

HE to whom I can say to GOD when I pray
intercedes for me 
Sits at the right-hand of His FATHER

 On God’s throne.

Because of loving this MAN

I'm Free eternally never, ever to feel alone.

@Lovleeannwise 2009 all rights reserved

Thursday, October 15, 2015



I recall an old Movie called “The Misfits” starring Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Eli Wallache, and Montgomery Cliff. Now many people under the age of 45 might not know some of those famous actors. But, truly they were the Misfit’s in Hollywood land w/the exception of Eli he played a Mexican back during those days. Montgomery Cliff, Marilyn Monroe, and Clark Gable died shortly after making that movie Clark Gable died right after it wrapped.

 I need your attention. The reason I publish blogs is give you another perspective - plant a seed or inspire, (not to educate, but advocate) to broaden your perspective as viewed through another lens.

 These humans who endured much humiliation during a brief period of life when GOD is prepping for His service in training. 

Isn't it a mystery how He’ll take a wretch like Apostle Paul strip away all the material things and vain glory that accompanies false pride.We are tempted in our flesh with our limited sight we see our wants as needs accumulating an abundance of material wealth, status quo acceptance,  power, and for some celebrity or fame. Until finally one day when GOD gets ready to show Himself to you things begin to change beyond your control.

Paul told the same story the same way (he was a murderer of Christians followers of Jesus), he wrote most of the New Testament. GOD used Him to save the gentiles just had this one testimony he repeated each time...

"I was on the road to Damascus, all of sudden I heard a voice calling my name Saul, why does thou persecute me a bright light blinded me, and I fell of my beast" 

For every level there's a new Devil. All of sudden before you know it once again GOD has raised you up from the ashes to prove to the World...

to those who live in doubt, pain, and confusion the Gospels were to provide a blueprint-proof a living testimony which helps us all to understand that we all must submit and be willing to come "Under GODs Authority"  
 *Misfits exist as living proof a Witness of how GOD will use ordinary people to bring about extrodinary things in His WORLD, create a movement inorder to bringh forth HIS Purpose to Glorify Him he said...

"I AM" that I AM" 


King Solomon

*Jesus ~ Began His ministry age 30 only lived in the flesh for 33 yrs. during his life - In the Order of *Melchizedek Priesthood, which is “after the Order of the Son of God” (D&C 107:3), is the greater of these. 
*He Lives!

  • Emmit Till - from Chicago on Summer Vacation falsely accused by hateful White Men and his wife, her husband,his brother Tortured and killed in Money Mississippi died violently at age -14
  • · Medgar Evers ~ Voting & Civil Rights Activist, Fatally shot died violently in his driveway in front of his wife and kids At home assassinated - age 38
  • · Malcolm X ~ Prophet, Minister of Islam, Black leader Fatally shot before his wife and children Publicly assassinated- age 40
  • · MLK, Jr. ~ Prophet, Baptist Minister, Black leader Mortally shot in the head Publicly assassinated - age 39
  • · M Ghandi~Activist,died violently for his beliefs, power was assassinated - age 79
  • · JFKennedy ~ Youngest President, Mortally shot in the head beside his wife Publicly assassinated - age 46
  • · RFKennedy~ US Senator, Mortally   shot in the head in a Hotel kitchen in front of his wife Publicly assassinated - age 43

*Were scorned, ridiculed, crucified, jailed, violently murdered their accuser's called them vicous names like Communist, treasonous, traitors, rebel rouser's, False Prophet's, they even accused them of being the Devil and a threats to society.  All because of held beliefs, Faith, and hope for a better world.

Still  recognized to this day as Legends, Heros - discussed, analyzed, or written about

 "Raised UP"

Hundreds of gifted Artists,Musical Legends & Icons

Sam Cooke
James Brown
Aretha Franklin
Mahalia Jackson
Maurice White
Michael Jackson
John Lennon
Muhammad Ali
the lists goes on and on... it has been passed down to the Hip Hop Generation

ALL were called to serve a higher purpose by GOD than they had planned for themselves.  None of them with the exception of Jesus of Nazareth began life's journey knowing how life would end.

Let's imagine if you took a trip "Back To the Future, we time traveled back to AD landed in the village where Jesus grew up ancient Israel and told them that Jesus of Nazareth is still larger than life in the 21st century some 2000+ years.  They would be laughing out loud while they hung you on a cross!

Point is, these are clear examples of historical figures some who were Leaders among Men. Publicy ridiculed for their STAND would lose their lives;but ironically, while they lived above ground were judged by the public ridiculed and scorned. 

Misfits spend a degree of their time living around disgruntled societies people who hated them wishing death upon them, lived with daily threats from lowest to highest officials followed them, monitoring, and taping private conversations or having intimate sex just to belittle their character's defamation or a frame for illicit behavior to discourage people from believing  in them or respecting their positions GOD assigned to them... I could dive into this more but this is just a blog not a novel.

Sometimes we don’t realize what our purpose is during our life span.  Most individuals value or worth isn't appreciated fully by others until after they've past away out of this world.  Then we grieve but all realize what a blessing it was to know them or benefit from their contributions some that have influenced future development of this world bringing people in unity with music, songs, and influence that changed lives opening doors that were once closed to certain people.  


 Martin Luther King, Jr., would not believe his statue is triangulated in Granite as a Monument between Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials' in the Nations Capital. Malcolm X would be overwhelmed by the many “people” no mater creeds, colors that revere and listen to his speeches which are still popular around the entire world because its a universal message for all races and cultures to adopt the philosophy concerning being treated like a human being, on this earth with self dignity and equality. 

Other celebrities who died tragically like Michael Jackson, Prince, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley,  Billie Holiday, and Sammy Davis Jr.,  are all considered to be "Misfits " they didn’t quite fit into society’s idea of how to behave.  Who to love and  always stepped way outside the box I mean colored way outside the lines. 

 Ignited so much love and passion in people they're now idolized in death their name or branding quadrupled.  These great entertainers established a brand that still makes people around the world react just listening or even watching a hologram  perform. Globally loved not just by America but actually loved more around the world.  What they all share in common are tabloid scandals, drugs, institutions, and tragic death.  Misfits die under humiliating circumstances too many to mention because they gave so much of themselves and GOD plucked them out of the world to rest.  Job well done they shall seek a final reward and that's "Eternal life." my Soul.... 

So while GOD is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God IS watching all of us as impossible or  awkward that might seem to you.

My words of expression come from my point of view only. Through my life lens for whatever purpose I bring to this earth is not for my own vain glory but to Edify, Glorify and acknowledge GOD. 

 Spirituality is felt inspired, and freely given in measure to each human being. 

The words spilling on the pages are a result of GOD's Spirit that lives inside of me, suddenly as I’m being inspired to compose these words, the background music in my head hears Will Downing so sweetly singing a ballad  called “No Love Intended” just wanted people that will take the time to read this rambling blog to understand  my heart is sincere.

Misfits are the sort of people who leave a mark on society not always getting recognized for the gifts they bring.  I believe GOD is always present no HE hasn’t left the building yet. 

 I don’t seem to fit in anybodies cliques, on social media when I began to engage online sharing my opinions, objections using social media networking it was revealed to not be afraid to confront some dire issues facing our World, 

 "My Race...."

  "The Human Race"

As a Woman specially designed by GOD… thrills me that what makes me whole.Validated is a wholesome kind of joy.

Unexplainable but knowing just that; seeds were planted inside of me GOD used many extrodinary people teaching me many, many hard lessons throughout my journey, day by day..lots of tears, fears, threats, experienced living homelessness, longsuffering, and along the way GOD protected me with many unexpected results. I'm still here, walking, living out my purpose. I learned how to forgive, let go, and love people inspite of myself.

I count it all JOY living single. I've come to understand having “that special Man” in my daily life GOD designed just for me, who'd cover me, prays with me the way GOD speaks of in His plan. 

I've had my share, trust and believe it wasn't the men who I encountered that failed me it was my inability to let go and allow GOD to bless me.  

He never meant for a Woman to work hard outside of her home she managed  her home her only assignment was always as Nurturer to the family. Building up the foundation making it possible for the family to thrive together, encouraging her Help Mate til death do us part.  

As Queen of her domain she's adored, cherished, and honored by her King (husband) for Life Partner, her Companion he protects with his life. She is trustworthy. Proverbs 31:11 says that “The heart of her husband trusts in her.” Someone so precious, a nurturer his wife! 

No one violated her honor showed her children were raised to exhibit much respect. Now it's called once upon a time "Fairy tales,"  I wanted that life and to become her raise my children at home have dinner on the table sit and pray and make love at night!  

God had other plans.

"To much is given, much is Required."

Instead of breaking down I always look up beyond the clouds and can smile through any circumstances just knowing “GOD's got this,” all I have to do each day is just show up study, pray , seek to be healthy and have a willingness to grow.  Do the homework with footwork.

  Allow Him to mold me into the person he wants me to become, that’s not an easy task, having such a rebellious spirit throughout my entire life. GOD has taught me how to be content in whatever state I’m in and have patience. 

Trusting GOD's timing has taught me to stay in my lane and know what he has provided for  my sister'her portion, and what he blesses me with is mine.  I learned not to covet have envy of other women - men based upon appearances.  We all have our own Cross to Bare.... Burdens we carry debts we have to pay. Outward appearances based on material things 99.999 percent of the time we're wrong about their plight in life.

I use to be intimidated early walk being a christian stained by my past I felt the decent church ladies might not understand or accept me or my past then  I discovered they had one too. Since that was revealed to me I've never been ashamed of who or what I am ever again. GOD gave me Purpose in life unique as my fingerprints.

That was life changing for me because once I submitted, GOD began to reveal more to me then once I released all of those selfish ways or be on borrowed time.

Why I blog the way I do it's simple, one day,  when I get older and fade away these pages will still exist here in cyberspace.  My children and grandchildren whom I"ve met and for the ones I might not ever meet will hopefully get a glimpse of my character or it'll be here to let somebody hurting just seeking an answer to a question~ know you are not alone or GOD made you unique going through changes in life is part of HIS plan to prepare you for duty to carryout His purpose for you while you exist in this World.  

There is always a tomorrow coming  from  another “Misfit’s point of view. Once you've completed your purpose serving GOD. He promotes us into Eternity to rest. Those we leave behind, our loved ones, friends, and acquaintences will have felt our mark on the world being remembered with love in  "Eternal Life."

 Feel good about yourself we all are still a work in progress with human frailties that’s why I know I'm not ready for prime time yet, still flawed with defects of charactrer I do use profanity  not just when I'm angry, often in jest too thats no not a slip it's my tongue. I'm still learning tact to control that too. Free Will!!!! is a Blessing and a Curse.

God sees through all our carnality because He's not carnal; Humans are!  We all have a purpose in life to fulfil that's what I was taught whatever you have a passion to do, perform that thing without dread or complaint. That's usually it!  
(Thanks Bishop Jakes your ministry taught me how to live that.....)

Often times for most of us it comes without any thanks, or public reward.  In life you think you may deserve so much, but most successes are priceless. Let GOD use you in alright not to be in the public eye - spotlight... Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong if have wealth because most Misfits enjoy life in the fast lane. They have access money, have openended credit some enjoy massive wealth during their whole life.  

Often imitated but never duplicated...They’ll never be another Martin, Malcom,  Medgar, JFK, RFK, Ghandi, Elvis Presley, Billie Holiday, Sammy Davis Jr, Prince, or Michael Jackson but you got alot of folks trying to inspired to emulate them.

Misfits are the people that you’ll never see duplicated no matter how many halograms others often imitator's may try! 


Peace & Love "Keep your head to the Sky"

@Lovleeannwise 2015  all rights reserved.         repost Oct 1, 2014 10:15am